Member Reviews

A "must read" for business leaders

At a time when competition for business is tighter than ever, Barry LaBov has written a book for leaders filled with keen insights and principles that can help set your business apart from competitors.

"The Power of Differentiation" is packed with stories about established companies across a variety of industries and the eye-opening transformations they made when leadership, employees, and other stakeholders truly understood the power of their differentiation and committed to taking meaningful action to bring it to life.

This book is a "must read" for business leaders. Treat it as a guide for your own discovery process. Don’t skip around! Each chapter builds on lessons from the previous one. That’s why it’s important to make time to read each chapter and discuss with your team how you can apply the concepts to your business. Once you’ve completed the book, keep it handy as a convenient reference along your company’s growth journey.

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Barry Labov’s journey in the competitive world of music in the 1980s forms the foundation for his understanding of differentiation. Labov’s key premise in "The Power of Differentiation" is clear and valuable: The ability to explain why a company matters and what sets it apart in terms of customer needs and stakeholder expectations is critical. By sharing stories of leaders who have successfully differentiated their brands, Labov illustrates the power and pride that come from rallying a team around a unique value proposition. Throughout the book, the stories Labov tells and the points he makes made me reflect on how my own business is differentiated.

A particularly useful section of the book is dedicated to the concept of Brand Re-Engineering, a unique and thorough process his company has developed to help businesses discover and amplify their uniqueness. Unlike traditional branding exercises that focus primarily on customer feedback and creating immediate deliverables like taglines and logos, Brand Re-Engineering delves deeper. It includes comprehensive research involving not just customers but also employees, leadership, and distribution networks. This process uncovers the intrinsic value within a company’s products, services, and processes. By focusing on the intrinsic qualities of a company and involving all relevant parties in the re-engineering process, Labov ensures that the brand’s differentiation is genuine, compelling, and sustainable.

This book is a powerful reminder that true differentiation is not just a strategy but a journey of discovering and amplifying what makes your company extraordinary.

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2.5 stars.
I was not the right audience for this.
I have a background in management, and as a part-time sole trader, I requested this book based on the description.
First of all, it does indeed deliver on what is promoted.
This book is a comprehensive guide for brand differentiation, and it is very well-structured.
The prose is engaging and easy-to-follow and covers possibly every topic that could come to mind about differentiation - the author has great advice to offer. I took some lessons as more generalised life lessons, reminders and professional tips.

Though, the writing style, some examples and some themes were not to my taste.

I recommend this to all managers, those in marketing and sales, brand management, and startups.

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