Member Reviews

Melissa has done it again! A cute story about Taryn finding love with Charlie, her former babysitter.

Quite a scandalous idea but it works in this setting. The dialogue was sometimes a bit over the top for me, but the characters were very likeable. Shoutout to Caz! Great side character.

There was cuteness, sexiness, drama, growth and so much more.

An ARC was provided to me via Netgalley in return of an honest review.

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When You Smile by Melissa Brayden begins by introducing us to Taryn and Charlie (Charlotte). Taryn is 11 and Charlie is her cool, 16 year old babysitter who Taryn idolizes. They lose touch but fast forward 10 year later, and Taryn discovers Charlie is a grad student at the same college she just transferred to. As they reconnect, we watch Charlie work through unexpected feelings for Taryn and Taryn navigating a new place and new people, but very old feelings for Charlie.

I appreciated that this book while having an age gap didn’t fall into the uncomfortable situation of a power imbalance. Yes, there were things to consider because of their age differences, but it wasn’t the main focus or struggle for these characters by any means.
In addition, the various characters in this book were strong. The main characters of Charlie and Taryn had good chemistry and the dialouge between them was engaging. There were definitely lines that made me swoon a bit. Their internal thoughts felt realistic and relatable, dealing with issues of anxiety, trauma, and coming out. The side characters were compelling and some of them made me want to know their story as well, which I take as a good sign.

As someone who has read several Melissa Brayden books, and is a fan, this one did not disappoint. I really enjoyed this book and I would highly recommend this if you enjoy fated connections between characters, but also want low angst and are okay with light touches of heavier topics such as domestic abuse.

Thank you Bold Stroke Books, Melissa Brayden, and NetGalley for this ARC.

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Thank you to Netgalley for this advance copy in exchange for an honest review:

Not going to lie, I wasn’t sure what to expect after reading the synopsis. I’m not a big fan of the age gap, especially the fact that it is a babysitter love story, BUT, the story itself was adorable. I loved the two main characters Charlie and Taeryn and how they complimented each other and their cute yet not annoying banter. Sometimes banter among characters can get annoying or even cringe worthy, but I loved the back and forth and witty sense of humor, especially from Taeryn. I definitely found myself laughing out loud at some parts. I know I would definitely not have the courage to confront a crush on my old babysitter if I had one so kudos to Taeryn.

I found both Charlie and Taeryn to be very relatable and could perfectly imagine the struggles they went through. I felt especially sympathetic towards Charlie while she navigated her way through figuring out her sexuality. While Taeryn had already realized her sexual identity, she was still inexperienced, so it was cute to see them sort of navigate their way through that experience together. The romance scenes were definitely steamy and plentiful. Taeryn’s family was everything you could ever wish for in an accepting and amazing way, and I love how supportive they were of her and their automatic love towards Charlie, especially since she didn’t have a true family.

I did find it a bit predictable that either Danny or his mom were going to do something to sabotage Charlie, but I’m glad she was able to realize and be the better person by cutting her ties with Monica and getting a job on her own instead of relying on the inside connection. I also wish we could have heard more of Charlie’s backstory and about her move and what happened between the years of her moving and meeting Taeryn again. I really also fell in love with Taeryn’s roommate Caz, she seems like an absolute gem of a roommate and was so sweet, welcoming, and encouraging of Taeryn, just wish she was more of a presence, especially towards the end. It seemed like Emerson was also good for Charlie but we hardly hear anything substantial about her and their friendship. The ending I did find to be a tad rushed, there definitely needed to be more of an explanation about the Monica situation. But overall, I really enjoyed the story more than I thought I would, and would recommend people to give it a read!

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Who doesn't remember their childhood crush? Your babysitter, the hot teacher, the older friend of your sister or brother? I'm sure we all had them. But what about meeting them when you are grown and that attraction is still there and bonus, it might just be mutual? Melissa Brayden tells a beautiful story of Taryn and Charlie, her older crush reuniting while attending the same college. This slow burn story of self discovery is funny, sweet and heart warming in so many ways. Watching the two of them fall in love will keep you on the edge of your seat, but watch out, you will be laughing occasionally, so don't fall off your chair. When You Smile definitely made me smile!

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🌈 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗦𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄 🌈

𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘤 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘨𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘤 𝘪𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘯 𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸

This book came to me just in time for pride month! It’s about a young girl, Taryn, who has a crush on her babysitter, Charlie. Years later, the two, now women, happen upon each other and sparks fly.

I had mixed feelings about this story. I loved the idea of being infatuated with someone when you’re a kid and then actually getting the chance to be with them later on in life. It’s definitely a “pinch me I’m dreaming” moment. However, being a former nanny myself, the idea of a person being with another person that they formally took care of as a child, puts a funny taste in my mouth. That being said, they were very sweet together and I appreciated the description of Charlie figuring things out and coming out later on in life.

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Another sweet romance from Melissa Brayden. As expected, the main characters are very likable and the banter between them, including the secondary characters, is very funny. In this novel though, both our main characters felt a bit superficial, which is rare for a Melissa Brayden novel, since in other novels she has given us so much information that we think we know them.

This story was very nice and sweet, and while I thought that the last 20% of the novel felt a bit rushed, it worked out perfectly well in the end. I still feel like this novel has that “Melissa Brayden style” though, so you’re in for a treat. I happily recommend it.

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If you've been looking for a low-angst, age-gap Sapphic romance with a side of toaster oven, this warm fuzzy book is for you. There is a bit of a twist with the younger woman being out and confident while the older woman is trying to understand this unexpected attraction. Of course, we know how this will work out.

Parts of the book could have use a bit more workshopping, which is amusing because an early scene is some cutting feedback in a graduate-level fiction writing class. The early part of the book has some occasional clumsy wording ("the manner in which the sunset mixed its colors" just doesn't flow) and too much tell/show instead of do. But once we get into dialog, it starts moving more smoothly. And I love the voice of Taryn's roommate Caz.

Nothing here to change your life, but doesn't everybody deserve silly love songs?

Bold Strokes Books was kind enough to provide me with an advanced reading copy via Netgalley for an honest review.

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This book was amazing and I devoured this book in just a few sittings! I loved the character development and how the story progressed.

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Geese Rating and Review: Overall 🪿 🪿 🪿 🪿
**There may be mild spoilers**

Romance Quality:🪿 🪿 🪿 🪿
To be honest I was super nervous about the main character's historical relationship originating in a babysitter context. I was nervous about how it would appropriately transition into a love story but I was impressed with the writing and how the story unfolded. Once the present tense is the focus the romance evolves. I was impressed with how the relationship builds while tying in the origin of their relationship and the familie ties from the start through to the finish. My heart fluttered a bit with their relationship evolution and seeing both the characters evolve as well as their relationships made it easy to be invested in character growth.

Chemistry: 🪿 🪿 🪿 🪿
This chemistry was on fire! When one character is pining after another, and the character they’re pining after is in a seemingly long term hetero relationship it gave me pause. Once their interest in each other was explored more deeply it was joyful to experience each of them falling more deeply for one another.

Plot Flow:🪿 🪿 🪿
The plot was simple, yet complex. The premise from a birds eye view is that their relationship began in their adolescence and teenage years and then they reconnected at college and their relationship blossomed. But interwoven are their parent relationship, each of the characters own historical relationships (one being more significant than the other), and then also their school experiences and the impact of their careers as it applies their budding relationship. All of these pieces seemingly nuanced are woven with intention and delicacy. The plot was engaging for the most part. Towards the end I was frustrated with the role family played into the 3rd act breakup, otherwise I enjoyed it.

Setting: 🪿 🪿 🪿 🪿
Romance at college is exciting and when you add in that Charlie and Taryn being at different stages of their college experience it makes it even more layered! It was fun seeing their relationship blossom at school and seeing each of them explore where they wanted their careers to go. With each of them having high steak goals, and Charlie’s being most near in the future I was invested in Charlie having an opportunity that best fit her growth!

Emotional Impact: 🪿 🪿 🪿
There was a lot of turbulence but it was softened by the ease of the writing. The story moved quickly and it was very palatable. I am always impressed with Melissa Braydens ability to throw in curve balls but keep it mild enough that the ending would tie up any loose ends. I particularly appreciated the epilogue and the opportunity to see their relationship in the future.

Overall Enjoyment:🪿 🪿 🪿 🪿
Overall I enjoyed the read! I used to read Melissa Brayden all the time but I realized I haven’t read one of her books in a bit and I was super excited to reacquaint myself with her writing! Charlie and Taryn were each relatable characters and it was easy to get invested in their relationship. I recommend this read if you are looking for a palate cleanser!

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Word of warning - I loved this book.
When you meet up with your childhood babysitter and you are both at college.
This is a sweet coming out story with its fair share of ups and downs.
It always amuses me when authors write stories that feature people who write. And this is no exception. I like the critiquing and also the photography technical speak.
Also, does Taryn have a Nigella moment when she is making mac and cheese?!

This book also introduced me to my new life motto - 'Don't take candy from your bowl and out it in someone else's. Then they have all the candy and you have an empty bowl.' I wish someone had told me that before!

There is of course an epilogue
This shows that life happens and it is possible to move forward on a path in life that you had no idea existed before your story starts.

So this about coming out, lesbian awakening, finding yourself and your place in life.

I thoroughly recommend it.

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When You Smile is a well told story of the self discovery that people go through when they stop listening to what other people tell them is right. A university is a perfect setting for this.

When 26 year old grad student Charlie runs into 21 year old Taryn, it throws her world into confusion. The girl she used to babysit isn't so little anymore, and is making her feel things that she didn't expect. The process of self discovery that Charlie goes through feels very relatable.

I enjoyed the latest by Melissa Brayden and recommend it for anyone looking for a good story around the process of self discovery and coming out.

I received a free copy from Bold Strokes Books through Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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This story was absolutely fantastic, just wow! I really loved Charlie and Taryn together, and I was always excited to see what was going to happen next. They are so sweet with each other, and I love the way Charlie is always taking care of Taryn. I feel like the author did an excellent job at navigating the difficulty that comes with accepting yourself and being gracious in self-discovery. I also loved the way Taryn herself learned to be a little more understanding and empathetic in Charlie’s self-discovery journey. Their timelines were seamlessly woven together, and their relationship was so unique and special throughout the entire school year. I also really love the way this author writes her epilogues as well. I look forward to those the most because they always solidify the happy ending I am hoping for. I only wish this was a longer book, and I highly recommend this to everyone! I cannot wait for the next one, cheers.

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Melissa Brayden has written another beautiful story that I refused to put down! So many wonderful romantic scenes and happy stomach clenching was occurring with each turn of the page. Charlie and Taryn were destined to be together, and I adored the way their interactions were described. I was always hungry for more, and Miss Brayden delivered perfectly with each and every scene. I love how we get to be inside the head of both main characters instead of just reading a one-sided story. I think one of the best parts was when Charlie spent the holidays with Taryn’s family. It made me feel so happy that Charlie had a family that loved her unconditionally. This story was so heartwarming, and I was constantly doing little happy dances throughout every chapter. Thank you for an outstanding novel, and I enthusiastically give it a 10/10! Love you, Melissa :)

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This story is not only character driven, but it is unlike any storyline I have seen before. Melissa Brayden has another winner, finding a storyline that people have experienced, but not seen on the written pages. Really, how many of us have had a crush on our babysitter, wondering what if? The main characters, Taryn and Charlie, are authentic. Their supporting cast, which are varied, bring so many different personalities that mesh into a beautifully written story. I highly recommend this is book,

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WOW JUST WOW! I LOVED LOVED LOVED THIS BOOK! Melissa Brayden is beyond talented! I could not put this book down, I completed the entire book in one sitting. When you smile draws you in to a whole new world that makes you feel like you're there living amongst the characters. This book makes you feel a rollercoaster of emotions because it is so well written. When you smile made me laugh and cry both sad and happy tears especially the ending it made my heart melt and cry happy tears. This book also covers some critical topics within today’s society (domestic violence, blackmail, different family dynamics, loss of loved ones, family illness and LGBTQ+) these topics have been so sensitively covered complete credit to Melissa Brayden for how this topics were written. THIS BOOK IS AN ABSOLUTE MUST READ!

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I smiled a lot reading this. Standard Brayden fayre. Clever, quick conversation. If I didn’t know the author, I would know the author. However there is a difference. It is somehow more contained. I commented on a previous Brayden book that I found the dialogue quite exhausting because it is so “on” all the time. This isn’t. I wasn’t complaining before but I prefer this balance.
The barrier, ie the boyfriend, doesn’t seem as 3d as most Brayden characters, or it is possible that I just don’t like him and don’t really see what one main would like about him…… even as her friend that developed in to more. A wee bit more insight from the writer and I get the why. Also this highlights the consequences of choosing her love and those potential consequences rather than what she loves about the consequences of being with him. The main is not selfish, although my last sentence maybe made her seem like that. To get to know her read the book, I recommend it!
I read a book recently and when the mains got together, I looked to see how much reading was left and wondered how the writer would pad out the hour and half. I’ve got about the same in this but I am very much looking forward to see the consequences be revealed and resolved.
This book was 4-4.5 for most but I found the resolution moved me and it to a 5.

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I was really into this book for the first third of it and really enjoyed learning about Taryn and Charlie's past, present and the bits in between that we missed as a reader. However, I found myself more interested in the side characters more and eventually they kind of disappeared. Caz could've been so much more! I liked the idea of Charlie realising more about herself later in her twenties and find that people will relate to that, but it just seemed like something is missing later in the story? It doesn't put me off reading other Melissa Brayden books though as I have really enjoyed her previous books! :)

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I received an ARC from NetGalley and am writing this review voluntarily.

I loved the book. Reading this book was so much fun. The dialogues in the book are witty, hilarious, intelligent, and emotional. The narrations at various places are top-notch. I loved it and enjoyed the book thoroughly.

I am not into YA books but just because of Melissa Brayden, I wanted to read it. Otherwise, YA is a big no for me. I am not able to connect with the YA book, the MCs, the plot lines, character development, etc. Hence, no young adult books. But, this book....., Do we have a word equivalent to chef's kiss but applicable to book scenarios? Let me know.

Okay, so the book is about two MCs Charlotte Adler aka Charlie and Tary Ross's growth, their life and education at Hillspoint University, graduate study in creative writing for Charlie and undergraduate for Taryn, the struggles of Charlie with her sexuality and Taryn with her crush, navigation of a relationship amidst the chaos of studies, the spark between Charlie and Taryn, confidence of Taryn, words written and spoken by Charlie, friendship between Taryn and Caz, cool parents of Taryn, and Charlie's tragic past, etc. These aforementioned topics came together to create a strong story with beautiful characters and sharp writing.

I think I should write about five people here. I adored Taryn's parents; Martie and Ted. They were adorkable people. The third one is Caz, Taryn's roommate at the university, She is someone you would like to have in your corner. In real life. Seriously. I mean it. The other two people, among both one never appeared in the book but just her name, are Rosemary and Eva. I wanted our MCs to reconnect with them at the end of the book like they promised to Rosemary on their first date.

I loved the paragraph on when to capture the happy emotion with your camera; the great capture would be at the realization of the happiness. Want to know the full paragraph and what I meant here, read the book. ;) :)

Last but not least, I won't look at the popcorn kernel the same way after reading this book. Promise.

I recommend this book if you want to read about love, friendship, struggles, and challenges. Or if you want a fresh story with some fun, this book is for you.

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I didn't like this story very much, maybe it's because I found it quite childish, although its protagonists are not so young. It must have been because of the babysitter thing. Or because of how good or bad its protagonists have been, they have all been with little depth of character, very simple.

Taryn has always had a crush on her babysitter, from when she was 11 and her nanny was 16. And, when Taryn starts college, she meets the babysitter, Charlie. A coincidence that will cause Charlie to begin to doubt her heterosexuality and Taryn can have hope that her infatuation will come true.

The atmosphere of the story is youthful although it has some dramatic aspects, as always, it has that situation that seems to bring down everything that has been built up until then, but It all comes to nothing.

It hasn't aroused the interest that this author's latest novels had had for me, I'm sorry to say.

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TLDR: This is a sweet, very low angst, rom-com book that it's a little to fast paced for it's own good - but if you're looking for an easy, sweet, story it's for you! This is like a Hollywood rom-com where you know exactly what's going to happen at each moment, but it doesn't stop you from sitting back with your bowl of popcorn and eating it all up.

I love Melissa Brayden, the first sapphic book I read was actually Strawberry Summer and it was (and still is) my everything. When I was approved for this ARC (THANK YOU SO MUCH) I had the biggest smile on my face. I'm grateful to be able to read this story early and so glad I did. While I did find myself wishing it would almost slow down, that we would get more details about moments and situations, I can't say I wasn't smiling through it. This a book for anyone who ever had a crush on a babysitter or someone a little older than them while they were figuring out who they are.

Truly my only complaint with this book is how fast the last 50% is. The "twist" almost felt like it was just placed because it needed a little drama, but was also very stereotypical. I wanted more closure on the side characters - what about the owners of the restaurant, even Danny and his mom, what happened with them. I would have loved a moment of Charlie telling Danny's mom off. Taryn's roomies/friends? I LOVE fast-paced, a slow burns kills me, but I have to admit this was a little too fast paced for me. The ending felt rushed where I would have loved more detail.

SPICE: 3+ somewhat spicy scenes
ANGST: Minimum
HEART/COMMUNICATION: 4 stars (Taryn should have just told Charlie right away)
TROPES: Toaster over, second chance, first time, "I didn't tell her to protect her but ended up hurting us both",

SIDE THOUGHTS: I would recommend one more round of editing with this story - there were many times I noticed names had changed (Charlotte Ross is what Taryn's mom called her instead of Adler and I believe at one point Taryn's dad changed between Ted and Tad.)

All in all, I will always continue to read Melissa Brayden with a smile on my face and I'm so grateful for this ARC. Thank you to NetGalley and Bold Stroke Books.

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