Member Reviews

I needed a light contemporary romance book to balance out all my fantasy reads and so I read this one. Here are my thoughts:


+ This one is a quick read and it’s light on the romance. It’s a coming of age story about a girl named Jackie who doesn’t know what her next steps are after high school but that doesn’t mean she’s not doing anything about that. She runs a romance advice blog that has been going viral, and for her day job, she dresses up in a frog costume and deals with the kids. Not only that, her older sister got her a job at her workplace. So it’s not like Jackie is not trying, she’s definitely trying to find her way and that’s relatable.

+ There is an enemies to lovers romance between Jackie and her manager, Wilson. I thought their banter was really funny. He’s uptight and Jackie is the opposite. They would have stayed enemies is Jackie didn’t offer to help him get his ex-girlfriend back. I thought it was a cute romance.

+ Jackie’s relationship with her older twin sisters, Jillian and Julie, is a big part of this story. They are already almost set in their careers so it makes Jackie feel like she’s a person with no direction. The sisters definitely have a close bond and a lot of the conflict in the story deals with mostly that relationship. There is another relationship that is important to her, which is the one she has with her best friend who is leaving for college, so Jackie is juggling a lot of things at one time.


~ I felt like Wilson came off older than Jackie – and he is – but he just seemed way older than her even though they were only like a year or two apart in age. He is set with a lot of responsibility though, so I can see that but there were times I just couldn’t picture him as a 19 year old.

Final Thoughts:

I read this book fairly quick and I think for teens and young adults, they would relate a lot with Jackie. I was looking for a light, young adult, contemporary romance and this one is pretty entertaining.

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I really enjoyed <i>The Upside of Falling</i> when I read it quite a while ago now, so I was really excited to read another YA contemporary romance by her.

This book follows Jackie, who has just graduated from high school and is at a crossroads. She didn’t apply to college and doesn’t really know what she wants to do with her life. After inadvertently giving love advice about how to break up with someone on her small blog that turns out to be helpful and impactful, she decides to start helping people break up, using her older sisters’ dating lives as the relationship model since she doesn’t have much dating experience.

This story was an excellent blend of funny and also poignant. The author really captured Jackie’s lost feeling after high school. Her friends are moving on and she doesn’t even know if she wants to go to college at all, let alone what to study. Her feelings were realistic and natural, which made her easy to relate to.

I also really liked her relationship with her sisters. They were always there for each other, and Jackie’s love of them really came through.

The book had quite a few humorous moments, mostly due to Jackie’s sarcastic sense of humor, which clashed with her boss Wilson.

I LOVED Wilson. He was very strait laced and serious, and I liked seeing Jackie bring him out of his shell a little bit.

The romance was super cute and full of tension and chemistry. I loved them together and honestly could have used MORE of them!

This was such a fun contemporary! I’d definitely recommend it.

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Thank you Net Galley and Alex for allowing me to read your novel. This was a nice light romance between coworkers. I loved the friendship between Jackie and Suzy. It’s a cute YA romance.

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I’ve been a fan of Alex Light since “The Upside of Falling” and after reading the description for “It’s Not Me, It’s You” I couldn’t wait to read it. Thank you so much Net Galley and Harper Collins for providing me with a copy of “It’s Not Me, It’s You” to read and provide my honest review. I loved this book! I truly wish I had this book when it was my summer before college. Growing up and figuring life out can be such a daunting experience, especially when it feels like everyone else has a handle on life and is moving on to bigger and better things. I think Alex Light really portrayed this so well with Jackie, which is why I was, and likely many others will be, able to find Jackie to be so relatable. Watching Jackie work through her own conflicts really makes you feel validated for all of your own setbacks of similar circumstances. I think this is why I really enjoy Alex Light’s books, because she puts into words the things that I’ve struggled with in the past, and not only validates these struggles as real hardships, but being able to see her characters not only get past everything, but grow from it, gives me hope and (kind of) heals my past self.

I really love how this book not only centered on the romance, but heavily focused on sibling relationships and important friendships. I appreciate that Jackie learned from her mistakes and needed to figure herself out without Wilson. She wasn’t relying on the boy for self discovery. She did it herself, and then their relationship continued develop. I really loved Jackie and Wilson’s relationship. Banter is my favorite form of communication and it was done so well between them! Watching their banter go from antagonistic to flirty is one of my favorite things and the development in this book was so seamless. They were so wholesome and I loved every second of them. Jackie and Wilson did have me giggling and kicking my feet.

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A cute love story with the realization that the person who is your arch nemesis might not be all that bad.

I loved Wilson’s nickname for Jackie, Froggy. It starts out as him making fun of her for having to wear a frog costume at their job, Monte’s Magic Castle. Froggy then turns into an endearing nickname. You can see that switch when Wilson finally starts calling Jackie by her first name and shares more personal things about himself. The more they hang out Jackie has this moment of realization that Wilson isn’t as bad as she thought he was. He actually is a good guy. Their back and forth banter really made the story come to life and it made me fall in love with these two characters.

I enjoyed all of the characters in this book. Suzy and Jackie’s friendship is so special. They would always have movie nights and they have always been neighbors. It’s sad that Suzy is moving away to go to college and Jackie is trying to find herself and see what her life is like without her. It was nice seeing Jackie’s bond with her older sisters and how much they all care for each other. A special shoutout to Julie’s cat that doesn’t have a name but Jackie decided to call him Mr. Chunks. I couldn’t stop laughing as soon as Julie brought him home and he hid under the couch.

This is definitely a book that I would read again. I can’t wait until it comes out in November and I can recommend it to my friends to read as well. Alex Light’s writing is incredible and keeps readers engaged and wanting to find out what will happen next. Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Alex Light wrote an enticing and charming book that balances humor, relationships, self-discovery, and siblings. If you love heartwarming stories this book is for you.

This was a super cute enemies to lovers YA book with lots of self-discovery along the way. I loved Seeing Jackie develop throughout the story. Her witty, beyond sarcastic, kind, passionate personality hooked me right away!

Jackie Myers is a sarcastic lovable character that you can’t help but fall in love with. During the day, she's an humble young woman, but after hours, she secretly runs pleasebreakmyheart, a viral social media account dedicated helping those who seek relationship advice. Watching Jackie try and balance this double life is both fascinating and entertaining. Her journey through the moral complexities of her actions provides a compelling foundation to the story.

HIGHLY recommend this novel

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Finally. I finished it. I guess it was okay for a light romance between two co workers. I was hoping for more of a romance story. There wasn’t much of one at all until much later in the book. But I got more of a sister’s relationship story. Which was just okay. If you enjoyed her other books you will enjoy this one. Overall, it a an okay family bonding story. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for my ARC in exchange for my review.

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After her blog goes viral and she accidentally breaks up her rival boss and his adorable girlfriend, Jackie decides to help him win her back.

A super fun story with an adorable love interest, a frog costume, a viral heartbreak blog and family drama. I thoroughly enjoyed this for what it was: cute and fun. It felt very juvenile, because I believe it was intended to be. Our FMC, Jackie, just graduated high school and has no plans for her future. She embarks on a journey of self discovery, self love and teenage love.

Pacing felt a bit off, or perhaps I just lost interest easily. I did appreciate that this book knew what it was, and didn't try to be overly and artificially deep in any way. It felt genuine in its youthfulness and teen vibes.

Overall- cute, good, fun. A teen girl goes through it without having life altering trauma, which was so refreshing and should be more normal.

A huge thank you to Alex Light, HarperCollins and NetGalley for the ARC <3

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Thank you to NetGalley and the author for provided me with an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.
When Jackie Myers accidentally breaks up her boss and arch nemesis’ Wilson and his girlfriend’s perfect relationship she is determined to right her wrongs and help them get back together. Unfortunately for her she starts to care a little more than she should… Let me start by saying this is the most tooth rotting fluffy romance. If you read and enjoyed Alex Lights other books you will definitely like this. It could lean towards being a little wattpady at times but I think you kind of have to expect that with this author and it’s not necessarily a bad thing. The only issue I had with this is that I feel like Jackie’s older sisters acted very juvenile and Wilson acted very comically old for his age. Like I just couldn’t buy into the fact that a teenager was running a business by himself that’s kind of unrealistic. I also think the third act conflict was solved pretty fast considering the magnitude of it. Other than that I really enjoyed this.

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3.5 stars!

This delightful YA novel is an absolute gem! The story follows Jackie, who lands a summer job at Monte's Magic Castle right after her high school graduation. As the official frog entertainer for kids' birthday parties, Jackie despises her job and her overbearing superior, Wilson, the assistant manager. Wilson demoted her from waitress to frog after catching her chatting on the phone during work—such a stickler for rules!

Things take an interesting turn when Jackie realizes she might have accidentally encouraged Kenzie, Wilson's ex-girlfriend, to break up with him. Now, burdened by guilt, she’s on a mission to help Wilson win Kenzie back, or she’ll be crushed by the weight of her conscience!

This book is packed with charming moments and the heartwarming vibes that make YA novels so endearing. The bond between Jackie and her sisters is beautifully portrayed and adds a lovely depth to the story. Jackie’s wit and humor kept me laughing out loud, especially her banter with Wilson!

YA novels always fill me with nostalgia, taking me back to simpler times of innocent love. This book is a perfect summer read that everyone can enjoy!

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omg i really like alex light books and this was so good im so glad i read it! i love the breaking hearts vibes and ugh wilson is so hot

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This was so effin adorable! 💕

Jackie works at Monte’s Castle where she dresses up as a frog, much to her dismay. All because of Wilson, the manager’s nephew. When their current manager has to step down, Wilson takes the spot and Jackie is more than annoyed. In the meantime, she posts her every thought to her iDiary blog. When she accidentally starts a breakup advice column, she unknowingly helps Wilson’s girlfriend break up with him. When she realizes, she immediately comes up with a plan to help her nemesis get his girlfriend back. But what if she starts to develop feelings for him along the way?

This was a super cute enemies to lovers YA romance with some self discovery sprinkled in. I loved Wilson and Jackie’s banter and the way they had more in common than they knew. I enjoyed following Jackie’s journey on learning how to balance friendships, relationships and siblings.

This was fast paced and kept me interested the whole time!

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Alex Light's It's Not Me, It's You is a delightful and captivating read that expertly balances humor, romance, and self-discovery. This novel is a gem for anyone looking for a feel-good story with a modern twist.

Jackie Myers is a fascinating loveable character who everyone will fall in love with. By day, she's an unassuming young woman, but by night, she secretly runs pleasebreakmyheart, a viral social media account dedicated to breaking hearts and ending relationships. Jackie’s dual life is both intriguing and entertaining, and Alex does a fantastic job of making her both relatable and unique. Her journey through the moral complexities of her actions provides a compelling backbone to the story.

Enter Wilson, the seemingly perfect assistant manager who is Jackie’s sworn enemy. He’s organized, meticulous, and the opposite of everything Jackie stands for. When Jackie's actions inadvertently lead to the breakup of Wilson's picture-perfect relationship, she decides to help him win his ex-girlfriend back—a task that proves to be both challenging and enlightening.

The dynamic between Jackie and Wilson is electric. Their witty banter and evolving relationship keep readers hooked from start to finish. Alex skillfully develops their characters, transforming their initial animosity into a nuanced and believable romance. Watching their relationship unfold is a joy, filled with laugh-out-loud moments and heartfelt scenes.

Alex Light's writing is engaging and full of charm. Her ability to create vivid characters and lively dialogue makes the book a page-turner. The story is well-paced, ensuring that there is never a dull moment. Each chapter leaves you wanting more, eager to see how Jackie and Wilson's story will unfold.

It's Not Me, It's You is a wonderfully entertaining and heartwarming novel. Alex Light has crafted a story that is as thoughtful as it is fun, with characters that resonate long after the book is closed. It's a perfect read for anyone who enjoys a clever, modern romance with a lot of heart. Highly recommended!

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Very fun, light hearted story. Cute characters. Quick easy read that hooks you and makes you smile. Easy to recommend.

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