Member Reviews

This book had every ingredient for it to be a success: pirates, QUEER pirates, a hot priest, and money, lots of it. 'Running close to the wind' is steeped in a type of humour that often relies on sexual jokes, which I would've enjoyed if it weren't present in every other sentenced. The main character, Avra Helvaçi, was particularly guilty of this. Between that and his annoying personality, I couldn't stand his interactions with other characters that I liked much better, like Teveri or Brother Julian. I eventually quit the book at around 60% of the audiobook.
With that said, don't let this review stop you from picking up the book -or the audiobook: I'm certain many people will enjoy the 'Our flag means death' aesthetic, the humour and will even warm up to Avra's personality.

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I finished listening to this audiobook and immediately started it over again. It was THAT good. Running Close to the Wind read by Casey Jones is possibly the best thing to happen to me since I discovered Brandon Sanderson's works (as read by Michael Kramer). The dry, quick wit and absurd humor put me in mind of Terry Pratchett (if Terry Pratchett's characters had been unapologetically horny). The crew of The Running Sun kept up an easy, familiar banter that was never forced and always genuinely laugh-out-loud funny. The queer-normative, chosen-family warmth made this world feel so cozy. I was also absolutely delighted with the audiobook's narrator. He was so animated that I felt like I was listening to him read a script rather than a story, which was perfect for this fairly dialogue-heavy book. Will definitely be buying this for my personal library!

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DNF for now. I could not get into this story and I'm not sure if it was the writing style itself or the characters or honestly what it was. I really thought I was going to enjoy this but barely made it into the book before I just found myself exhausted from reading it. May come back to it at some point!

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I tried. I truly tried.
I got 30% into this book and it is genuinely one of the most bizarre things I have ever read.
I just could not force myself to continue with reading this story.
Book taste is incredibly subjective and I don't want my lack of interest in this story to dissuade another reader, but I also want to prioritize my enjoyment while reading and this book was not bringing me joy.

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This was absolutely, delightfully bonkers. Avra has found himself aboard his ex's ship with one of the most important stolen secret's from the Ministry. He finds himself looking for the right buyer but will do almost anything to save his butt. He is a self proclaimed 'silly little slut' and initially this was very entertaining .. however it did become a bit infuriating as the story unfolded. This was very likely the intended outcome. There was a lot of sexual innuendo's throughout but then zero spice which I found quite surprising!

Tev's inventories at the beginning of the chapters were hilarious and I feel like if I need a little pick me up I might just listen to a couple. He is also a much more interesting character. Oh and ofcourse there is a stunning but celibate priest... I found the second half of the story quite slow because the constant innuendo's but not a huge amount of world development. I think there are lots of people who will love this who are looking for a more cozy, funny fantasy with not a huge amount of stakes.

Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.

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Avra Helvaçi, a former field agent for the Arasti Ministry of Intelligence, has accidentally stolen the world's most valuable secret. With nowhere else to go, he flees to the open sea. To find a buyer with deep enough pockets, Avra seeks help from his on-again, off-again ex, the pirate Captain Teveri az-Haffar. Although Teveri is not thrilled to see him, they team up to take the information to the isolated pirate republic of the Isles of Lost Souls, fence it, and profit. However, a shrewd new Arasti ambassador to the Isles is watching Avra's every move.

I really wanted to like this book. The description sounded perfect for me, but it fell short. The humor didn't resonate with me and quickly became tiresome. The narrator did a great job with the voices, but overall, this book was just not for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and RB Media.

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Alexandra Rowland's newest fantasy novel, <i>Running Close to the Wind</i> is a fun, sexy pirate romp with a full cast of vibrant queer characters. Set in the same world as <i>A Taste of Gold and Iron</i>, this story takes the reader to the seas, where former Arasti spy Avra is once again on a ship with his sometimes lover Captain Teveri. But this time, there is a new face aboard - Julian, a very pretty monk - and Avra has found himself in a rather odd sort of trouble involving stolen government information.

This book is fun. The audio narration is excellent and Casey Jones absolutely nails the characters' voice inflections and sass. I would not have enjoyed this reading experience quite as much had I read a print copy. Rowland gets lots of credit from me for the amount of humor they pack into each scene in this one - the banter between Avra and Tev is laugh-out-loud kind of funny. But Avra and Tev themselves fall short of fully realized characters due to a lack of development and description from the beginning. I could tell you what Avra's shorts look like, but not what color hair he has; what Tev's coat represents but not their complete backstory. Despite reading this entire book, I still don't feel like I know these characters in the same way I knew Kadou and Evemer after reading their story.

Another thing I have to mention - this is not <i>like</i> <u>Our Flag Means Death</u> (a hilarious queer dark comedy tv show about pirates). This could be adapted fan-fiction of <u>Our Flag Means Death</u> and I'm not convinced it isn't. To be clear, I'm a fan of the show and I enjoy a queer pirate comedy as much as anyone else. But Tev and Avra are so Ed and Stede coded that the similarities tend toward too much.

I would also be remiss if I did not say this: for a book with so many mentions of sex (it's a main theme people!), of sexuality, of attractiveness, it is a travesty that there is not one iota of on-page sex in this book. If you're looking for spicy pirates, look elsewhere.

And yet! Despite all this criticism, <i>Running Close to the Wind</i> gets a whopping four star rating because I needed to listen to the nearly 15 hours of audio like I needed food for three straight days.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this audio arc!

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It's a 4 but like a really high 4. This book was so much fun!

A very different vibe than A Taste of Gold and Iron but I think I liked it even more? The audiobook had me laughing within the first 4% and overall the humor really worked for me.

Not only did I really like our main characters but I also really enjoyed the dynamic of the ships crew. I also really liked the fantasy aspects within the book, we see ghosts, glowing dogs, and more.

Overall I would say this is a silly fun good time with lots of raunchy humor.

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I recently listened to Alexandra Rowland's audiobook "Running Close to the Wind," narrated by the incredibly talented Casey Jones, and I was thoroughly captivated. Casey Jones brought the characters to life with distinctive voices and expressive narration, making each character, from Avra to Captain Teveri to Brother Julian, uniquely vivid and engaging. The narration added an extra layer of enjoyment, enhancing the already thrilling and humorous story. **I found that the ideal listening speed for this novel was at 1.5x, which perfectly matched the fast-paced, chaotic energy of the story.

For readers who enjoy Alexis Hall’s books, Alexandra Rowland’s writing offers a similar blend of humor, heart, and well-developed, diverse characters. Both authors excel at creating queer-normative worlds filled with wit and adventure, making "Running Close to the Wind" a delightful experience for fans of Alexis Hall.

While I immensely enjoyed the audiobook, I believe some books, including works by Alexis Hall and Rowland’s "Running Close to the Wind," are best experienced in print, and the audiobooks can be used to further enhance the reading experience. The narrative’s complexity, with its frequent shifts between multiple characters, can sometimes be challenging to follow in audio format. Reading the book allows for a more immersive experience, where the reader can easily track character perspectives and savor the chaotic, humorous dialogue at their own pace.

"Running Close to the Wind" is a wild ride featuring queer pirates, sea serpents, and a wealth of hijinks. The story follows Avra Helvaçi, a former Arasti spy, who teams up with his ex, pirate Captain Teveri az-Haffar, to sell a highly valuable secret. Along the way, they encounter a mysterious monk, a cunning ambassador, and the perilous seas during serpent breeding season. The book is a hilarious, adventure-packed romp that left me in stitches.

Overall, I highly recommend the audiobook for its stellar narration, but for those who prefer a deeper connection with the story, reading the print version might be the way to go. Either way, "Running Close to the Wind" is an adventure you don’t want to miss!

Thank you Alexandra Rowland, Tordotcom, & NetGalley for this ARC.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. This is my honest review.

An unhinged pirate Captian, a mostly retired spy, and a previously slutty-turned pious monk sail into a deadly sea of giant turtles and toothy glowing serpents. It sounds like the most ridiculous set up to a joke and, honestly, it is!

I don't know that I have ever read a funnier book than Running Close to the Wind, filled with specifically queer niche humor from backroom Tumblr posts and feverishly shared AO3 fics. Will this book be for everyone? No. But there are a few things about it that really make it uniquely special - and needed - in the current LGBTQIA+ community.

There is a lot of raunchy humor, especially from our Main POV, Avra. The majority of my queer reader friends, regardless of their prefences, Ace or otherwise, have laughed at and with the terribly horny friend. Avra is that friend. He is insatiable in his raunchiness, which could be a little annoying for some, but I find weirdly endearing? He says outrageous things, he annoys for the sake of attention - negative or positive - he doesn't think he deserves real love, and he is like so many beloved queer gremlins I call my dearest friends that I can't help but adore him.

Tev, the Pirate Captian, is jaded and broody. They have seen some real shit, have escaped oppressive living conditions, all the while flipping off the government on their way out. They are the ultimate "stick it to the man" type of queer, get rich and finally be respected and welcomed. They are loyal and protective, with a hot anger that stews for a bit before boiling over. Deep below that hardened exterior is such a beautiful soul.

Julian is the gorgeous - infuriating celibate - monk that joined the crew while Avra was away. He is the pretty boy that is also quite brilliant, maybe has a little too much going for him (what is wrong with him?!?!) but can also read people really well. He's pationate about those in his care, also wants to take down the corporate governments, and won't get off his soap box once he starts!

I've only read one other book from Alexandra Rowland - A Taste of Gold and Iron - which is, previously to this one, my favorite book I've ever read. Now I'd say it is my favorite Romance, where RCttW is there for favorite comedy. This book does touch on past books of Alex's but not so much that you won't understand whats going on if you start with this one. If you love books that don't have a heavy plot, but do focus deeply on characters this is for you. It is fast paced while also taking time for the silly things. It made me laugh out loud numerous times while also cry from how deeply it touched on certain topics.
It highlights a story that I've not seen told elsewhere - one where the main character is not particularly pretty, talented, powerful, or even well liked, save for just being Cursed (or Blessed?) with extremely luck - of which he will argue the validity.

As for the audio - I read both the earc and the audio arc - it is fantastic. I am deeply in love with Casey Jones' characters, inflection, and overall magic of pronunciation. I would read ANYTHING narrated by them. They didn't fall short with Running Close to the Wind, instead I feel it gained extra life. I can still hear Avra screeching, "CAPTAINNNN!" and smile everytime I think of it.

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Are you interested in reading a book about a bird-brained, self-proclaimed, bi, silly little slut who accidentally steals secrets from his employer, the Ministry of Intelligence? He then quits his job and ends up on a pirate ship, seeking safe travels and help from the non-binary, grumpy Pirate captain that is his on-again-off-again lover. There is also a really hot, celibate priest on board and sea serpents in the water!

If you enjoy a story that is part adventure, feels cozy, possibly kind of romantasy, definitely absurd and humorous mixed with vulgar jokes and language, this book might be for you!

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What a perfectly fun and unserious book that also managed to be horny and heartwarming! It filled the void of queer pirates that was left by Our Flag Means Death perfectly. Avra was wildly annoying, but I also think that’s part of what made him so endearing by the end. This is the first audiobook I’ve listened to narrated by Casey Jones and he was an excellent choice.

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i dislike this book but i wont lie the writing is not bad. however the whole book is about julian and how he is “so hot”. i don’t like it.

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There's a strong likelihood that I am just not fun enough for this book lol. It's incredibly silly and EXTREMELY raunchy. Avra cannot go 2 words without mentioning sex, often graphically. He may just be the horniest person to ever exist. At first I thought it was funny (like the whole "I want to swallow your d* like a python") but it just got so overused that I got desensitized. Eventually it wasn't hot or funny and just became kind of annoying. Plus Avra's weird throat noises, which he made a lotttt, did not translate well in audiobook form. Avra in general behaves like a teen and him and Tev both are so emotionally immature that it shocked me they were mid to late thirties. Tev is like an angsty sulky teen to Avra's hyped-on-sugar childish behavior. Thank goodness Julian is around to teach them how to express themselves like fully formed people lol. Speaking of Julian- he is perfect, no notes. Not only is he physically hot but his maturity, smarts, and behavior was also hot as hell. So much so that you kinda get blue balled because there's so much talk of sex but no sex scene. But my favorite scene in the whole book was when he was acting like a marriage counselor and making both Avra and Tev communicate better in the dog forrest. Which reminds me I want a glowing blue dog so bad. I will be looking up fanart when this book is released just to see people's interpretations because how fricking cute?!? (And I loved how Tev was afraid/ so wary of the sweet dogs too while Julian was a natural).
I also did not believe or understand why the whole crew and Tev particularly was SO mad at Avra. Leaving him in the middle of the ocean in only a sail boat without provisions is an out of proportion response to him writing an embarrassing sex song. Especially since he was supposedly part of the crew/ family and Tev's right hand man before that. I get being upset but that explanation fell flat.
I think I went into this with the wrong expectations. I was expecting a polyamorous pirate fantasy and there wasn't a lot of pirate-y ness overall. At least not as much as I would've wanted. The last quarter of the book actually turns into a cake competition a la Great British Bakeoff. And because of the overall silly tone of this book, I would more recommend this to fans of Legends & Lattes rather than usual pirate fantasy lovers.
While I don't think I fully got the magic system (the turtle astrology was interesting but if I think about it too hard I can't make sense of it), it was fun and I really liked Avra's magical luck and how it influenced the story/ how other characters reacted to it. Finally, I wanted to make sure to mention the rep- Tev (a main character) is nonbinary and there's a lot of different queer relationships.
Thank you RB Media and Netgalley for an early copy of the audiobook!

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I'm not quite sure how to put into words how much I enjoyed this book. This is one of the most solid 5 star adventures I have had in a while. I truly wish this story went on and on because I lived for this world and the characters. Please let there be more books. I wasn't quite sure where this book was going, I would have never guessed where it went, and I was delighted by the entire thing. This was an impeccably composed story where character details and plot points reveal themselves in clever ways - a much attempted but rarely accomplished feat. I greatly appreciate the amount of crafting that went into the characters because they are fully realized and as the story progresses you can feel the pull of their stories - it's fantastic. And the book is funny! I just adore these characters, all of them. Casey Jones brings them all to life so well. I just enjoyed the shit out of this book. I would wholeheartedly recommend this book but I would especially get this book into the hands of those with a hole in their heart from Our Flag Means Death. Thank you NetGalley and RB Media/Recorded Books for the advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I really wanted to like this book, but I just couldn't. I either needed this to be a funny quirky novella or for the sex jokes to be turned down just a notch. I like dirty jokes more than the average reader, and I loved the queer normativity in this book, but there were so many sex jokes that they ended up being repeated.... often.

I am grateful to Netgalley and Recorded books for the audio ARC - I do think the narration was exceptionally well done and I thought Avra's voice was just perfect. I do think I'll try other books from this author in the future, this just didn't work for me.

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I really wanted to like this book. The description sounded like something I would love. But I did not end up liking it. The humor was not for me. It got old real quick. The narrator did a great job with the voices. This book was just not for me.

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Running Close to the Wind is a queer pirate fantasy adventure, which means it should be absolutely FANTASTIC. I feel awful about rating it 2 stars, but it really, really did not work for me. Avra, the main character, continually described himself as a "silly little slut" and made the worst decisions.

I found that I was not rooting for any of the characters & there were constant sex jokes. Which is fine, but I just didn't think it had a good enough plot to back that up. They did a great job with queer representation though, so I was happy to see that!

Thanks to NetGalley, Alexandra Rowland, and RB Media for the chance to read and review. My opinions are my own and, obviously, lots of folks love this one so still give it a chance!

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The book started off decent and by the end, I couldn’t care for any of the characters. One character was obsessed with sex and being used for sex, and that’s the only thing I can remember about this book. To compare it to Our Flag Means Death is kind of sad.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for the aAUD of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I was excited to start this one, and while parts were great, so much of this just wasn't for me. The characters were semi-likeable, and the plot moved quickly enough.
If you like constant sex "jokes," and a tiny bit of pirate adventure then this one is probably going to be an amazingly fun read for you.

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