Member Reviews

The Collaborators by Michael Idov is a spy thriller. Arie Falk, a CIA operative, tries to figure out what is going on with his informant Maya Chao. I did get a little lost in what was going on as the two cris crossed the globe. There seemed to be a lot going on all the time.
I do think a little tighting up the story would make it flow. Thanks for an advanced copy to read.

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The Collaborators is a bona-fide deep-in-your-veins espionage thriller that captures the essence of the trade without compromising the adrenaline-rush of high-stakes fast-paced writing.

The Collaborators is a great read to get your brain juices flowing and an absolute delight for spy fans who take their adventures with a healthy dose of realism and detailed tradecraft. I am so excited to read more from Michael Idov.

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This book just went on and on and on. I think it could have used a lot of editing. It just did not work for me.

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A page turner, to be sure. But, this spy novel doesn’t quite reach the promise of the blurb comparing this to Slow Horses. A fun afternoon read, tho.

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There's nothing wrong here, and plenty right (concept, relevance, timeliness), yet I found myself struggling to stay with the story and keep turning pages... I'm not really sure why - the writing is fine and the idea an intriguing one - beyond saying that the writer's style and my reading style just don't seem to have meshed well.

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Exciting. Good blend of action mystery about who is doing what to whom. Overall premise a bit implausible, but overall very entertaining.

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