Member Reviews

I liked how the story was teaching people how kindness means alot. I really liked the beautiful illustrations and how the text wasn't too much to read. I thought that the cover was really eye catching and drawed me to read it. Thank you for letting me review this book!

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This was a sweet read, my 4 and 6 year old liked it. I wouldn’t describe it as ‘belly laughing’ as the summary suggests, but it was pleasant enough.

Paul is an entitled Peacock who has treated the other animals badly. He learns his lesson when he loses his precious feathers and he is lonely with no friends.

It has a good message for children - to always treat people with kindness. The illustrations are lovely.

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This was a wonderful book with a great message for kids. I think it did a great job showing how being selfish is isolating. It is also beautifully drawn. I really appreciated the story and the characters therein.

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A cute friendship tale with fun illustrations! A good lesson on remembering to appreciate your friends and not take them for granted!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my review copy!

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The illustrations in this book are lovely - very bright and colorful. Paul the Peacock has an arrogant attitude in the beginning, but he soon realizes the error of his ways when others don't respond the way that he expects.

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Paul the peacock loses his feathers! This was a fun book to read. I love the illustrations and I will definitely be recommending this book

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What a strange little book - a peacock who has lost his feathers! The shenanigans Paul gets into while he tracks down his feathers are funny. The text is age appropriate, the artwork is lovely, and I enjoyed the book - as did my two-year-old son, who I read this to using my tablet.

Overall, I thought this was a great kids book. I pay attention to what lessons are learned, and here there are a few very valuable ones. We got to watch Paul apologize for his actions once he realized what he had done. We saw how valuable it is to appreciate the people in our lives that make things possible. Paul became a better person through hardship. We also got to see Norris set healthy boundaries and practice forgiveness. I liked this book very much!

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Thank you to NetGalley along with the publisher for the eARC! This is a very silly book about Paul and his friend Norris. Paul is perfect with his feathers and has Norris to take care of him. One night a storm comes through and Paul loses everything. Paul goes on an adventure to get his feathers back and realizes how much he misses his friends and realizes how he took advantage of them. This book has a great message for all readers!

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My children and I all adored the story of "Paul the Peacock". It sparked great conversations on empathy, vanity, materialism and friendship. The illustrations are colorful, detailed, and fun to look at. "Paul the Peacock" reminded me of an updated version of the classic "The Rainbow Fish", but I liked the message in this book even better! Overall, I'd recommend this fun book, with a deeper underlying message to young readers and their families.

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This little book was so charming!

I was giggling along with 'Paul 8, Fish 0' and the little worms playing their violins to Paul's sorrows😆.
I will be requesting this book for the Children's section of our library!

The book shows us Paul being, 'greedy and rude' and treasuring his feathers above everything, including his loyal friend, Norris. That is until he faces despair in the storm and loses everything, including his beloved feathers, only to have his friends aid him and show him the error of his ways.

This is a classic moral tale so important in our young childrens books, and this one is told in such a light, refreshing and humorous way.

Aside from the writing and story itself, the accompanying artwork is so delightful. Like painted brushstrokes and yet bold and colourful and engaging. The depictions magically brought the story to life and also added another layer of humour to the book which is fun for children and their adults alike🥰

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My daughter and I loved this story. Picture books are always best enjoyed with kids and this is a book that can be enjoyed by kids of many ages, from my 4 year old to my 11 year old. I love the story and the lessons to be learned about kindness, respect, and using good words. And I also loved the illustrations. There were so many little things to enjoy, like the little earth worms playing a sad song for a then pathetic Paul. All details matter, in writing and in pictures and there are so many fun ones to notice in this book.

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The best part about this book was the illustrations and colours, for sure! The message was also really beautiful. It was a nice, quick read and the colours really kept my daughters attention. I think it's a great book for younger children/infants.

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Paul the peacock is just to cocky for his own good. He loses his friends because he is selfish, ungrateful and rude. He learns his lesson and apologizes. The apology got him out of the hole he dug himself into literally. A great book for showing how it looks when you are selfish and mean and also how much difference an apology can make. The illustrations are nice and bright and colorful, just lovely addition to the story. Thanks to Netgalley and Quarto Publishing Group

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This is such a fun, colorful book to read! First of all, everyone needs a friend like Norris; what a kind and forgiving soul. Paul the Peacock is easily relatable for parents and kids alike. What a brilliant reminder to pause, take a moment, and tell those around you that you appreciate them. This is a great book for older toddlers (and for adults too)

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A charming and humorous tale about what it means to be a good friend.

Paul is a peacock perfectly happy with his life of comfort and ease, with daily pampering by his friend Norris the loris. Norris grows weary of being a friend whose care and attention is neither appreciated nor reciprocated, and packs his bags and leaves. On the same evening, a big storm destroys Paul’s nest and blows away all of his beautiful feathers. Many unsuccessful attempts to retrieve the feathers land Paul literally at rock bottom, resulting in a moment of self-reflection that he has not be a good friend or jungle-mate. After receiving a heartfelt letter of apology, Norris returns to help his friend, and Paul vows to be kinder and more generous.
The story’s message is clear, prompting many opportunities for conversations about friendship, empathy, and generosity. The humor sprinkled throughout will keep young readers engaged, and so will the bright and charming illustrations. I would absolutely recommend this book and would enjoy any future adventures of Paul and Norris.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this e-book in exchange for my honest thoughts!

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The book has many comical moments and expressive illustrations that bring the characters and the forest to life. It’s a funny and engaging fable that conveys a profound message about being less materialistic and more mindful of others’ feelings. With its vibrant storytelling and colorful pages, “Paul the Peacock” is a fantastic read that encourages young readers to reflect on their actions and to value the relationships they have.

It’s a story that will not only entertain but also teach children the beauty of empathy and the strength found in genuine friendships.. A recommended addition to any child’s bookshelf for its humor and heartwarming narrative.

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This was a cute book with an important lesson. The lesson is good for kids as they grow and develop but also a good reminder for adults. I loved the illustrations. They ware so well done and detailed. I am adding this to the list to purchase for my niece when she gets a little older.

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This is a cute little story full of animal friends. My kids loved the colorful pictures and all of the different types of animals included. They thought Paul looked extra silly when deciding to become an earthworm.
It's a silly kid's book with a great lesson - be nice to your friends.. or your friends may not help you when you need it.

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What happens when a bossy Someone loses Everything? Paul the Peacock had that happen and learned that kindness is the way to live.
The illustrations by the author are fun, imaginative, brilliantly colorful, and absolutely
Well suited for reading WITH someone of any age, including ESL, and great for gifting to everyone, especially to a school, church library, or your local public library!.
I requested and received a free temporary e-book on Adobe Digital Editions from Quarto Publishing Group – Frances Lincoln Children's Books | Happy Yak via NetGalley. Thank you!
Available Aug 06, 2024

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Paul the Peacock is a funny and quippy story about friendship and humility.

The prose jumps off the page as Paul struggles to deal with the loss of his feathers and his friend. Gentle messaging throughout the book highlights the importance of friendship, humility, and how we treat others.

The illustrations are vibrant and energetic, and really bring the story to life. We were laughing out loud at some of Paul’s over-confident attempts to get back his feathers.

Thank you Quarto Publishing Group and NetGalley for a copy of this book. Opinions expressed are my own.

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