Member Reviews

Such a good read that I enjoyed! I'm so glad that I got the chance to read it early and will definitely be recommending it to multiple people who enjoy these types of novels. I enjoyed the characters and especially enjoyed the writing by this author. I'm excited to see what the author comes out with next as I'll definitely be reading it! Thank you to the publisher for my early copy of this book!

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Thank you for the opportunity to review - I really enjoyed reading this, and found it engrossing. I'm curious if a tighter edit might make it even more zippy.

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Growing up Rich always seems to have its consequences…. Oh and sure throw in a family curse while you’re at it.
Two friends that you toggle between “Vantage Points”. But when one friend married the others brother it changed the dynamics …. While the drama unfolds so does the mystery of who’s causing this chaos and why? Will anyone Rich take responsibility for things they don’t get that they feel entitled to?
While reading this book it brings up many questions in where our technology is going and how it can and will be used in the future of society.

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OMG I loved this book. I was immediately intrigued by the storyline and the characters and wanted to know everything about their backgrounds and history. I wish the book had delved more into Jess’s background but overall I really really enjoyed it.

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An intriguing premise, with full-formed characters that engage the reader. The setting is vivid, and I wish this was being released during the summer as the remote yet privileged coastal setting makes this a perfect recommendation for a beach read!

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I wanted to like this, I really did. Overall, it was not a bad read. It just moved more slowly than I wanted it to and left what I felt like were important plot points unresolved or just blew over them. I thought the beginning of the novel through to the middle were well thought out and made sense. The characters were engaging and interesting. I'm not sure what happened with the last fourth or so of the book. It felt unfinished somehow and it felt as if the author was just ready to wrap things up and be done. I wish more explaining had been given and that plot points, like the cameras, had been more fleshed out instead of just swept under the rug at the end.

Overall, an ok summer read, but nothing outstanding here.

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One of my favorite storylines is about rich people with big problems. Add a slice of politics to the mix, making a perfect cocktail. Clara and Teddy lost their parents in a tragic accident. As you can imagine, they have experienced significant trauma. Teddy is married to Clara's best childhood friend and a reluctant campaigner. Clara has dealt with her trauma through drinking and drugs. This is not good for the political campaign, which constantly tries to avoid controversy. This was an entertaining read that moved quickly.

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This was such a thriller to read! Such a suspenseful downfall that made me glad to fall with it. It was so twisty and easy to read. I couldn’t put it down

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The nature of reality and memory, the power of curses and superstitions, and the bonds that tie us together are explored in this taut, timely, and tense novel.

This advanced reader's copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an unbiased review.

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An arresting read about the illusions and the dangers of technology and how it can be used to the detriment of someone’s life and sanity. The Weilands are a rich powerful family. Teddy and Clara are all that are left after the “curse” claimed their parents years ago. That’s right. A family curse that comes around in April. When Teddy runs for a senate seat, videos surface of Clara in an intimate setting. She doesn’t remember filming them, but she’s struggled for years with eating disorders and addiction, so no one believes her that they may be fake. Are they? Or is she losing her grip on reality. Or is there something more sinister going on. Everybody has their secrets.

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So different from anything I've ever read before! An excellent thriller that you won't be able to put down!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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I would first like to thank netgalley and MCB for the arc of this novel. This book definitely had me questioning my own thoughts whilst reading this.
While you would think Teddy and Clara had everything they could ever want while growing up, money, power, and popularity. Although when a tragedy strikes and they lose both their parents in a tragic accident that Clara had to witness. Clara unfortunately did not cope well and had some mental illnesses and someone took advantage of that. While her brother Teddy and best friend/Clara's best friend tries to help, the inadvertently sometimes make it worse. If you are looking for a mystery, thriller, who dunnit without a murder to solve this is it. The ending is perfect and this book will really make you rethink all that you think you know about this book and these characters. Even your own mind.

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An affluent political family, deepfake technology, holograms and a famous family curse, what’s not to love? An utterly absorbing, unique, and intriguing look at the dramatic downfall of a wealthy family after deeply embarrassing videos emerge of each of them, turning a political career into turmoil and raising questions about the line between public-private personas and the nature of truth-fake news in our digital age. Clever, stylish and sinister.

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Sara Sligar has surpassed herself! I did not want to put this sophisticated thriller down!

The characters in Sligar's first novel, <u>Take Me Apart</u> brought to mind Bronte's <u>Wuthering Heights</u> - complete with Sligar's own version of a broody, foul-tempered Heathcliff.

In <u>Vantage Point,</u> there is still a ton of passion steaming below and above the surface, but you have to wonder if Jess is the straight-shooter that she appears to be, and why Clara is so self-destructive - drug abuse and an eating disorder are just a few of her out of control vices) And then there is every romance novelist"s idyllic, ruggedly handsome (not to mention rich!) hero, Teddy... hmmmm!

No spoilers here, but of course, very few of the characters were who they appeared to be. Even Clara surprised me at the very end: who knew she had that in her?!!!

This is a riveting read and well worth the time and effort you will have to put in to untangle the sticky web of ambition, deceit and misdirection shrouding this hapless family.

My thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for an ARC of this very well written novel in exchange for an honest review.

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A dark exploration of modern day sci fi, Vantage Point is clunkier with its characters than with its themes, but it still manages to be a deft story about revenge porn, consent, AI, deep fakes, hologram technology, and digital clones, as well as abusive relationships and the power of the truth.

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Vantage Point is not just a thriller; it’s a page-turner that expertly balances suspense with deep emotional insights. Sligar’s writing is engaging and accessible, making the novel a compelling read from start to finish. Whether you’re a fan of family dramas, political thrillers, or psychological suspense, this book will not disappoint.

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Boy, this book had a lot of things going on! It took me a while to get into the book (though the prologue lived in the back of my mind through the entire book - and I went back to re-read it after finishing and it connects to the end in a really unique way!) because of this.

It was hard to root for any of the three characters, even the non-POV brother, Teddy, for a large portion of the novel. Clara was vulgar for the sake of being vulgar and (maybe?) being a "shock value" character when introduced. Once she started paying attention to the world around her and not feeling sorry for herself, I was elated. As someone who has been there, I was pulled out of the novel at times when she would go on her woe-is-me tangents (because they happened, a lot). Opening her up to the mystery element of the novel gave her the opportunity to shine and become the heroine - and damn she's clever!

Jess and Teddy I could have lived without, but also saw their value as the plot and twist vehicles. Especially in the way the story was told and things were revealed gradually (after the beginning, when SO many things were introduced all at once).

My absolute favorite part of the novel was the formatting and Wikipedia/Social Media elements included (I actually began thinking about Googling this family, because the segments made them seem so real).

Overall, I needed to finish it and connected so strongly with the heroine. But let's be honest - they ALL needed therapy, and some of them needed to realize the world wasn't revolving around them. If that was the author's goal, then she achieved it and then some. I haven't been that annoyed by characters in a long time.

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Let me tell you - I struggled to get into this book for a bit but once I was in I was HOOKED. The dynamic between Clara, Jess and Teddy was so odd but intriguing. Each character gave me emotional whiplash throughout the book, and I still don’t know how I feel about them all! The tech aspect of the book was neat as well although I do wish there was some deeper explanations into how the tech worked as I think that would have connected the dots more. All in all I really enjoyed reading!

Thank you to NetGalley and Farrar, Straus and Giroux/MCD for this ARC!

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Vantage Point was an unexpected delight! The novel follows the Wieland family (think Kennedy) as one member runs for office and the other falls apart in a blaze of scandal. A subtle commentary on the social media age we live in, who among the family will be left standing in the face of controversy? Although these characters are not particularly likable, who can say no to tales of the rich and powerful behaving badly?

I rate this book 5 stars, and recommend it to someone looking for a thought provoking thriller with a political edge. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for making an advance copy of this book available for my honest review.

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The Wieland family has both monetary wealth and a wealth of scandals. After the tragic loss of their parents, Teddy and Clara stay close to each other. Clara has emotional issues and an eating disorder and Teddy protects her. Issues ensue when Teddy and Jess, Clara's best friend, fall in love. Throw in some politics and a ruthless enemy for an interesting plot twisting story.

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