Member Reviews

I enjoy this series—it offers a nice blend of humor and mystery. This installment is better-constructed—and more satisfying—than some of its predecessors (including in the K Team spin-off series, of which I've read the first three).

Of course, some threads remain the same throughout the series. Andy continues to describe himself as rich and lazy—he wants to work as little as possible. That may be true, though he works plenty hard when he's engaged in the cause. Fair enough! As always, dogs play a part in the story, including Andy's dog serving as sounding board and trusted “adviser” to Andy on their walks. Grover Gardner returns to narrate the audiobook. You may remember that I haven't been as big a fan of his narration as many of the series' devotees. Either he's growing on me or he's toned down his noir detective voice substantially . . . or maybe a bit of both. If you've been following me for a while, you'll know that Marcus is possibly my favorite series character. He talks more in this one, but it's a relative measure.

Specific to this installment, I perceived a higher level of violence. This, too, is a relative thing—it's not Lee Child's Jack Reacher–level violence—It's just more than I remember from previous installments. I absolutely adored the old folks who help the case investigation via Andy's computer expert, Sam. They're a hoot! Too, I especially enjoyed what spurred Andy's aha moment. I'm not going to spoil it for you.

This unbiased review is based on an audio ARC supplied by the publisher—Macmillan Audio from Minotaur Books. Publication is expected July 2.

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The Andy Carpenter books are like a warm hug from a cuddly dog and this one is no exception. Great little mystery with plenty of laughs and the best part…the dogs!!! The narration by Grover Gardner was perfect.

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(4.5 / 5)

When defense attorney Andy Carpenter is asked by his mysterious and stoic associate Marcus to defend a man who is accused of a mass murder at a law office, Andy agrees, perhaps less reluctantly than normal. Though the accused man's alibi is a bit sketchy, Andy begins to uncover a complex conspiracy that could possibly prove his client's innocence...if only he could understand it enough to use it.

I have not read all of the books up to this point, but I've read enough to know that Marcus has been a background kind of guy for most of the series. For him to be more involved is an interesting change for this book, which is important this far into a series. One of the things I've always enjoyed about these books is the variety of characters Andy uses in his investigations, which grows a little here and there. Marcus was always the comforting protective presence who had little personality, which I never felt detracted from the books. Here, though, we see a little bit of character development, yet not so much that Marcus doesn't remain a bit of a mystery.

These books are normally in 1st-person perspective, but there are bits here and there from 3rd-person to show the reader things that Andy doesn't directly see. I don't know when this started in the series (or if it was new to this boo), but it threw me off at first. I think that's just because I have recently been going through the series from the beginning and have not encountered this yet. The only complaint I really had was that the conspiracy started to get a little convoluted and difficult to follow, with a lot of names that I struggled to remember. It all came together well in the end though. And Carpenter's trademark wit and sarcasm are in full force in this book.

This series has become something of a comfort read for me. Or more accurately, a comfort listen, since, though I've enjoyed the books from the first one I read, once I started at the beginning with the audiobooks, it amplified my enjoyment a lot. Therefore, receiving an ARC of the audiobook was a real honor. I highly recommend this book (especially the audio) for fans of mystery, crime fiction, and courtroom dramas, and though there are some over-arcing storylines throughout the series, you don’t really need to start at the beginning (though I’d still recommend it).

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Thanks to #NETGALLEY AND #Macmillan audio for the free arc of this title. I was given access to the audiobook and the narrator and the story were both excellent. This was the first David Rosenfelt title I had listened to and had no problem following along with the cast of characters. The mystery was very well crafted and very fast paced. I liked the use of humor since it was a multiple victim murder it helped not be such a dark listen to.

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This was great cozy mystery with a case that Andy takes with Nick who is accused on a shooting at his workplace. I wasn't too sure how the story was gonna take us to prove Nick's innocence and I enjoyed how it unfolded.

I have only read another book in this series and that one, the dogs played a role in the story whereas this one really dogs weren't much part of it.

Grover Gardner did a great job with the narration and kept me interested in the mystery.

Thank you @minotaur_books @netgalley for a copy of this book.

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I love this series! It’s not great literature, but it was exactly what I wanted when I picked it up. Rosenfelt’s courtroom banter is the same in all the books. If you’re reading them one after the other it gets old. But I am now reading them as they come out and it is endearing now.

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Book 29 of a series in my top 5 of all time.... how do I even rate these anymore?!?!?!

It's an Andy Carpenter novel, of course he takes a case that he doesn't want because someone asked him for a favor.
It's an Andy Carpenter novel, of course there is a dog at the Tara Foundation waiting for the outcome.
It's an Andy Carpenter novel, of course Andy makes a ton of enemies and is almost killed multiple times.
It's an Andy Carpenter novel, of course there is a victory party at the end.

Every book is like reuniting with old friends. Andy Carpenter is one of the best literary characters today!! Yes, I said what I said. The supporting cast is equally great. This installment was different as it focuses more on Andy and Marcus than the other cast members. I will say I missed Pete and Vince.

Ready for book 30 releasing 10/25/24 and of course it's a Christmas theme.

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When 6 people at a law firm are executed, Nick, a young man who has worked there for less than a year, is arrested for the crime. But he says - and Marcus believes - he is innocent. Marcus has never asked for a favor until now. And so once again, Andy Carpenter, bane of judges and prosecutors throughout New Jersey, reluctantly agrees to defend Nick. At least, thinks Andy, Nick loves dogs. This brief summary leaves out all the humor that is a hallmark of this fine and funny series. Highly recommended for readers and listeners who like humor, cozy mysteries, courtroom scenes, and/or dogs.
The distinctive audiobook narration by Grover Gardner fits well with the series, and he has the range to handle the sarcasm of Andy, the barely decipherable grunts of Marcus, and the tizzy-inducing logic of Edna.

Many thanks to the talented author, his publisher, and #NetGalley for the advance review copy of the audiobook. Can’t wait for the next one!

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A Dog Day Afternoon is the 29th book in the Andy Carpenter series but don’t let that scare you. This is approachable as a standalone.

This is not my first book in the series but it’s also not my 29th. I wish it was my 29th because I have loved every book in this series so far and that continues with A Dog Day Afternoon.

I have loved Andy in every one of these stories. He is a sarcastic lawyer who loves dogs. In between chapters, I find myself humming the theme of the courtroom drama show Matlock.

This case that Andy takes is a favor for his friend and his muscle in a lot of these stories, Marcus. Marcus asked Andy to defend his friend Nick who is accused of being the shooter in a mass shooting at his place of work. The evidence is stacked against Nick which makes Andy not want to take the case. Early on he figures out Nick is innocent, now he just has to prove it.

All of these books have quick interesting stories with great characters. I can not recommend this series enough. This is a perfect book to jump in with.

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29th book series and still entertaining to read. Quite an accomplishment. Andy and his wise cracks, self deprecating musings, still bring a chuckle. Marcus though still his quiet, badass self, talks a little more and it is he who calls on Andy to defend his friend. Interesting case, good characters and a chance to catch up on three amazing dogs, though Sebastian is as lazy as ever.

Grover Gardner, the narrator. Is the perfect narrator for Andy. Irreplaceable.

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This was a perfectly serviceable legal mystery. I liked the characters and the plot, if it was a little predictable. I need to read the rest of the series and I am a sucker for a good pun. Overall this was a fun read and light.

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I am a huge fan of the Andy Carpenter series. I love the characters and how they work together to help Andy defend the accused murderer. Andy’s snarky comments have me chuckling as I scour the pages to see if I can figure out who really is guilty of committing murder. The characters are well developed and entertaining. There are lots of twists and turns and crazy moments that had me flipping through the pages quickly. I adore Andy’s canine companions and the way he talks to them as if he expects an answer. This is one of my favorite series and I can’t wait for the next adventure with Andy and the gang in Paterson, NJ.

Thank you to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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Another great installment! I was really happy with where this story took us. I was getting tired of the mafia links in this series and this story went in a different direction.

This has the typical banter, which is fun to listen to. I had the story mostly figured out, but not exactly. I was happy with missing a bit. I really did enjoy this one.

As usual, this can be read as a standalone, but you will miss out on the background of all the characters. It has been fun to watch them over time.

I listened to the audio, which is narrated by Grover Gardner. He is just perfect for the story and at this point I can't imagine Andy's voice any other way. If you have the opportunity to listen to the book, I would recommend it.

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I listened to this book without having read the others books before it. It was really good! It was like listening to an episode of Law & Order but with a bit more sarcasm. Fantastic read and I will go back and read/listen to the rest of the series!

Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the opportunity to listen to this book.

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Audiobook/Unabridged/Cozy Mystery: My 81 year-old aunt is a big fan of the author, so when I had an opportunity to listen to the book from Netgalley, I took it. I drive my aunt everywhere so it didn't take long to finish it. Being a cozy mystery, I found flaws in law and tech logic. My aunt enjoyed it (she has a hard time reading) and always thinks Andy is funny.
Also, because of the title, I felt the crime should have taken place in a bank.

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This book was a fun little cozy read. It wasn't for me, but I didn't dislike it.

It follows a defense attorney and his family/team as they investigate a tragedy to clear his client. It was a compelling story, it had some dark topics that it handled pretty well I think, and it was a happy (as happy as any murder mystery can be) end to everything. The dog was in it less than I expected with the title, but she was a great companion and sounding board for him throughout.

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Dog Day Afternoon is a solid addition to the Andy Carpenter series. Andy, the sarcastic yet lovable lawyer takes on yet another case that seems unwinnable and manages to unravel the mystery that has gotten his client into jeopardy. This series has evolved to have two additions each year, a "regular" mystery and a Christmas mystery. The Christmas mysteries were what first drew me in. I usually insist on reading series in order but I have decided that (for me) Christmas mysteries don't count. When you are in the mood for a holiday read, there's no going back and starting at book 1. And I've discovered some very enjoyable series that way. I have listened to this series as audiobooks and it helps that Grover Gardner is a terrific narrator. No one can pull off that New Jersey accent with just the right mix of self-deprication and sarcasm that is Andy Carpenter. There's also a strong cast of supporting characters. That's important in a long series like this. No one wants to keep coming back to characters they don't love. I received a free copy of this audiobook from NetGalley for review purposes.

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Retired lawyer, Andy carpenter runs the Tara Foundation, a rescue for helping rehabilitate and rehome dogs. He still tries cases on occasion when he knows the client is innocent. This time, his new case is a real challenge. His client, Nick Williams is accused of mass murdering a law office that specializes in malpractice. Two witnesses identified him as the shooter. Having come from a troubled background, Nick is an easy one to blame. However, Nick claims that he was kidnapped and held somewhere for 3 days, then released and told to go turn himself in. As Andy dives into the case, he discovers some shady underhanded dealing going on at the law firm, including fraud, murder, and a possible location where Nick was held. Can Andy prove Nick’s innocence? Can he figure out who really did it?

Narrator, Grover Gardner’s unique narration and intonations bring to life the well-developed characters’ personalities. The narrative style matches well with the plot and author’s writing style. The plot is well-developed, engaging, and has very few plot holes. The characters are well rounded, flawed, and help to draw the listener into Andy’s world. Listeners who like books about lawyers, murder mysteries, and books with dogs will want to pick this one up. Recommended for most library collections

Please Note: A copy of this audiobook was given in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own. No other compensation was received.

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The day the silent one of the team comes and asks Andy for a favor, something he has never done before, of course Andy says yes to Marcus before he even knows he is now the Lawyer for a mass shooter. But there is much more to this story and the K team must figure it all out and fast before Nick is found guilty. But all Nick cares about is the pup he was going to adopt from Andy’s Tara foundation. This book is so full of action and suspense that the Author and the wonderful voice actor pass on the reader. They are such a team I Home they stay together for a long time.

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This is the first book in the series for me. I really enjoyed it. Although it involves a mass murder, it's a light murder mystery/legal story. A lawyer who wants to be retired, but who takes cases where he has reason to believe the accused is not guilty is the main character in this story. This is exactly the situation in this book.

This is a complex case where an employee of a large law firm appears to have been the murderer, but he claims he was kidnapped and held for days, only being released after the murders have been committed. His story rings true and other pieces of the situation don't seem to fit.

There is gentle humor, clever writing, and a great narrator for this audio book. I will be on the lookout for more book in this series.

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