Member Reviews

The first thing you notice about this book is how beautiful the photographs are! The second thing you notice at how beautiful plants can be in the bleakest season-winter! This book does a fantastic job bringing attention to the beauty of the winter landscape and highlights many ways in which winter plants (both green and not) can be so beautiful if you stop to appreciate them. This book also includes chapters on entry garden design and views of winter plants through windows both of which were so unexpected but greatly appreciated!

The only thing that I didn't enjoy in this book is the captions for photos. All the captions feature the Latin names for plants and it would be much more accessible if the common names were also used.

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This was really well written and researched. I felt like I really gained a lot of practical knowledge from reading this. I am excited to implement what I have learned. This was very user friendly and easy to follow.

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Winter gardens often go unnoticed. This book enlightens us on winter garden plants and the methods of planting for winter. I suggest this book to all gardening enthusiasts.

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A much needed dive in to the seasonal winter gardening, my winters can vary greatly in temperature as apposed to the rest of the states so I was elated to find another New England minded gardener to get suggestions from! Warrens tone was easy to read along with and I feel like I have all the information I need to expand my winter garden! Thanks for access to this great ARC Netgalley and Timber Press! Thanks to this title I will be able to complete scape my space in to a whimsy winter space.

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In the last year I have taken over an empty dirt patch outside my apartment and have been working to turn it into a real garden. I would like it to be visually interesting for as many months of the year as possible, so I requested this ARC in the hopes of picking up some tips. This was a difficult one to read because clearly the ebook format had not been taken into consideration — the pages were laid out like they would be in the print version, which made all the text a bit too small to read. I ended up just skimming through and stopping to zoom in where there was a section that seemed interesting. What I did read clearly was written by someone who’d done a lot of research and had a deep knowledge of and love for gardening. However, other than one short section on container planting, this book was written only for people with houses and a fair amount of land attached. I will certainly not be planting trees or even bushes in my little dirt patch, and that was most of what was discussed! The pictures were beautiful though.

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This is a beautifully illustrated garden book. I got all kinds of ideas, though it wasn’t always easy to tell which plants would work in my zone 4 garden. I try to plant mostly plants that are native to Minnesota and that adds another level of trickiness but I still love the book.

I read a temporary digital review copy of this book via NetGalley.

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“An enthusiastic embrace of the winter season” is a theme woven throughout this book. Exquisite winter photos are featured throughout, showing you what might have been in your garden had you given it some thought.

I will be thinking long and hard about the ideas in Plants for Winter Garden. I learned about marcescent winter foliage and using bark to add cold weather interest.

The Gestalt of Groves was a particularly interesting chapter. So many design ideas were presented in an approachable way. Forms, fruits and blooms for the winter made me consider how to use these elements in a creative way.

If you are wanting to up your winter gardening game, this is the book for you.

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This book is a great book for anyone interested in hardy plants for the winter. Being a New York native and currently living in Colorado, I am no stranger to harsh winters. This book is very informative and provides not only in depth details but beautiful supporting pictures as well. I appreciate the several shrubs and trees mentioned, along with tips for their maintenence and protection throughout the year. It's very helpful and insightful, and I plan on incorporating some more resilient plants into my landscaping.

Thank you NetGalley and Timber Press for this informative reference book.

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