Member Reviews

An Amish Christmas Match by Winnie Griggs

Thank you Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for allowing me to read AN AMISH CHRISTMAS MATCH by Winnie Griggs that will be released, September 24, 2024.

This is a delightful story with strong interesting characters and a wonderful storyline. The story is a page turner.

Ms. Griggs does not hesitate to discuss issues that plague our society. Showing that just because disabilities exist, they do not make you incapable of being a wonderful, productive, person.

It is wonderful to watch Phoebe become a strong independent woman as she helps Seth and his brothers co-exist together while still being themselves. Phoebe and Seth learn together and grow together in this story. They are surprised to learn that you can find love In the most unexpected places.

I was given an ARC by the publisher through NetGalley and was not required to give a positive review. This is a wonderful 5-star read.

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What a sweet and beautiful read! I thoroughly enjoyed this story so much!.
I loved watching Phoebe come into her own person.. What a sweetheart..I was honored in getting to know her. My heart went out to this special lady.
I couldn't put this book down until Phoebe told me her story..
I also loved in getting to know Seth's family too. Lots of hurt pasts going on here but it takes a special God to help us make it through our journey as did they
It is a Christmas story and one I definitely felt like a part of. A season of love, good cheer and celebration of Gotte's love (Jesus' birthday of course).
This novel offers hope, love and a special dallop of romance and 2nd chances. Well done!
I didn't want this story to end. I don't like saying goodbye.
This will be going on my shelf of favorites.
5 stars from me for keeping me invested in this story
Such a delightful read! I highly recommend
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine.

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The young Amish woman, Phoebe, knows everyone thinks she is a bit odd. After all, she can't read or write and is a bit clumsy. We do learn the most likely reason for her issues.

Widower Seth Beiler is in over his head. He has his five orphaned brothers to take care of, along with his business and their farm. He had someone helping him until she broke her wrist; now, he needs another housekeeper.

Phoebe is asked to come help out at Seth's farm, and despite her misgivings, she takes on the job.

This story is set just after Thanksgiving and during the rest of the Christmas holidays. While Phoebe is taking care of the brothers, she gains a lot of confidence and brings a lot of joy to this family. During these few weeks, Phoebe and Seth learn to care about each other, yet they don't show it until it is almost too late.

This excellent novel is filled with humor, joy, and a big helping of learning about Amish life. I'm looking forward to reading the next novel in this trilogy (?), and I'm assuming that it will be about the next oldest brother, Levi.

*ARC is supplied by the publisher Forever/Grand Central Publishing, the author, and NetGalley.

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