Member Reviews

This book is slow paced with lots of POV's. I didn't feel a real red line throughout the story, making I couldn't really get into it. It is really distopic, however I think it would have been better with just one or two POV's. In addition I feel like the introduction of the octupus should come sooner rather than 1/3rd into the book. I wanted to DNF, but decided not to. Therefore this was a slow read for me and one I didn't enjoy as much as I hoped I would

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Thank you so very much to NetGalley and the publisher for this book!!

Cannot recommend this one highly enough.

It is going to be a number one best seller! You so don't want to miss it!

A fantastic cast of characters, a great plot and just an overall fantastic experience!

Highly, highly recommend!!

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Thanks for the opportunity to review.

The book was well weird. Almost like ground hog day movie but off the charts. I did love Emma and Louis her bestie and felt the book could have used more of their interaction.

This book is meant for you to not take things too seriously and laugh and have fun. I was confused or lost at parts but in all I enjoyed it.

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The book was awesome . I definitely felt satisfied with it and the experiences the group of them went through was exciting to read. Anr their personalities I couldn't stress enough about Max and bradds personalities I loved their characters. It felt annoying about reading Alison's and emmas povs sometimes but the book had me hooked on till the end to know the outcome of their situation and how they get out of it..

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Lmao yall this book

The complete absurdity is what made it so damn enjoyable. Warman definitely knows a thing or two about teenagers cause jeez they were ANNOYING lol. as I was reading I was like there’s no way teens are like this and then I remembered the people I went to school with and I was very quickly amended my thinking.

I read a few of Warman’s books when I was younger and thoroughly enjoyed them. I didn’t realize she was an Entangled author and I’m so glad to have found my way back to her. Thank you Entangled for allowing me to be part of the Focus Group for this book; it was so much fun I finished it quicker than I anticipated.

The only reason I took off a star was due to the ending. It seemed very abrupt and just there. It wasn’t really explained what happened and it left me with more questions than answers but overall I REALLY enjoyed this one. I was laughing and chuckling the entire book, which, given some of its content, is saying something.

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Repeat after me by Jessica Warman

I would personally rate it for ages 18+ due to the adult content. There was a lot of mention about genitalia, sexual acts , death and drug use.

The summary had me completely intrigued and wanting to read it without hesitation. This book was not disappointing in anyway, it was fast passed and quirky with crass humor. It gave me major American pie feels mixed with Groundhog Day. The characters were lovable but also very relatable, it really brings you back to the end of your high school days.

We mainly follow Emma through the book, Emma is like many 17 year old girls finishing up high school, dating and wanting to loose her virginity. What happens when her senior trip to a private island leaves her in a time loop repeating the day she plans on loosing her V card? Every morning waking up to Friday, Friday on the same private island, Friday with the same class mates, Friday with the same thing happening, she really needs to make it entertaining somehow…

There is also multiple POV’s! They were fun and easy to go from each other, I never felt confused or wondering who I was reading as. Seeing inside each young adults mind and knowing what they were struggling with on the inside but couldn’t voice was hard at times. I think we all remember being a teenager and becoming an adult how strange and confusing that was, this author pulled it off perfectly.

My favorite character would have to be Bradd, he’s like every high school Bradd you can think of. Popular jock type but oh so dumb, or is he? You just never know, he could actually be a hidden genius. Almost every time Bradd talks in the book I’m laughing so hard I pee a little.

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Thank you so much to Entangled for giving me a copy of this book as part of a focus group! The below review is my honest opinion of the book after reading an early reader copy.

I have SO many feelings about this book. It’s hard to describe exactly and it’s very hard to quantify it with a single number. Overall, I had fun reading this book - it felt like an addictive drug that I couldn’t get enough of. The drama! Grab some popcorn and sit back and enjoy. If you don’t think too hard, it works better.

Then… when I do think too hard (and I always do), I start to find things that I don’t enjoy. Without spoilers, there was a weird aspect with the time loop that just didn’t hit right for me. And overall, I wish the time loop start had happened sooner. The beginning would have benefitted from it.

This book is told kind of like a reality tv show. We get chapters from multiple characters and it almost feels like tv diaries? It’s odd and I’m not quite sure I liked it. I much preferred when the story tilted more toward our main protagonist, Emma.

Speaking of Emma, my favorite portions were the ones with Emma and Louis. I felt like their growth was lovely and it truly made the book for me. I almost wish we had spent more time with them and less on the others.

There were a few loose ends I felt at the end - like the book kind of just ended without tying it all up, but in an already decently long book, I found it acceptable.

Overall, some things I liked and some I didn’t which is why I landed in the middle here with my rating. Again, hard to quantify.

I’d recommend this to reader who just want a good time and aren’t going to try to make scientific sense of things. Don’t think too hard and just enjoy. 😊

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Repeat After Me is filled with a healthy dose of dark humor, a touch of suspense, and a bucket of trigger warnings. Please read them and decide if this is a good fit for you. For those with a sensitivity to've been warned.

One minute you are on your way to a school trip and the next your days are on repeat, every day the same outcome no matter what you do. Would you test the powers and be reckless, unhinged, and uninhibited...afterall, what could possibly happen?

This adventure is told in multiple POV in three parts with everyone hoping to find a way out of the world they are in. Who can be trusted in a place that rewards the wicked. If you can surivive the day perhaps you'll find a clue that can rescue you from this new hell. Just when you think it can't get any crazier, the game takes a twist. Is this a figment of your imagination or is there someone controlling the game?

Sometimes our dreams and plans for the future are filled with bumps and turns. A few will discover that their desires are a tad trivial when given a chance to dissect and sort out mistakes. If you had a chance to perfect that one thing you thought was trivial, would you refocus and change your mind?

If you're a reader who grabs books based on the cover - this one is a fun one! Inside you'll find a fast paced story with witty one-liners, wild adventures, and lots of snarky humor. I think that some of the macabre could toned down without impacting the plot or character arcs. I only wish I was not eating while reading - IYKYK.

It's a wild ride, you never know what you're gonna encounter so take notes, be careful who you confide in, and watch your back.

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