Member Reviews

I don’t know wtf I just read, but somehow I couldn’t stop reading it. This book is not for everyone and I don’t even think I can recommend it unless you like weird books. This was over-the-top crazy and bizarre and strange. As I said, I still don’t know what I read. I somehow really liked it…I think. At least I wanted to know what would happen with everyone. Also the hardcover of this book was probably the best feeling book I have ever read. Like the pages and cover felt so good to hold and turn the pages. Whatever material they used was amazing and all books should be made out of it. Anyways, I really enjoyed this one, but I don’t think everyone will. It’s one of those books that you will either love or hate. The best way I can describe this book is an immortal octopus, a time-loop, and some crazy teenagers.

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Emma wakes up the day she’s supposed to leave for her senior trip with a phone call from someone who tells her not to go. Weird. Well, she goes anyways to a private island with several of her classmates, her English teacher, and the two people who own the island. Talk about a rich kid school, am I right? The reason they get to go to this island at the school’s bidding is still unclear - they spend their time there sorting oysters and cleaning up trash. Until Friday, when the father/daughter duo decide to include Emma in their “experiment” with time, and she gets stuck living the same day over and over and over again.
I’m getting a little tired of books being advertised as dark comedy books and having no humor. This book was GROSS and not even a little bit funny. Constant talk about masturbation, vomit, pee - all the bodily fluids - and a bear filled with pubes. The characters were flat and none of them were redeemable. I hated all of their guts. One character is supposed to be considered “good” by the other characters, but he never has anything nice to say about anything. Even the adults sucked and had no depth. Emma lost her mind the first DAY of being stuck in the loop - good grief!
The time loop, the whole point of this book(!), was a hot mess. There’s a lot of theories going around about why it’s happening or how to get out of it - one theory by the WORST character ever imagined (Bradd - obsessed with sex, gross beyond imagination, not a single brain cell active but also supposed to be very smart?) is that he can jump around in time by snorting cocaine and masturbating and then dying? Not really sure what was going on there. There did seem to be something important about dying when you couldn’t really die forever, and the “cocaine” was later explained to not be Coke but something called an accelerant, which the owner of the island felt was really important, but we learn absolutely NOTHING about. We learn nothing about the time loop, there’s no believable reason why the people who own the island are experimenting on people - they even say they’re trying to work out the kinks so you get to live forever, but not relive the same day, but there’s absolutely no evidence of them working on anything. They just pop in to seem mysterious and ruin people’s lives. And then, poof, gone from the plot.
Nothing about this book was believable, enjoyable, or amusing. I wish I could take back the time I spent on it, but I was really hoping there would be some answers at the end. If you’re trudging through this hoping for answers, I have some bad news: you’re not going to find any.

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Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice - YA book

This is definitely a what did I just read book. But it is well done.

A group of kids go on their senior trip but end up stuck in a time loop. Beginning their version of Ground Hog day. It is told from multiple point of view. I think it should a perspective of teen nature and how they thought and interacted. It was different to be able to replay the day and modify what they didn’t like.

It’s interesting to see personalities change where their is no consequence to their actions. Some tried to solve the problem others saw a chance to live above the law.

#entangledpublishing #entangledteen #repeatafterme #jessicawarman #readersofinstagram #romancebooks #booksta #bookworm #reader #booklover #lovetoread #teenread

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This book is crazy! Like, completely off the wall characters in a bats___ situation that only barely makes sense, yet the novel is impossible to put down. Satire can be challenging to read at times because you do not necessarily have the ability to root for the characters, but I found this plot a train wreck I couldn't look away from. And I mean that in the best of ways. I just wanted to keep reading until the end to see what happens to Emma, Bradd, Max, and all the rest of the students. I was entertained the entire time. (3.5 stars)

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This book is a wild ride featuring a snarky protagonist, Emma, who ends up in a bizarre time loop during a senior trip to a tropical island. Despite a promising premise, the execution leaves mixed feelings.

Emma’s mission to lose her virginity takes an unexpected turn when she consumes cursed ceviche, trapping her in a time loop where she endlessly relives a disastrous Friday. The book aims for humor but is heavily reliant on crude and vulgar content, which often left me saying WTF?! as opposed to laughing. This may appeal more towards a younger audience.

The relationship between Emma and Louis is a highlight, showing genuine growth. However, the other characters are mostly unlikable and their development is overshadowed by the book’s focus on Brad and his shock value.

Overall, the book is really original and entertaining with its many WTF moments but this will definitely not suit everyone’s tastes. If you enjoy absurd humor, then this book could be worth a read.

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Omfg this book was unhinged. lol It was nothing like I’ve ever read before. It was truly unique.

I was laughing out loud at times. Gasping. Hand to mouth horrified even all in the best ways!

I just absolutely loved the uniqueness of it.

I may never eat ceviche…because I don’t think I could handle a Groundhog Day effect Altho I wouldn’t mind breaking one of the three rules once in a while for shots and giggles.

If you like…

🌀 Time loops
🤬 Strong language perfect timed
👨‍🏫 Whom doesn’t give AF about his students
🩶 Very comically morally gray characters to borderline black
🖤 Dark humor
🐙 Ceviche

This book is sooooo for you!

Pick it up September 3rd, 2024! You will NOT be disappointed!

Thank you so much for this incredible opportunity and my first ever PR box. It’s been a dream! 🖤

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Thank you to Entangled Teen for my review copy, my opinions are my own.

I've not read a ton of time loop stories, but this one was eye-opening, because human greed is an incredibly ugly motivator. The characters are a small part of the senior class on an exclusive island with a rich billionaire and these kids are morally bankrupt. It was like a train wreck that you couldn't take your eyes off of because you weren't sure what would come next.

I still think about this book because of how unhinged it was in parts. Immortal octopus, stuck in a time loop, how ridiculous people can get with unlimited time, and how bored these rich kids could be.

Recommend, but be cautious, there's warning page at the beginning of the book - pay attention to this.

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Everything about this book was just too much for me. I didn't get more than 35-40ish percent of the way through.

I didn't like any of the characters. They're self-absorbed rich kids who are quite frankly obnoxious. Where is this book going? What is the point?

It's not something I would consider YA. Like maybe a very mature 17-year-old. Maybe. It's crass and vulgar and gross. A better fit would be new adult. I'm fairly open about reading material, but it's definitely not the type of book I would hand to anyone under 18.

This is the type of book that is going to appeal to a certain audience and that audience only.

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I don’t even know what to say this book was something else. You never know what’s going on. The characters are all really fun and you transport back to your high school days. It’s not a regular school trip these students go on but it is so much more. All the characters have little quirks and we get character growth from a few of them. I don’t want to give too much of the plot away but this story is so entertaining. The story does jump around a lot but don’t let that deter you from reading it.

Thank you Brittany from Entangled for the arc!! I enjoyed the story so much!!

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This is a solid 3 star for me. I don't hate it, but I don’t love it either. It was a good read for an evening, and it will look nice on my shelf.

I think the author did a good job making characters we aren't supposed to like and had a good message towards the end. However, I don't like that the end is ended? I don't really know what she was going for there.

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Language: R (28+ swears, 5+ "f" + British swears); Mature Content: R; Violence: PG+
This book is very crass, and I stopped because it is inappropriate for my blog audience.
The mature content rating is for underage drinking; drug use; kissing; innuendo; nudity; and mentions of illegal activity, genitalia, sex toys, human trafficking, pornography, and masturbation. The violence rating is for mentions of murder.

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Themes/Tropes: Repeating Time Loop, Humor/Satire, Multiple POVs

Temporal Paralysis means being stuck to live in the same day over and over again. I won’t spoil who gets stuck but let me tell you it is a fun ride!

This is a light hearted good time of a book. Where there are some dark themes overall it is a book that doesn’t take itself too seriously. It is just fun and I devoured this book so quickly! Honestly this is the fastest book I read this year, I finished in four days. I enjoyed it that much.

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Thank you to Entangled Publishing for the gifted e-book.

I had to DNF this book at 40%. I was excited to read it, but I couldn't continue with this one.

The story is told from the point of view of multiple characters, which makes it hard to follow. This also added to the choppiness of the story. The plot was confusing, and figuring out who was in the time loop was difficult. The book contained crass and explicit content. I'm unsure how this qualifies as a young adult (YA) book.

While some readers gave this book 4 or 5 stars, it seems it wasn't in my preferred genre.

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Wtf did I just read?! This has to be one of the most confusing books I’ve ever read in my life! I honestly felt like I needed to be on drugs to make sense of any of this story. This basically felt like inception, groundhogs day and 50 first dates all rolled into one but do it badly. I couldn’t stand any of the characters, it jumped all over the place and there were wayyyy too many POVs! I really wish I would have DNF’d this book because it was just so bad.

Honestly, anyone who rated this any higher, did we read the same book?!? Cause I do not understand the high ratings for this one. I’m sorry but this was awful and a waste of time. I read it, so you don’t have to, don’t let the cool cover and the summary confuse you this is not worth the read.

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Boy is this book a trip! It's one of those things where you are think "WHAT am I even reading? but like a curious looky lou at an accident where you can't look away!)

A unique time loop, on a school trip, where only 3 people are going through it (Emma, Bradd yes two D's, and Max- though more characters are around and one of the time loopers has been going through it for a decade) but they go through it differently. An immortal octopus too and a mysterious dad/daughter on a small island.

I have to admit that I could myself chuckling at the ridiculousness of everyone, especially Bradd... That dude is unhinged! Lol

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Emma receives a call before she leaves for her trip with her friends of someone calling her Gizmo and telling her not to leave on the trip. They tell her to ask Mom, and she does, who then reminds her that Gizmo was their family code word when they were younger.

Wondering about this call, Emma still goes on the senior class trip to a remote island with her friends. Where she gets stuck in a time loop. Guess she should have listened to that call!

This is a terrible way to describe this book, but it made me think of Knives Out Glass Onion being on a remote island with a few people who essentially despise each other and yet tolerate each other and there’s sort of a mystery involved to it, but make it a bunch of horny teenagers stuck in a time loop that leaves more questions than answers. It’s a terrible description, but Knives Out popped up in my mind while reading this, and there is “murder” in this book too so 🤷🏼‍♀️

I was very excited to be accepted to get an arc for this book because it sounded so good, and funny. And I love the concept of time and give me any book about time and I’ll read it. I kind of wish I didn’t read this one 😅

What I enjoyed is the different take on time and a time loop. If I understood it correctly, those in the time loop, were essentially stuck in an alternate time dimension of that same day, but the dimension changed each time? It’s hard to explain how I viewed it because it was very difficult to understand what was going on and I just had an idea that formed in my mind that worked for me.

Another thing I enjoyed was the relationship that developed slowly between Louis and Emma. It’s obvious they love each other, they just refuse to acknowledge it. Stubborn teenagers. And I loved how it came about and that part I think was well done.

That’s about all I enjoyed. This book is very crass, vulgar and disgusting. It’s supposed to be a comedy, but I never laughed because it was just gross. I didn’t like any of the kids, even though I liked the one relationship that developed, I honestly didn’t like any of them except for maybe Louis, but that’s a big maybe. Things happened in here that I think were supposed to be considered growth for the kids which I guess a few of them “grew”, but they were still disgusting. I’ve never read a book that was so gross 😅 and I finished the book with more questions than answers.

Slight spoiler….

I am all for open endings, but this answered NOTHING for me. I don’t know if I was supposed to understand how this time loop was happening or how to end it, or if it just never ends. I just would like to understand what the author’s idea was and I don’t know. I wouldn’t be able to explain what the author’s idea was on how this time loop works because it was NEVER explained.

I keep changing my rating because obviously thought went into this book, but what resulted was kind of a mess.

I’m going to go ahead and stick with 2 ⭐️ I only enjoyed like two things and one of them is just because I like time. If you’re interested, I would totally read it. I think this book is for certain kinds of people who may enjoy this type of “humor”, and I’m just not one of them. You might enjoy it!

Oh I do love the cover, so it does have that going for it!

I received a gifted e-arc to read. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I enjoyed it. I distant love it or hate it. I was intrigued by the whole repeating the whole day thing again but other than that, it was OK for me. There were some funny parts but other than that I’m was a neutral about it.

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I DNF'd this book. I tried giving it a chance. There are too many POVs. The HS seniors are brats, and not a single one was relatable or endearing. I felt this book was just full of weird incidents for shock value. There was no flow to the story. I really wanted to like it.

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This is a fun and quirky YA novel that mixes the humor of "Groundhog Day" with the chaos of teenage party movies. The story follows Emma, a 17-year-old stuck in a time loop during her senior trip, reliving the day she plans to lose her virginity over and over. The book captures the chaotic essence of teenage life with crass humor and multiple perspectives, though the abrupt ending left me wanting more closure. The fast-paced and relatable characters kept me engaged, but the repetitive nature and some offensive humor may not be for everyone. It's an entertaining, light read for those who enjoy a humorous take on teenage struggles.

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This story took me on a whirlwind of an adventure and I'm still reeling from it. A coming of age story that I can best describe as Groundhog's Day meets American Pie.
A senior class trip turns tragic when Emma finds herself repeating the same Friday over and over again. Determined to fix it and go home, she has some growing up to do first and a lot to learn about herself and the people around her.
My only issue with the story is I wanted more. I felt the ending was sort of rushed and I felt the villains could have been more villainy. But overall I enjoyed this YA novel. Thank you Entangled Teen for allowing me to read an advanced copy.

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