Member Reviews

Phew, it’s kind of hard for me to rate this book.
I would definitely put it in the sex jokes / humour corner and I don’t know if I would have read/listened to it if I had known that beforehand. Probably not, because I absolutely don’t like that sort of thing.

I was actually on the verge of quitting the book after an hour or so because I couldn’t cope with the sheer mass of „Oh I’m so horny and you’re so hot and I want to suck you off“ jokes.
On top of that, the book gets into the story so abruptly that it feels like a short story. You simply have no idea what’s going on and it takes a really long time to really understand everything → especially on an emotional level.
I probably only kept listening because I wanted to know if it would get better and somehow the characters really grew on me over time. (I really didn’t expect that tbh) Despite all the annoying jokes, Rowland manages to create characters that creep into your heart and make you root for them. And yes, at some point I could even deal with the inappropriate jokes because that’s just how this character is → even if I still wanted to punch him in the face.

The book is driven by the characters, because the story itself is relatively „flat“. From the blurb, I was kind of expecting a kick-ass adventure, but somehow everything seemed very superficial and only got a little depth from the characters and their stories.
In my opinion, it’s an in-between reading experience where you definitely have to be able to deal with the fact that one of the three main characters gets horny all the time and always has to communicate it.
Is he likeable and endearing? Yes.
Is he annoying? Yes.
Do you still want to hug him in the end? Also yes.

Until the end, you get the feeling that you’re only witnessing a glimpse of the lives of the main characters, and somehow that’s the case. The before and after somehow remain a mystery and the snapshot you get is so damn short that I wanted to bang my head against the wall.
It really does feel like a short story.

I didn’t expect to like this crazy and weird book because it doesn’t take itself seriously. Maybe that’s what made it so likeable in the end. I couldn’t take the book seriously, but the book didn’t take itself seriously either.
So we allied ourselves with each other and rolled our eyes together.

English audiobook:
The audiobook was phenomenal!!! Casey Jones delivered as if his life depended on it. I can’t even put into words how much life he breathed into the characters and how he made my ears (positively) cry.
It. Was. Extraordinary!
The sound quality was great and there were no distracting noises.
If you’re interested in the book itself, I definitely recommend the audiobook <3

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Actual Rating: 4.5/5 Stars

I literally read this book in a single day. A single sitting basically. I think I put it down a total of 5 times and that was to go to the bathroom and eat. Have you ever wondered what a book following Klaus from Umbrella Academy would be like? Well wonder no more because this book is just as unhinged and wild and stupid as he is. I loved it so much. I can already tell it won’t be for some people because it really is just so silly. But it’s so much more than the silly (although I quite liked it) and it is such a shame that someone might miss out on this story and its depth and nuanced relationship development because they found Avra to be too silly (which is his whole thing so you’re just playing into how he wants you to think of him). If you want a fun and wild adventure that made me smile so many times while I read it then this is the book for you. I loved our silly little polyamorous relationship we spent the whole book creating and I hope you will love the three of them as much as I did.

Note if you’re coming for spice this book surprisingly had zero smut. Very horny. But zero smut. Just so you know. I enjoyed myself but others might be let down.

Rep: pan mc (he/him)
pan li (he/him)
pan li (they/them)

Thank you to the publisher for providing this audioARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I honestly can't decide if I liked this. I'm rounding up from 2.5.

It is funny, that's something.

I think when it comes down to it the only reason I finished this was the narrator (I received the audiobook). The narrator was AMAZING. But even having said that I was exhausted from being edged for 15hrs. It was just too much. I don't think I could physically read the ending made me so angry. It wouldn't be worth it.

Overall, I think this was all talk and no action. Probably would have been better received as a novella.

I received this audiobook as an ARC and am leaving my review voluntarily and honestly

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Whaaaaaaaat?!?! This is the most unhinged, off the wall, crazy thing I have ever read. I kinda loved it.

Running Close to the Wind is a hilarious queer pirate comedy that is unlike anything I have ever read. It is hyper sexual in language, though not actually smutty at all, and completely ludicrous. The main character, Avra, is so annoying and endearing - he’s like a pirate version of Tom Haverford from Parks and Rec. Endlessly lucky, eternally clever, and everlasting horny, Avra drives the entire crew insane, including his on again off again love, Teveri. Teveri, the gender fluid captain who escaped from the cult of his homeland, is a far less demonstrative character, though they do join Avra in openly lusting for the dreamy monk, Julien, who took a vow of celibacy after years of being very, er , active.

There is a plot in here somewhere. Trying to figure out how to sail without being attacked by sea serpents, politics within the region, protecting cake during a very intense competition - but I didn’t stick around for the plot. This book is just really funny. It’s absolutely too much in every way. Is it too sexual, too repetitive, too objectifying, too crass, too unbelievable and kind of too damn good. It’s just hijinxs and entertainment. If you don’t expect anything more and you have a base level of depravity in you already, you’ll have a good time. The writing is easy, the characters are well developed and so raucous, and the humor is off the charts. Enjoy!

I was lucky enough to get an ARC of the book and audiobook and loved experiencing both version. The audio is particularly superb, Casey Jones nails every voice and makes an already hilarious story even that more enjoyable.

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I ADORED A Taste of Gold and Iron, and the follow-up novella, Tadek and the Princess. Needless to say, I couldn't wait to read the next full-length novel in this universe. Unfortunately, this one was a frustrating mixed bag of disappointments. Normally, I have a high tolerance for stories that are extremely camp, especially if they are queernormative and subversive. And I believe that was indeed what the author was going for with this book. You have horny queer pirates, pirate island society, a chaotic and comedic polyamorous dynamic, hot monk/former revolutionary, cake competitions-- basically everything you could ask for in a pirate book. And don't get me wrong, it was wall to wall banter and hijinks, and that was the best and worst thing about this book. Perhaps it would skew more towards the end if the POV narrator wasn't Avra, THE MOST ANNOYING character I've ever read. He started out fine, but quickly his whole schtick of horny himbo, made even more annoying by the audiobook narrator's choice of squeaky nasal voice for him, added with the weird mouth noises he makes, just bulldozes over the plot itself. And there IS a very fascinating plot of trade monopolies and thrilling seafaring through giant sea creature infested waters and the social dynamics of a pirate island with imperial ambassadors - things that were seeded in the first book. Even after I adjusted my expectations from the massive tonal shift from the first books, this was painful at times to focus on the plot amidst Avra's loud and increasingly incoherent horny ramblings. This would have been VASTLY improved with a different POV of literally anyone else in this existing cast, and a much shorter length such as a novella or novelette. That said, when I wasn't annoyed but the density of camp unseriousness, the writing itself was incredibly funny. I just wished the comedy was more controlled in the favor of plot engagement.

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This book was nothing like A Taste of Gold and Iron, and while it was not at all what I was expecting, it was utterly hilarious and unputdownable! Comedy can be very hit or miss for me, but this had me frequently giggling out loud. I don't think it will work for everyone, I can definitely understand where other reviewers are coming from when they say they found the protagonist incredibly annoying, but I don't know... it just worked for me, and I absolutely loved him.
I don't mind that there wasn't any on page sex, I don't know that it would have fit the tone of the book despite the constant sex jokes and horny characters. but I do wish there was more closure in regard to the relationships. I felt like it ended rather abruptly, and while I'm not usually a fan of epilogues, I would have liked one in this case.

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I had so much fun reading this and it will for sure be in my top ten books for this year.

I really wasn't sure what to expect going in. I'd seen a couple of not so great reviews and wasn't sure if I'd want to go along for the ride with this one or not. But I ended up wishing I could just keep reading it forever. It's very different in tone than A Taste of Gold and Iron, it reminded me a bit of some of Alexis Hall's sillier (complimentary) books, and even of Terry Pratchett's books at times.

It took a bit for the characters to grow on me but once they did I was basically obsessed with this book. I've been dreading finishing it because it's just such a joy to be immersed in this world. It's a bit meandering, so probably made for a better audiobook experience for me than it would have if I'd read it in print. The audio was fantastic and I highly recommend reading it in that format if audiobooks are your thing. I laughed aloud so many times and even listened to a few parts multiple times because they were just so funny. This isn't a traditional romance but there's absolutely romance and love and lots of uproariously funny conversations about sex (though no sex on page).

I can understand how this book isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's absolutely worth giving it a go because if, like me, this turns out to be your sort of book it is going to make you so very happy. I miss the characters already and am seriously considering reading it all over again immediately. Gloriously fun and hilarious and ridiculous in the best way. An absolute gem of a book.

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A monk, a captain, and the luckiest men alive walk into a bar. Sounds like the setup for a joke, right? Well, it’s the premise of this book, and it’s as funny as they come. Think “Pirates of the Caribbean” without Disney's constraints. This book is laugh-out-loud funny, wonderfully inclusive, and delightfully raunchy. The dialogues are outrageous in the best way, you never know where they’ll go next. The sarcasm is razor-sharp, and the dark humour hits just right.

Is it spicy? Not exactly, but it has its explicit moments. These are woven seamlessly into the dialogue, the geography of the land, and the very fabric of the story. And I absolutely loved it. It’s a pirate’s fairytale adventure, but with mature content.

Having read “A Taste of Gold” by this author (a book I adored), I can't help but to compare. While “A Taste of Gold” was tender and sweet, this one is hilarious and a bit unhinged. Don’t get me wrong, both are amazing, each with its own unique voice and style.

The story is adventurous, full of unexpected twists, yet easy to follow. I had the pleasure of getting an ARC of the audiobook, which enhanced the experience immensely. The narration was spectacular, and had me giggling like a madwoman while riding my bike.

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This was so enjoyable! The writing was engaging and funny and the characters were so unhinged and goofy. I loved the narrator's interpretation of the character voices as well.

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A very conflicted three stars.

Avra has insanely good luck. Sadly, that means he keeps running into Captain Teveri, a pirate who has tried everything they can to get rid of Avra who is like an annoying, clinging cat, a piteous pup, a lecherous leech.
Avra, now a former agent for the intelligence ministry, seeks a mutually beneficial alliance with Teveri as he has recently stolen classified information that could change the tides ( get it ;)? ) of Tev’s crew.
Oh, and of course, there’s an unfairly hot priest on board who has taken vows of celibacy. Avra has taken an oath to get in his pants.

“Therefore I will point out, to my great regret, that it is more prudent to wait on the matter of beating him up and leaving him for dead until we have a contract for the sale in hand. At which point, we can maybe just butcher him and sell the meat to Eel-Face Yusin as some weird kind of fish.”

The main character was INFURIATING. He is a self-proclaimed flibbertigibbet and just won’t shut up. Which I normally love. But he’s also a 35-year-old man who refers to himself as a ‘poor little slut’ multiple times.
Avra is, simply put, pathetic and annoying. He has zero filter, no intelligence, and one heck of a sex drive. Like he is unbelievably horny all the time. Yet he is oddly entertaining, like a train wreck you can’t tear your eyes from.

”In the last two days, I have been through more than any silly little slut should ever have to go through!"

Thankfully, Tev is a lot easier to root for. Gender non-conforming, done with everyone’s crap (understandable), broody, witty, and seemingly nursing a dark past.
Also, he writes the best inventory entries, ship logs, and diary accounts which end and start each chapter!

This book is just bizarre. Absolutely whacky.
Turtle astrology. Sea serpents. Glowing, blue dogs. Cake competitions… Like 20% of the book is a cake competition where they trade insults.

So this book is like its main character - infuriating, long-winded, yet utterly addictive and hilarious.
This kept going between two, three, or four stars! 🌟

Would I recommend this? Kinda? I had a fun ride but I also wanted to scream and rip my hair out.

“And we're all going to try to get through this with our so-called friendships and sanity intact until we can fuck Arast over and die in a blaze of glory."

Thank you to Pan MacMillan for providing a physical arc in exchange for a review!

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First off, this book is ridiculous. You have to appreciate that humor to enjoy this book.

A former(ish) spy with pure dumb luck, Avra, is also a part of a pirate crew. He can really only be described as a himbo.

Avra has a love/hate thing going with the captain Teveri, but Teveri puts up with him for his luck and a prized secret his dumb luck helped him gain possession of.

So half this book is the crew, with the help of the celibate scholar Julian, trying to figure this out and the other half is Avra being stupidly ready to get it on with just about anyone, but especially Julian and Teveri.

The narrator does a great job capturing Avra’s goofiness and Teveri’s thin patience.

Would recommend for a laugh.

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Thank you author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing me with an eARC of this book!!

All I’m gonna say is that I heard queer pirates and got way too excited…

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The is a queer pirate fantasy with copious ribald humor throughout. The 3 main characters are a stoic-ish pirate, a very hot monk who has sworn an oath of celibacy, and a very horny, very lucky bard who has zero brain to mouth filter and was a spy at one point in his life. This book gets all the points for lewd humor. I enjoyed every second of it. I will say I got so distracted by the jokes I did lose part of the plot here and there. That's on me, getting dicktracted happens to the best of us.

The narration was tricky for me. I think the narrator is extremely talented and was brilliant at differentiating between characters. With that said, the voice given to Avra was not my favorite. I wouldn't have thought twice about it for a more secondary character but for how much dialog Avra has, the voice drove me nuts. Avra is an endearing but annoying character on his own. Adding an easy to annoy voice on top of his persona was really difficult to listen to at times.

Thank you to NetGalley, Alexandra Rowland, and RB Media for this audiobook ARC.

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Wow, this book was incredible! I absolutely adored this thrilling, adventurous, and hilarious queer pirate fantasy. Rowland simply nailed everything, from the humor to the world-building. I was laughing out loud for the majority of this book. The narrator's performance was just as amazing, and he gave such a unique range of voices for the *many* characters he had to portray. If you're listening to the audiobook, the beginning of each chapter starts with a description of a tarot card and they are out of order. So don't be shocked when the chapter "numbers" go in a random order. It took me a couple of chapters to realize this but I imagine if I was reading it physically, that would have been apparent! I will be rereading this physically when it comes out on June 11! Thank you to Netgalley for this advanced listener copy! :)

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DNF @68%

Ughh I'm so bummed but this book just is not my thing and I don't want to end up giving it a low rating. I think there is definitely an audience for it, I just don't know how much crossover there will be between fans of A Taste of Gold and Iron and people who will love Running Close to the Wind. While they may be set in the same universe, they are tonally VERY different.

Gold and Iron is an angsty slow-burn political romance. This is an extremely silly book with very silly characters, absurd plot points, and ribald humor. It's an over the top, screwball comedy about a pirate, a celibate but very hot monk, and an extremely horny, absurd little man with no sense and divinely bestowed good luck. It is also very queer.

If this had been a novella, I probably would have finished and given it like a 3.5 star rating. It's not really my thing, but it's fine and entertaining enough for a short book. But this is far longer than I have the wherewithal for. And humor is very subjective, so while this wasn't really my sense of humor, I think it will work for other people. I wanted to love this because I adored their previous book, but I just think this is so different and will hit for a different audience. The audiobook is done pretty well, but again it's just not working for me personally. I received a copy of this book for review, all opinions are my own.

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This book was very funny. I feel like the book was definitely more character driven. The relationships made during this story are so sweet. I enjoyed Captain Tev’s ship logs, they were very interesting. I think the narrator did a good job of deciphering between the different characters.

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I really wanted to like this book. I was super excited about the synopsis and after reading a few non spoiler reviews i was hyped. Pirates, queer positive characters, and a comparison to Six of Crows sign me up!!! Unfortunately this was not my cup of tea. I enjoy a good character driven novel and felt that this definitely did that well. The comedy i feel would have been put to much better use if it were not the same joke over and over and over. At some point it went from being adult humor to something that i would liken to a teenager learning his first dirty word and then proceeding to use it every chance he had to talk. At one point i started counting the number of times that the phrase "dirty little slut" was used in the beginning of the book and quickly lost count. The characters i didn't understand at all. Avra is like a toddler that just word vomits any thought he has and often repeatedly. I think that the all the dirty jokes and constant expression of horniness would have worked at some point had the novel had any depth or actual spice to it. Alas it did not. I think that for those that enjoy a good slap stick queer comedy with horny pirates and a queer positive crew than this is definitely a book that will be enjoyed. but if you're looking to connect with characters, have any semblance of world building or an actual development then this won't be the book for you.

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I sadly had to DNF this audiobook as I simply didn't like the narrator.

I was lucky enough to get to read an eARC of Running Close to the Wind last year, and thought it was absolutely hilarious. I was super excited for the audiobook, in particular to hear all of Avra's weird little mouth noises, and I was expecting to laugh at least as much as I did reading the eARC.

Unfortunately, the narrator doesn't work for me at all. I listened to the first few chapters and didn't laugh once, and then skipped around a bit to some of my favourite scenes and they just didn't hit like they had with the ebook. In particular, the way Avra was embodied didn't sound good to me. I'm honestly so bummed that this narrator doesn't work for me, as I'd been really looking forward to the audiobook.

I'm including my previous review for the eARC, as I feel it would be a shame if anyone gave this book a miss based on reading my experience here. My recommendation would be to try the ebook instead of the audiobook, but tastes vary so obviously it could just be my issue.


Running Close to the Wind delivers queer pirates and mayhem in a hilariously funny, incredibly unhinged, and supremely horny way, set in the same queer-normative world as A Taste of Gold and Iron.

The book is full of adventure, hijinks, the most chaotic characters, a smidge of romance, and it's so funny I nearly strained something laughing.

We follow Avra, a self-professed silly little slut and former Arasti spy, after he steals something very valuable from the Shipbuilder's Guild (remember the break-in in A Taste of Gold and Iron?) and goes running to his on again/off again beau pirate captain Teveri to share his ill-gotten gains. Teveri and the rest of the crew of The Running Sun, including newly added crew member Julian The Hot Monk, have to decide if it's worth putting up with Avra and his antics to possibly make the biggest bounty of their lives.
Throw in sea serpents, a pirate island, colourful side characters, Avra's weird mouth-noises, anti-capitalist sentiments, an impossibly hot monk with a mysterious background who both Tev and Avra lust after, and you got yourself one of the funniest books I've read.

Running Close to the Wind's also given me a new favourite chaos gremlin in Avra. He's a suspiciously lucky, somewhat pathetic disaster of a human who's constantly horny and annoys everyone around him. I fell madly in love with him almost immediately!

Because the book's so nonstop funny it left me wanting more moments of seriousness and depth in order to truly connect with the characters. It sometimes felt like the book didn't know what it wanted to be and the ending left me kind of frustrated. That could partially be related to expecting a different book going in? It's not a romance, it's more of a cozy fantasy pirate adventure with great characters. We drop into Avra's life for a few weeks of chaotic fun and then leave him, Tev, and Julian right when things heat up between them which was a bit of a bummer. And for a book this horny, there's surprisingly, and unfortunately, no sex scenes.
There's lots still left to explore and so much more I want from this story - I could easily imagine a trilogy in this universe and I'd eat it right up!

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