Member Reviews

4* A memorable novel.

Life in the heat and dust of rural Africa, begins in the 1970s during apartheid and the civil war.

Isabelle and Ruben meet at school and become sweethearts, she's from a wealthy family and he's from a poor farm.
Family pressure forces them apart, not meeting again until 30 years later.

For the first part of this book, the reader will need a strong stomach as this is during the violence of the South African Border War. Ruben, although a peaceful man, is drawn into the fighting. Years later friends from the past appear to support him when he needs it most.

Written over a thirty year time span, covering past and present day.

Containing extreme violence, treachery, betrayal, comradeship, true friendship and love.

I must admit that I anticipated much of what happened, this didn't spoil my enjoyment at all. A compelling and memorable novel.

eARC gene

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