Member Reviews

I really didn’t know how to rate this book.
Was this book for me? No. But was it bad no?
It was definitely different and quirky.
I think I was just a little too old for it.
But if you have a different kind of humor and looking for something different, this is definitely your book.

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An unhinged teen drama meets Groundhog Day with a mix of satire and dark humor.

Firstly, I’d like to mention that I had never read a satire book before, so this was a new experience for me. The book follows a group of high-schoolers and their teacher on a school trip to a private island where they end up stuck in a time loop. Oh, and there is a mysterious telepathic octopus as well. The characters are very morally grey and, since they can do anything they want without any consequences due to the time loop, things get a bit unhinged and twisted at times.

I did like how in each chapter the POV switched between characters. While I personally thought the story was a bit slow at first, it does start to pick up and I found myself becoming quite invested in how the characters were going to get out of the time loop and the mystery behind what exactly caused it in the first place. I did feel that the ending left some questions unanswered though.

While this book wasn’t really my cup of tea, it was fun for me to try something new, and if you’re someone who enjoys satire and dark humor then you’d probably love this book.

**Please remember to check the content warnings before reading this book**

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Repeat After Me had me conflicted. On one hand, the writing was engaging, and the premise intrigued me enough to keep going. On the other, the story itself felt heavy and unsettling, making it hard to fully enjoy. The protagonist’s journey is deeply emotional, but at times, it felt weighed down by the darker themes that dominated the plot. The relationship between the teacher and student was uncomfortable to read, and while I understand it was meant to be challenging, it left me feeling uneasy. There were moments where I wanted more from the characters—more depth, more growth—but instead, things felt unresolved. I did appreciate some of the more introspective moments, and there’s no doubt this book tackles important issues. But it wasn’t an easy read, and I’m not sure it’s one I’d recommend to everyone, especially considering the more graphic content.
Overall, I’m glad I stuck with it, but I’m left with mixed feelings. Definitely a thought-provoking read, but not quite what I hoped for.


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Absolute gem that I couldn’t put down! This book is a wild, hilarious, and thought-provoking ride that blends contemporary YA with a touch of sci-fi. The story follows Emma, who finds herself reliving the day she lost her virginity over and over again after eating ceviche from a magical octopus during a class trip.

Warman’s writing is sharp, witty, and full of heart. The characters are vividly drawn and incredibly relatable, each bringing their own unique quirks to the story. Emma’s journey is both funny and poignant, exploring themes of identity, self-discovery, and the complexities of teenage life.

The plot is refreshingly original and keeps you hooked from start to finish. The blend of humor, romance, and a bit of magical realism makes for an unforgettable reading experience. We loved every twist and turn, and the ending left us both satisfied and wanting more.

If you’re looking for a book that’s both entertaining and deeply moving, “Repeat After Me” is a must-read. It’s a story that stays with you long after you’ve turned the last page.

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This book was cleverly written and undeniably captivating. I was compelled to get to the end just to see what would bat crazy thing was going to happen next and there was never a dull moment.

That being said, I did struggle with some of the humor and the copious amounts of bodily fluids🙈 Absolutely read those trigger warnings, and pay attention to the age suggestions before taking it on.

This was one I will NEVER forget and I am very grateful that I was able to experience it with no clue what I was getting into.

Thank you so much to Entangled Teen for this eARC. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to the Publisher for my arc.

unfortunately this just wasn't for me. the plot was slow and i found myself just skimming wanting to be done with this sooner. Plus i didn't like how animals were mistreated in this.

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I’m not really sure what I read, but I couldn’t put it down 😂 Repeat After Me was a wild ride, but I personally enjoyed it due to the fact that it was entertaining, which is what I want in a book. It was creative, original, and weird. So definitely not a book for everyone, but if you like weird, come get you some ceviche 🤷🏻‍♀️

This is a satire book with dark humor, hormonal teenagers, and no consequences. It was a quick fun read, showcasing a coming of age dilemma in a time loop. I saw someone say Groundhog Day meets American Pie, and that is pretty accurate! I personally think the author hit the nail on the head with teenager thought processes as they become young adults.

I do wish the ending wasn’t so abrupt, I was left with some questions, and I would label this more as a NA just because of some of the talks in the book. Overall, if you go into this book knowing it is a coming of age, satirical, weird book, I think you will enjoy it!

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OK look. I have no idea how to review this book. It was the most bizarre book I've ever read. I really enjoyed it, but also blasted through it because it was making me feel insane. It was trying to say a lot of things, or maybe nothing at all, and the things that happen are crazy. The characters are all terrible people and do some truly absurd things, but once I was sucked into the world I was here for it.

This book asks the question, what would happen if morally gray teenagers get stuck in a time loop while on a senior trip to a remote island? Does everything matter or does nothing matter?

It was really funny to see how differently the characters spent their time in this loop, either despairing, or experimenting, or trying to achieve the perfect day, or just doing absolutely whatever came to mind because why not.

It's crass, they're wildly inappropriate because what teenager isn't, and some truly disgusting things happen. You have to be along for the ride it's going to take you on.

If all of that sounded appealing to you rather than frightening, and you want to read a sometimes ludicrous sometimes existential book about the nature of time itself, this is definitely the read for you.

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Rating: 4/5
I received an eARC for my honest opinion.

I honestly don’t know how to put into words how I felt about this book other than it was just a freaky time loop, with the characters that know what is going on and others who do not know the story, you will see a lot of teenagers who just wanna have their senior trip in a tropical island and just have fun. You will see a lot of dark humor, a lot of talk about sex, and the more the book goes you will see the characters talking more seriously.

I liked that this was a fun read, with all the weird twists and turns. Fyi, don’t think too much about this book on the how’s and why's, instead just focus on the funny, YA twisted Groundhog’s Day with a little American Pie mixed in. You will meet a lot of characters in this book and the author did a great job with marking the chapters, so you know who is talking now. There were some that I didn’t like at all and found to be very annoying and others that grew on me. I liked Emma and I liked how she was determined to get past this day of “hell”, but while going through this day over and over you will watch her character develop more.

I did think that the ending of the book was a little rushed and I wish it would have been so abrupt. I still have questions. Overall, I did enjoy this weird book.

I want to thank NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the opportunity to review this book.

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First, I want to say thank you to entangledteen, netgalley and jessicawarmanauthor for this amazing e-ARC!!

What the fudge did I just read!? (In a good way) 😂

It started semi slow, but when it picked up, all that kept running through my mind was, "What am I reading?" It kept me thinking the whole time!

It's definitely super weird, in my opinion, but that could keep your attention. Also, this book is classified as YA, but I'd definitely consider it upper YA.

The ending left me confused but in a way that made me need the next book!

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This book was interesting. It was definitely creative. The ending confused me though. I need more answers. Maybe there will be a sequel? There were some funny parts. And I did enjoy Sybil! All in all, it was an entertaining story. I just wish it had more in the ending.

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Welcome to Xavier Academy’s senior class trip: tropical island edition.

Emma can’t say she wasn’t warned.

“Can you hear me? It’s me. Don’t go, Gizmo.”

But it’s senior trip and tonight is the night she’s losing her virginity. It’s all planned. And did I mention the tropical island?

"Nothing bad ever happens at the beach," he declared, which anybody who's ever seen Jaws knows is not true.

Emma is surrounded by the usual clichés.

There’s rich kid Bradd. Yeah, two d’s. He’s flexible and I wanted to hate him but he grew on me.

“I am crushing life. Absolutely crushing it. I am a winner.”

Brad’s girlfriend Alison, who used to be Emma’s best friend, is a self confessed sugar addict. Auggie, Emma’s boyfriend, isn’t a fan of Louis, her best friend. Shelby has a reputation. There’s the new girl and the exchange students.

Then there’s an octopus named Sibyl. If it wasn’t for Sibyl, then none of this would have been possible.

"It's a long story. It has to do with cocaine and a sentient, immortal octopus."

Now Emma is stuck in a time loop and she still hasn’t lost her virginity!

“It had occurred to me, all of a sudden — I don't know what took so long — that I could do whatever I wanted. Nothing mattered!
But at the same time ... nothing mattered.”

I thought this book was so much fun but apparently it’s quite divisive. It seems to be one of those love it or hate it books.

It’s like Groundhog Day but with teenagers. It’s funny and over the top and a little ridiculous if we’re being honest, but that’s half the fun. Maybe don’t think too hard about how this all works and just go with it.

It’s about life choices, extraordinary feats of flexibility (I’m trying not to look at you here, Bradd) and figuring out whether being able to do whatever you want with no consequences is a blessing or curse.

I’m keen for a reread.

“Time buddies!”

Content warnings can be found on the publisher’s website.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Entangled Teen, an imprint of Entangled Publishing, for the opportunity to read this book.

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This book was so weird. And fun. I loved it! I don’t even know how many times I laughed out loud in the middle of the night (I scared my dog). Explaining what I just read would be like trying to retell a really trippy dream. You just had to be there.

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Jessica Warman is a new to me author. The blurb for Repeat After Me had me really intrigued. In retrospect, I should have paid closer attention to the words. My focus was on repeating the same day over and over again. You know like those movies Groundhog Day and 50 First Dates. Somewhere along the way, it hit me that I never saw those movies. Meaning I had no idea what to truly expect.

For starters, Repeat After Me is an upper YA Fantasy. I mean really upper. This story is unlike anything I’ve ever read before. Interpret that statement however you wish. This is a WILD story, told from the viewpoint of multiple characters who either desperately want to fit in, act holier than thou, are vain, or are more shallow than a lagoon.

Repeat After Me mainly focuses on eighteen-year-old Emma Davidson who along with several other students and a chaperone from Xavier Academy are on their senior trip to a remote island where only a supposed billionaire and his daughter reside. There is no wifi or cell service. The nearest hospital is an hour away by boat. This isn’t a trip where they all get to relax and just lay on the beach all day. Nope. There isn’t a five-star hotel in sight. The group will spend their days shucking oysters, cleaning up whatever washes up on the beach, and just being pretty much bored. Their nights will be spent in grimy bungalows with no a/c.

Despite all of that, Emma has big plans with her boyfriend. Before those plans can come to fruition, Emma meets and has a taste of an octopus that changes her life. Now, Emma finds herself repeating the same day over and over again.

Repeat After Me is going to be one of those stories that you either love or hate. I myself finished the book and wondered what I had just read. I do strangely love that Jessica has a crazy imagination and comes up with the most off-the-wall things to have her characters say and do. H2Blow? Seriously?

When I sit back and think about Repeat After Me and toss out all of the CRAZY actions and insane commentary, for me, I was left with something that makes a whole lot of sense. Being a teenager is hard. And there are times that you are so focused on the future, being an adult, finishing highschool, and trying to fit in with the "right" group of people that you lose sight of what this time in life is truly about. You think the most unimportant thing is all that matters, and yeah, it's important, because it's important to you. But is it really important to the you you're going to be in 6 months to a year? Repeat After Me tries to get Emma to see just that.

~ Favorite Quotes ~

“Some things are so special, you can’t put a price on them.”

“Nobody actually knows anybody as well as they think they do.”

“It’s scary to let yourself be vulnerable.”

“Life is full of miracles.”

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I would like to thank Entangled Teen Publishing for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

4.5⭐️ rounded to 5⭐️ to Goodreads and retail sites. Repeat After Me is a YA romantic comedy novel by Jessica Warman. I am reviewing the Deluxe Limited Edition, but I am not sure what this means in galley form. This book focused primarily on Emma as the main protagonist of this novel. She and some of her peers, who were Seniors in high school, were on a chaperoned Senior class trip on a tropical island. Emma ate some ceviche and started living her own version of the movie, Groundhog Day. Read above for the book blurb. This book is freaking hilarious. I was chortling out loud in a waiting room today. I’ve never read anything by this author and was unprepared for how funny it would be. It was a little hard to get into initially because the author skipped POVs among many of the teens plus their English teacher. There was a little bit of whiplash until I got the hang of the writing style and storyline for the book. The author’s writing was infectious and her character development superb. There were multiple stories within the story and so many teen issues characterized. Just imagine getting at least six teens and one adult perspective on what occurred on the island! I think that many, but not all, teens could find themselves in one of the characters. I would actually give the book a five star rating, but I am a little afraid that the message the author was trying to send could get lost. The alternative interpretation isn’t one I’d like my teen reading. The publisher does have a disclosure that the book is intended for 17 and up, which is good since Emma’s goal for the week, and the year, was of a spicy nature. I would recommend this book for anyone who loves a YA Rom Com. It is truly a gem and is available now in ebook, audiobook, as well as Hardcover.

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What did I just read?
Did I love it or hate it?
I sure did speed through it and now can’t stop thinking about it!
This book is a whirlwind. I wanted to take notes and email questions to the author constantly. To me a book that captures your attention and keeps it (even if you are confused or hate it) is a great book. This book will keep your attention and make you question everything.
To be honest these kids and adults kinda suck. But we all know those type of people and we all know by reading this book these characters are more authentic then millions of other characters in books I’ve read before. Especially the teenagers. Their emotions run high. They only care about themselves and sex. This is a pure example of teenagers with no supervision and making dumb choices.
Just read it. Even if you hate it you will want a buddy reading to debate with about it. It’s worth it.

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Hands down the weirdest book I've ever read...and not in a good way. I'd love to have a conversation with this author about how she imagined this time loop scenario because I'm CONFUSED.

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I want to express my deepest gratitude to Entangled Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of "Repeat After Me" by Jessica Warman.

Let me tell you, this book is truly something special. It's a captivating and unique story with a diverse cast of characters, each with their own compelling point of view. The setting of a remote island without any form of communication sets the stage for an exciting and unpredictable adventure.

Follow the journey of Emma, our sharp-witted protagonist, as she finds herself trapped in a time loop after a fateful encounter with a cursed ceviche during her senior trip. The concept is brimming with potential, and I was immediately drawn to the intriguing premise. While the execution may have left me with mixed feelings, I couldn't help but appreciate the creativity and ambition behind the narrative.

Although the book aims to infuse humour, I must admit that the reliance on crude and vulgar content at times took me by surprise. However, beneath the unconventional storytelling lies a thought-provoking exploration of teenage experiences, complete with its own peculiar blend of innocence and maturity.

While I may not be the exact target audience, I recognise the novel's ability to resonate deeply with the Euphoria generation. Its graphic nature may not be suited for everyone, but it undoubtedly captures the essence of a senior high school experience in a raw and unapologetic manner. It's a bold and unapologetic portrayal, and I believe that it will find a devoted following among those who connect with its candid and audacious style.

It's clear that this book is not meant to cater to every reader, but it possesses a distinctive charm that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on those who embrace its offbeat narrative. I encourage anyone intrigued by the premise to give it a chance and experience it for themselves. After all, not all books are meant to be universally loved, but the ones that find their audience are cherished fiercely.

#BookReview #UniqueStorytelling #TeenageExperience #BoldNarrative #OffbeatStyle #EuphoriaGeneration #ThoughtProvoking #CreativeNarrative #DiverseCharacters #DeepAppreciatio

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Where do I even begin with this crazy twisted book? Ha
Well for starters Emma is my fave character if I had to pick one and then would be Louis, Bradd was alright, I didn't hate him by any means. I just felt he was really kinda way to into himself and once you read the book you will see he is "really" into himself. Alison wasn't a bad character either, she just lacked some common sense when it came to knowing how to be friends with people. The teasing so much is not great and some people don't like that. That is why Emma thought she was just mean to her and Lucy.
The teacher was something else I tell ya.
Also this book was a quick fun read in a way. Just don't hurt your brain trying to thinking about the how and why and yuck factor of this book and you will enjoy it way more.
I kept questioning how Emma could repeat the same certain day and other characters had a different day for different reasons. And I still wonder how that worked and they knew about each other. Because it seemed not everyone was having the same repeat day and such.
We definitely see how it could get boring repeating the same day and waking up to it just as if nothing happened the day before. So of course some decide to do stupid things to pass the time. Because why? There is no consequences to their actions because it's as if it never happened anyhow.
Yes there is a lot of sex talk in this book and dark humor. The person I felt was very very annoying was Auggie. I just never cared for this character throughout the book. You will see why after a few chapters. The other characters were mentioned but they weren't main cast so to speak. Emma just wanted to get off the island shortly after a few days. She definitely started changing her thinking about a lot of things. I don't know if there will be a book two or not. But I'd read it if it explained more questions and the ending a little bit more.
I do want to thank Entangled Teen for sending me an advance copy. Thank you so much. Now on to the next one.

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Repeat After Me by Jessicca Warman is a book I absolutely LOVED but I am not sure I can say why, LOL.

This is an advanced YA , definitely 18 and up due to content.

Remember the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray from the 90's?

Well, Emma , our protagonist is stuck in her own Groundhogs day reliving the same Friday over and over. She is 17, a senior in high school and wants to lose her virginity. She is on a private trip to a private island and after eating ceviche, ends up repeating the same day over and over, the same day she was going to lose her virginity.

I really enjoyed the multiple points of view. The teenagers are hilarious.

I swear I cackled at some of the lines. I would of loved more of the Octopus lol.

Written with satire and comedic genius, I absolutely loved this book!

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