Member Reviews

Boston 1745: When Anna Hoyt inherited her father’s pub near the docks, she became a feme sole merchant, with the legal right to carry on business on her own account, independently of her lazy, abusive husband. Said husband has his own plans for her inheritance, trying to sell it off to the highest bidder.
A person or persons unknown makes her husband problem disappear, and she sets out to make her mark on the business world. She makes a few deals with the devil, fights off bad guys intent on robbing her of her empire by legal means if possible, or by force is need be, and makes the most of her clever mind and feminine charms to become immensely rich and powerful. Anna Hoyt is part mystery, as there are several deaths along the way, part historical fiction, and partly the story of a woman rising from a helpless dependent to a woman of power and wealth. The three parts blend together into one excellent novel.

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This is definitely a unique historical fiction. I learned so much about new England history and was also a bit surprised at our crime loving MC. Overall, not quite the genre for me but if you like historical fiction and a bit of drama, you'll love this one!

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Whew! When the description said "a novel of colonial crime" I didn't think that the main character would be committing so many of them. The pace was brisk, I learned things I didn't know about colonial New England, and generally had a great time. I enjoy stories with a complicated female protagonist and Anna Hoyt delivered. I would gladly read another if there are more to come!

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Anna Hoyt is a unique historical drama about an independent business woman in pre-revolutionary Boston. It's one part peek into the trials of life in the eighteenth century for a young woman, and one part revenge fantasy.

Anna is a complicated protagonist, to put it mildly, and those looking for a morally righteous heroine to root for should look elsewhere. But if you are willing to accept that Anna will never necessarily choose the moral action over the self-interested action, then the experience of living vicariously through this powerful woman can be cathartic for anyone whose been wronged due to their gender.

That said, there are some technical issues I had with the book that kept it, for me, from becoming a truly stellar read. In particular, the balance of tell versus show was a bit off. Long stretches of the tale are told at a remove, filling the reader in on details via exposition which would have come across better if the reader found themselves in the middle of the action via Anna's perspective. Where that does happen, I found myself swept up in the drama and couldn't put the book down as I waited with bated breath to find out what Anna did next. Another weakness of the "tell" passages are the fact that characters, some of which are major (such as Anna's best friend) appear in the story seemingly out of nowhere.

Nevertheless, overall I enjoyed my time spent with Anna and so would anyone interested in life as an ambitious, morally ambiguous woman who holds her own despite being pressured from all sides.

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Dana Cameron struck gold with this novel. Anna has got to be one of the most complex, intriguing female character that I've read in such a long time. A part of me was terrified of Anna and another part wanted her to be even fiercer lol. This book is set in the 1700's when women basically had no rights. The way the men in this book talked down to Anna and treated her was so abusive and triggering. It was so bad that at times even though I thought Anna had taken something too far, I was still rooting for her. Because the lengths that she had to go to to preserve her independence and life were not done out of evil but necessity.

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Dana Cameron has written a wonderful novel,historical fiction at its best.I devoured this story and will be recommending a true adventure that wowed me from first to last page #netgalley#annahoyt

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Dana Cameron continues to impress. Anna Hoyt is a ruthless romp through colonial Bostonian society, full of satisfying and intriguing twists I did not expect. Anna is fierce, brilliant, and unflinching. She makes her way as a woman in business for herself by her wits and brutal pragmatism in the face of hurdles that remain frustratingly timeless.

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I totally imbibed this book and emerged deliciously drunk. Yes, pun intended. Anna Hoyt is one fierce, strong bad ass female who has a take no prisoners attitude to protect her livelihood, maintaining a tavern as a female in pre-revolutionary Boston. I loved her ferocious attitude. And, the prose was so poetic. I could imagine the scenes distinctly and sharply, like I was there. This is a must read for any history buff.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher DCLE Publishing LLC the author Dana Cameron for this ARC.

Anna Hoyt is released on October 8, 2024, pick it up from your local bookstore.

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Anna Hoyt has been described as “A Novel of Colonial Crime” and it doesn’t disappoint. Anna owns a tavern in 1745 Boston, unusual for a woman in that time. She is adept, cutthroat and often vicious in her tactics to advance herself in life. Her path to wealth begins with facing her abusive husband and the competitors to her business. It’s a clever and gripping book, immersing the reader in a seedy part of life in the 1700s. With thanks to Netgalley and DCLE Publishing LLC for this ARC. My opinions are my own.

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Anna Hoyt is a gripping novel set in the bustling, dangerous world of 1745 Boston. The story centres on Anna Hoyt, a resilient tavern owner determined to protect her business from violent threats. The novel brings the colonial era to vivid life, with Anna portrayed as a complex and compelling heroine. Her journey through crime and survival in a lawless society is both brutal and captivating. The unique premise and strong storytelling make this a quick and engaging read.

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“A Novel of Colonial Crime” is right —Anna begins committing crimes within the opening chapters!

Anna is both cruel and capable, mastering her own fate. Despite her questionable actions, I’m all for this woman’s rights and wrongs.

The only thing I would have appreciated is multiple pov’s to provide more detail, as the writing felt somewhat detached from the characters.

Overall, I enjoyed this book as it was easy to follow and made for a quick read :)

Thank you NetGalley, DCLE Publishing and Dana Cameron for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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The story was just wow.
I couldn't stop reading.
Unique premise and characters.
Such a great story telling

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