Member Reviews

Another great edition to this series. I love the varying, sometimes odd, abilities of the characters, and the development between the main two characters continues further in this volume. Definitely excited for the next!

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Thank you NetGalley and Viz Media for this arc!

5/5 stars!!

This was such an action packed volume of Marriage Toxin! The conclusion of the cliffhanger of volume two, the big master wedding, and then the cliffhanger ending of this volume?! There was barely room to breathe lol! Super fun, super exciting, I can't wait to read more!

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I really enjoy this series. It's quick, funny, has fantastic art, and such likable characters. It's nice to see Gero grow but still be super awkward and on brand. Even though he struggles with women they all seem to love him. The action is just as entertaining and over the top as in the first two volumes and each new character is unique and kind of crazy so you can be sure the next volume will be just as fun. This is a series I've come to look forward to seeing more of and I'll definitely continue reading to the very end!

Thank you VIZ Media for the digital ARC via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Poison Master Gero versus Sound Master Naruko! Gero is fighting Naruko to keep Shiori Ureshino alive while on a college camping trip. If he wins, what will Ureshino do with her aunt who hired Naruko? And will Ureshino want to have any type of relationship with Gero? But before Gero and Mei Kinosake manage to find another client, they have a shopping trip and wedding to survive! And what is a hamster master? Read this volume and hang on for a ride!

Thanks Netgalley and Viz Media for the chance to read this title!

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Marriage Toxin continues to be a fun mix of over the top action and genuine moments between the cast. Picking up where the last volume left off, Gero completes that mission and we get to know a bit more about his client, but a big portion is dedicated to Bug Master's wedding and that's what I mean about the genuine moments, the whole thing was very cute and sweet. Gero is a good one. and so are most of the people around him. The romance has taken a back seat to the action, but that's fine because he's growing on both fronts.

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Marriage Toxin continues to bring the action and the laughs in its third volume. The camping Gero goes through in this volume is the complete opposite of what they do in Yuru Camp but it works for just how weird this story gets.

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Another quirky, hilarious, and heartfelt adventure with Gero! I love meeting more Masters as the story continues on, learning more of the lore behind Master society, and just watching Gero let himself have fun and grow as a person. Also, Bug Master is so special to me. <3

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Can Gero ever catch a break? The pacing of the story makes me so tired for him haha. The moment he’s done fighting, a new opponent appears.

Thank you Viz and NetGalley for the DRC! Vol. 3 keeps the same zany flow and we get more backstory into Bug Man and Gero’s friendship. Gero is such a chill and normal dude, he hasn’t even realized how alluring that is to others and how many flock to him due to that. His wedding speech was adorable and he’s such a good friend. I’m a big scaredy cat about bugs but the wedding rings being flown in was so cute and I wish we could’ve gotten that scene in color.

The cliffhanger at the end of the volume was not cute but once again, Gero saves more lives than he does ruining them as a poison master. Plz volume 4 drop soon!

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This was a really cute installment. I enjoyed getting to see Gero's friendship with the Bug Master. It helped humanize him a little more. However, the cliffhanger of this book was intense, which drives me crazy!

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