Member Reviews

Amanda and Dane's story was fab-u-lous!

Wonderful characters, a great plot and great world building, more than a few laughs, a fabulous pet... this was just an awesome read! It was like a new and improved Hallmark Christmas movie with both more steam and more laughs.

I loved this book and definitely recommend it!

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I’m definitely reading more by this author as well, i laughed and smiled so much through this book. Dane and Amanda decide to tempt fate by faking an engagement, to end a family fued. One of my favorite tropes. The spice was 🔥🔥🔥. Top tier romance, comedy, dogs included nothing could get better and with a winter town called tinsel! Amazing!

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Chili stole the story, but that's common with a Pippa Grant story. That's not to say that I didn't love Amanda and Dane and the extended cast. And I really wish I could visit their small town. But Chili had my heart from his introduction.

This is a standard Pippa Grant story with plenty of laughs, cute animals, great banter and a fun town. I thought this wasn't as funny as some of her wackier stories but that said, it shows her strengths because really, she whisked me away to this Christmas village and put me in the Christmas mood. I really did love this slight slow burn Christmas-ish romance with the best doggie side kick!

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Another fun romance novel from Pippa Grant. Will a fake engagement be enough to dissolve the feud between families?

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This book pulled me in from the very first page. This one was a little different than previous books I've read by this author because she mixed a little bit of mystery into the background of this fun story with the element of what caused the feud between the Andersons and the Silvers. And I thought that element of mystery added a lot to the story. Instead of just focusing on Amanda and Dane's love story, we also had the mystery floating around. I loved both the main characters and the supporting cast (and I've got my fingers crossed that Lorelei will get a story of her own). In my humble opinion, no one does rom or com like Pippa Grant.

A sincere thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for providing an advance copy for review.

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How absolutely adorable!

As I am already a fan of this author’s creativity, when I saw this available in Netgalley, I happily requested a copy. Prepare for a highly entertaining stand-alone that highlights the quirkiness and craziness of rom-com characters in a small town. Yup! Sign me up!

Amanda’s life is based on the East coast, while Dane’s is on the West coast. It shouldn’t pose a problem to go back to their Christmas themed Michigan hometown, but unfortunately it does. I admired Dane’s acceptance of Amanda’s situation and his commitment to fixing everything once and for all. Their undeniable chemistry was always apparent, and I found it amusing to witness their attempts to keep it a secret. Oh, the lies!! After finally giving in to the intense chemistry that sparked between them, their relationship experienced a period of happiness... until it didn’t. The Silvers and the Andersons’ feud had an intriguing mystery and a satisfying resolution that I really enjoyed.

While we all have our favorite animal character in the Pippaverse, Chili is now joining the mix as the laziest dog imaginable! He added a cute touch to this story!

Include this in your TBR list as soon as possible; I highly recommend it. Even better, go pre-order it right now. Trust me, you won’t be able to put this book down. It’s funny, steamy, and totally addictive. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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Romeo and Juliet meets Hallmark Christmas movie in this steamy romp about star-crossed nonlovers caught up in a fake romance that could change everything they know in a real big way.

We all know I LOVE a good fake dating/marriage trope. It's my absolute fave. So when I got the opportunity to snag this ARC, I absolutely jumped on it! I loved the way this was written. It had me giggling at Amanda's inner monologue, and I absolutely LOVED the dog!! If in doubt, always add a cute dog to a book and you've sold me.

All in all, this was a super cute, light read with some spice and I had a good time! It was funny to me that it's a Christmas themed book set in the summer, when that's how it is in New Zealand where I am! I loved that this was a Romeo & Juliet retelling. It worked so well!

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The Fake Wedding Project by Pippa Grant
Stars: 4
Spice: R
52 Book Club Summer Prompt #16 - Road Cycling: Book with Jewelry on the cover

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

This book was a delight. All books by Pippa Grant are a delight really but I was especially loving the vibe of small town, Christmas in July, unrequited high school crush that Grant brought to her newest novel. This one is out in October, just in time to remind us all of the heat of summer but the joy of Christmas.

Amanda Anderson is in a tough spot: she is visiting her hometown of Tinsel, Michigan for her grandmother’s retirement from the family gingerbread business. Amanda does not want to stay in Tinsel to run the bakery that has been in the Anderson family for generations. For one thing, she can’t bake, for another, if she were to take over, it would make it even harder for her to hang out with her best friend, Lorelei Silver. See the Silvers and the Andersons are Tinsel's version of the Hatfields and the McCoys, so that friendship would not go over well, which Lorelei’s brother, Dane, knows all too well. He has spent his entire life listening to his family measure everything he does against the Andersons and he is sick of it. So sick that when Amanda suggests they pretend to be dating to see if they can’t force their families to stop this ridiculous fighting, Dane jumps at the chance. It doesn’t hurt that in high school, Dane had the biggest crush on Amanda.

So can this fake-dating, opposites attract couple manage to bring their families together AND fall in love? Well, what do you think?

It’s a fun ride with some fabulous secondary characters and the world’s laziest dog. Grant does an excellent job of mixing hilarious hijinks with tender moments and some great spice, sometimes all at the same time (there is one smoking moment that has you fanning yourself one moment and peeing your pants laughing the next).

I’m ready for some more love stories from Tinsel. And if you haven’t read any Pippa Grant yet, definitely check this one out in October.

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Fake engaged to my best friend's brother? Yes please. Fake engaged to my "secret" hometown best friend's brother? Absolutely. Him agreeing to it to stop the century long feud between both your families? Most definitely.

This was a very cute slow burnish Romeo and Juliete remake that takes place in a year round Christmas town.. but it's summer and during a heat wave. I say slow burnish because even though they kiss nothing really happens until about 63% into the book.

I truly enjoyed getting to know Dane, Amanda and the rest of the crew. The youngest generation was tired of the feud. The town was tired of the feud. It says a lot that when the truth comes out no one is really upset. But Amanda and Dane? Witnessing them fall in love was fun. Dane definitely wasn't boring. Amanda was great at acting like she wasn't affected. And Chili stole the show. It's never a dull moment in a Pippa Grant story. I love it.

*I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review*

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This was a such a fun read, but with a surprising amount of emotional depth and angst.

The family feud needs resolved and Amanda and Dane decide it's time they do that and uncover the reason behind the fued. While all this is baking, in Tinsel town, Amanda and Dane start learning about each other and fall in love.

Such a Hallmark book, lovely emotions, a bunch of nice supportive characters and a bunch of supportive characters you just want to throttle.

Loved it!

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I loved this book! Pippa Grant writes stories that make me laugh out loud, think, cry, and want more. This one was no different.
Dane and Amanda decide to fake being engaged to try to end a family feud that has gone on for generations. And no one even remembers why!
I loved the way the whole town comes together to help. The town itself is a Christmas card all year round. Even though the story takes place in the summer, it could be a Hallmark Christmas movie!

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A holiday-like romance with a Romeo and Juliet feel except where everyone lives and there is a lot of fruitcake. 

In the best Pippaest like way, The Best Wedding Project, is full of hilarious moments, family you love and family you grow to love, and the cutest couple at the center of fib that grows bigger day by day, but I was rooting super hard for by the end.

Dane Silver and Amanda Anderson jump into a fake fiancée/fiancé relationship with the best of intentions, basically it's to sew a generations long tiff between their families- along with other things, but those intentions fall by the wayside the longer Dane and Amanada spend together as their feelings grow. I mean when does the lie begin to turn into the truth, but no matter what they feel, it can't work...can it?  

It was super cute how these two continued to dig a deeper hole as their fib got bigger and bigger. Neither Dane nor Amanda ever planned to fall for each other, or really planned to get entrenched within the town of Tinsel, but it's hard to unwrap one from the other, but watching them fall, while the lie grew was just too much fun. 

The entire town is Christmas themed and how Pippa kept coming up with street names, buisness names, and basically everything was also a fun touch to the story.

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This book is genius level hilarious, “…I thought, what would Amanda do, and since I am Amanda, I decided the best thing to do…” I couldn’t get enough of Amanda’s inner and outer monologue and omg Chili is a scene stealer!

This book had me laughing and loving all the crazy cooky-ness of this small town! Amanda and Dane are trying to save their small town from ruin at the hands of their own families. They have to much to accomplish is a week and decide it’s best if they do it together. They come up with one crazy plan but crazy is exactly what’s needed to fix and set everything right again!

The angst is high and the steam isn’t super heavy in this book but the emotional level runs deep! Dane and Amanda take time to get to know each other and I enjoyed their little moments. When the steam did pick up, it was glorious and written to perfection!

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Hilarious and beautiful, at once! Pippa Grant writes romcoms for romcom lovers! I know I'm always gonna laugh and grin when I pick up one of her books and this one was no exception! Another great one

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This a cute twist on Romeo and Juliet. Dane and Amanda are determined to change how their families treat each other and they come up with a way they think will work. Who would have thought that their idea might become a painful thought to execute in the end? Their plan might have a better ending than they had planned on. I was given an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This story lives up to its synopsis with Romeo and Juliet meets Hallmark with a little bit of steam. The characters were likable and the plot was cozy good! Amanda and Dane were easy to love and made me smile watching them fall in love.

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I usually like Pippa Grant novels. They usually have a good mixture of story, spice, and humor. This one was not the case for me. This book is about two rivaling families. The FMC and MMC fake a relationship to get the rivals to end. This is also a holiday romance, so it has hints of holiday themes in there. I didn't really have any sense of a true connection between the two main characters. This story became more about the families and the rivalry. I wasn't invested or rooting for them. The usual humor and spice was also not really present. The last chapter was just weird. There was minimal spice. Two scenes that end quickly. Overall, I just feel like the execution wasn't there for me with this one.

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The fake wedding project's a cozy ,fast romcom with hallmark movies vibes and it's about a fake engagement between the members of 2 feuding families in a small town that celebrates Christmas everyday!

Some parts of the plot could have been developed better,some things were very predictable in my opinion but in the end as I said before it was a very fast read and good for the xmas and cozy vibes!

Thank you NetGalley and Montlake for ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review

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I’m a big fan of Pippa Grant and this newest book does not disappoint.

Dane and Amanda are a classic “sibling’s brother” story with a twist. He’s her best friend’s brother and her quick mouth and desire to get out of a situation with her family end them up fake engaged, despite not seeing each other since high school (more than a decade ago).

They use the ruse to combat their families’ generations long hatred of each other in a less mortal Romeo and Juliet scenario. Working to uncover the original cause of the rift between their families they get to know each other as adults and the sparks fly.

December would be a more appropriate time to read this story based in a town where it’s Christmas all year round, but there’s never a bad time to fall in love with the town of Tinsel and the characters in this book!

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Welcome to the town of Tinsel, where it is Christmas all year round. The only thing marring this idyllic situation is the Hatfield and McCoy rivalry between the Silver and Anderson families. A fued that has gone on for so long, that no one really remembers what started the fight generations ago.
Amanda can't bake, but is being told that she's inheriting the Gingerbread store. To try to be disinherited, she says she's engaged to Dane Silver.
Dane, who is sick of the rivalry agrees to play along. Maybe they can n end the feud, as was find out it's
origin. It doesn't hurt that he secretly had a crush on Amanda in high school.
These wedding plans become a game of chicken between the intended and the grandparents.
There are feelings and emotions galore flying. There is the laziest dog for a bit of comic relief. There is a slow burn that heats you up.
Overall an enjoyable, satisfying book.
Thank you to Net Galley for the advanced copy.

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