Member Reviews

This is a YA book?! I had to keep telling my self that because it didn't feel very "YA". I really wanted to tag this as DNF, however, I finished. Seeing that I finished and can't recall anything "remarkable" about the story other than not believing it's a YA book says something. I didn't relate or connect to any of the characters and all of the "adult" content started to get annoying.

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I have a hard time thinking how to review this book… I love YA but often I think I’ve grown out of YA contemporary. The teenage emotions are hard to not be annoying the older I get. This book was a lot of that. I went in thinking something different, loving a good time loop, but at the end a lot felt unnecessary and repetitive (I mean because it is) but a little too much. The silliness wasn’t as humorous as it should have been and was more second hand embarrassment and cringe.

I had higher hopes, but I did enjoy the quick chapters and appreciated that it was a quick read so that I can actually finish and give a full review and move on to something different.

Thank you for the eARC and for letting me read this one. Also unsure if it was book 1 of a series, the ending was very much lackluster and like it might have more but also unsure if I’d like to read more.

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The storyline of the book is an interesting concept. I did DNF in the end because I wouldn't say I liked the writing style. I'd say you'd probably enjoy this one if you have read other books by the author.

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A group of teens head out on an adventure to a seemingly idyllic island. Once there, they find that things aren't quite as they seem. It's multiple points of view which is not usually something I enjoy. Some characters were better than others. It got a little slow for a bit but overall this book was a good read.

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This book had a great plot with intriguing characters. I’ll definitely be looking out for more from this author.

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Repeat After Me sounded awesome and started out that way too. It made me laugh but then I found myself putting it down for long stretches of time and not having the desire to pick it up again. I found it to be gross, crass and crude which turned me off from wanting to read any further. I'm choosing to dnf.

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"Repeat After Me" by Jessica Warman presents an intriguing premise that immediately catches the reader's attention. The story delves into the complexities of human memory and the impact of trauma, which are compelling themes to explore. The protagonist's journey is filled with emotional moments and personal growth, making it a relatable and thought-provoking read.

However, the novel struggles with pacing issues that detract from its overall impact. At times, the narrative feels sluggish, and certain plot points could have been developed more thoroughly to maintain the reader's engagement. The characters, while well-conceived, occasionally lack the depth needed to make their experiences truly resonate.

Warman's writing style is accessible and engaging, making the book an easy read. Yet, the story's potential is somewhat hindered by predictable twists and a conclusion that feels rushed. The emotional depth and psychological insights are there, but they don't always reach the level of intensity that the premise promises.

Overall, "Repeat After Me" is a decent read with a unique concept that could have benefited from a more refined execution. It's worth a try for those interested in psychological dramas, but it may not fully satisfy readers looking for a deeply immersive experience.

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All I can say is:

What. The. Fuck. Did. I. Just. Read?
But like.. in the best way possible. It was a hot mess of a wild ride and I was so there for it. Don’t talk to me if you haven’t read this book yet. 🤣🤣

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What a hilariously fun version of Groundhog Day. So many twists and down right ridiculous shenanigans. Super fun book with smatterings of esoteric knowledge and focus. Enjoy this book for what it is. Dont over think it. Just hop on Friday and have a great Friday over and over again.

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This book is a solid 4 stars!!!

It’s hilarious and best for people who enjoy crude humor.

Readers will get a bit of “Groundhog Day”, “The Boys”, and “Super Bad” all mixed into one!!

One of the most seriously, unserious books I have ever read.

I was invested enough into the multiple POVs that I literally created a chart of:

1) who was connection to who,
2) who did what, and
3) who made the most lists 😂😂😂

If you know, you know. 🐙

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This is one of those books where there is an added element of magic to it, yet the magic is not really explained or makes sense. Sometimes that can be confusing, but it can also really add to the story which this did. Very interesting, but the ending left unanswered questions that could have been wrapped up. Thank you Entangled Publishing for sending me a copy of this book.

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I am absolutely head over heels for this book!
The way that she writes this "temporal paralytic" is SO GOOD!
I genuinely wasn't expecting to laugh as hard as I did, GASP as much as I gasped, I am literally SO hyped for this books release it deserves all the hype and more.
Braddley is honestly a sweet dumbass, like a good inbetween, I think it works for him honestly?
Gianluca is hands down my FAVORITE male in the book he is SO FUNNY, she did such an amazing job with him.
And all in all l'm so glad that Auggie gets taken out of the picture and replaced because he did NOT deserve her with his cheating ass.
Also, sibyl? So cute
We love a good immortal octopus
No idea what she did to Brad when they let her go but still loved it.
All in all I will say, reading the book got confusing at times, and very very random, it almost felt like there was no way for me to really predict where it was headed, but I personally let the book just take me for a ride and I had fun!

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Thank you entangled teen, Brittany and to NetGalley for this opportunity , to read this arc.
This was such a good book. There is multiple point of views, it’s freaking hilarious! I was laughing my head off.
I find it so interesting of the concept of time. All of us want more time, all of us wish we can spend forever at a moment. But to repeat it? I think I’ll go I insane, but also you’re given an opportunity to be able, to truly appreciate on forward, and enjoy each day.

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This book took me on a wild ride but I loved every second of it! I was instantly intrigued by the blurb and I just knew this book would be right up my alley.

This is a fast paced book with multiple POVs. But it is still easy to follow along with. And I think getting things from different POVs actually made for a more fun reading experience overall.

I will say there is some crass humor in this book. So if that's not your thing then this book probably isn't for you. But I was so here for it!

Overall this was a great book, I definitely reccomened it!

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for allowing me to read this book ahead of release in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I originally picked this book because of the gorgeous cover and sprayed edges and then I read the synopsis and the claws were in deep! I loved the story, the world building and meeting the different characters. I felt completely immersed in the story and couldn't stop reading it.

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If the movie Groundhog Day and the TV show Total Drama Island had a baby, it would be this book. This book was okay, but it definitely would not be YA, in my opinion

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Repeat After Me by Jessica Warman is a delightful blend of Groundhog Day and every teenage party movie you've ever loved. The story follows Emma, who finds herself stuck in a time loop during her senior trip to a tropical oyster farm. As she navigates through the repetitive days, Emma's journey to break the loop is filled with humor, mishaps, and self-discovery. Warman's writing is incredibly fun and entertaining, capturing the essence of teenage antics and the chaos of a never-ending party. However, readers should be aware that the humor might not be for everyone and could be seen as offensive by some, and it's important to read the trigger warnings beforehand as the book discusses sex, drugs, and murder. Despite the laughter and excitement, the ending feels abrupt, leaving readers wanting more closure. Overall, Repeat After Me is a hilarious and engaging read that keeps you hooked until the very end.

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This book was absolutely hilarious! I could not put it down! I binged it within 2 days and it was 2 days well worth spent! I highly recommend this and I cannot wait to get a physical copy!! I need this as a trophy!

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This book is hilarious. It's the perfect combination of Palm Springs (2020) and the absolute ridiculousness of Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (2010).

I loved the concept of what brought them into the time loop, as well as how long people have been in the time loop. Blew my mind.

The characters were hilarious and yes, one of the was over the top... but at the end he was loyal to core. I'm just going to have that song stuck in my head forever.

You should probably read the CW/TW. and if you get passed those and love time loops like me.. you will really enjoy this book.

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𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥: 3.5★
𝐏𝐥𝐨𝐭: 4★
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 3★
𝐒𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝟒★

I totally forgot to post my review so I’m going to do it now! The drama, the satire, the unique way of writing was something I had to get used to, but what I really liked was that this book was giving me, happy death day vibes (the movie). It also gave off reality tv and there was some parts where it was funny to imagine. Multiple POVs to get used to and they all are obsessed with sex lol so if this sounds like something you’re into, read it!

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