Member Reviews

Gorgeous watercolor illustrations of a magical afternoon when Hermes discovers that whatever he draws in his notebook becomes real in his backyard. It left me with a lot of questions though - he had to draw his best friend to have her come play with him, but then the school bully appears out of nowhere? And when said bully took the map page out of the notebook I thought that was going to make his original backyard reappear since it was no longer part of the magic notebook? Since there were no consequences, what was the point of having the pirate appear just to steal the page? Could have done with a more thought-out world and plot but I'm probably overthinking it.

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A very creative and vibrant story celebrating the wonder of a child’s imagination and creativity. Hermes has found a magic map and sets off for adventure to see where it leads. Along the way he discovers friends, travel and treasure. I love the watercolor feel of the illustrations. The perfect book for your little adventurer.

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Kids with big imaginations will love this book, because I think that they'll definitely be able to relate to Hermes. Although, I still think that all kids will have fun reading this book, because it is just so fun. The illustrations might be a bit hit-or-miss with a younger audience, though, because they're not super colorful or vibrant. However, I thought that the illustrations were well-done and impressive.
While I think that kids will have fun reading this, I found an issue with the plot that bothered me a bit while reading. I think that the conflict and the ending came too abruptly, and weren't set up at all. This made me confused by the end of the book, and I think it would have been better if the story had more development/context, even if that would make the book longer. It would have made much more sense, for any kind of reader.
Other than that, though, I liked reading this book, and I think other people, especially kids, will, too.

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Have you ever been glad you mistakenly chose a book? 🤔🙈I very much am right now!🥰😅

I asked to review this book because the title made me think it would touch classical mythology 🏛️... and at first I was disappointed when I realised it didn't and I had read some keywords wrong.


I am very glad I did, because otherwise I would not have picked "Hermes and the Magic Map" by Jenny Shann and would have missed on a story full of childhood fun, colorful magic, and a lovely wink to mythical Hermes.
The story is suitable both for being read to younger children (my 4yo enjoyed it very much and asks for it often) and for slightly older kids to read themselves. The illustrations are dreamy, full of color and life, and definitely add an extra level of depth to the text.
This book is 38 pages of quick-paced fantasy that will transport adults to the adventures of their childhood, and children to the world where magic happens.

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Hermes and the Magic Map is a whimsical story about a boy with a big imagination. I really enjoyed the way the story flowed and how Hermes used his imagination to escape reality. The images are gorgeous and I am certain that this will be an enjoyable story for many children who like to dream.

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A fun adventure story featuring Greek mythology and beautiful artwork. The story had a great message about friendship and imagination

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What an adorable book about childhood and imagination! And don't get me started with the illustration - it is beyond beautiful! I love the watercolors. I also really enjoyed the subtle Greek mythology references throughout the story.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC, I really enjoyed it.

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A simple picture book about a boy who loses himself in his imagination while drawing and draws his own adventures. Friends, adventures, treasures, and family make for a cute story with nice illustrations.

Thank you to Atmosphere Press and Net Galley for the eARC.

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To be honest, what I loved the most were the illustrations! I liked the watercolor style and all the details they had. So beautiful to look at.
The story was also great, super fun and adventurous, with good lessons about friendship and creativity.
I would absolutely recommend it!

*Thanks to NetGalley uk, the publishers and the author for the ARC*

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This book was such a fun and magical adventure. My kiddo loved it! The illustrations were beautiful as well!

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A sweet short story that can definitely steal a smile

The main strong point are the illustrations, which look like paintings and it's easy to believe they come right from Hermes' notebook.
The adventure is fairly short and there is a moment where this could've been expanded for just a tiny bit of entertainment. But I loved how it encouraged the use of imagination and creativity to come out of a tough situation.

The nudge to Greek mythology was the cherry on the cake, something that would make hardcore Percy Jackson fans shed a tear and steal a bittersweet smile.

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A celebration of imagination and the fun of playing outdoors! A sweet story of friendship, with a dash of Greek mythology.

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This was such a sweet story full of adventures and friendships. I have recently been enjoying children’s books and this is one my nephews would absolutely love.

I loved the Greek mythology aspects in this and the illustrations were spectacular. Perfect to read for a bedtime story!

🗺️ 🌴 🗺️ 🌴 🗺️ 🌴 🗺️ 🌴 🗺️ 🌴 🗺️ 🌴 🗺️

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with access to read this book!

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A sweet story that was a little like the picture book Journey. I enjoyed the mix of illustrations and prose, but think the character of Drake could be better explored.

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My kids LOVED this fun adventure story for a bedtime book. I loved the concept, the illustrations and the characters were so relatable. We had some really fun conversations following this.

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This reminded me a lot of Harold and the Purple Crayon. The illustrations were pretty good, not my favorite. This was sweet and fun, but nothing very special, in my opinion. I was also kind of hoping there would be some Greek mythology references!

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