Member Reviews

This book hooked me from the first page, I was so entertained that I read it in one sitting.

In this book we have Dani, a college student with a strange personality who tends not to get along with anyone because she sees people as means to an end. She lives in "The Bells" and has several housemates who all have secrets they are desperate to keep. Vivi, Dani's roommate is the main focus of the story, as she is a very rich and kind girl used by everyone.

The atmospheric cabin in the woods also worked great as a setting, it's not the most original but it did contribute to the vibe of the story.

The twists and turns were great! I wasn't entirely surprised, but I enjoyed them and I think Dani's journey to discover everything that was going on was very well crafted. Dani's character and the story in general were also well written, which is always a pleasant surprise in thriller books.
I definitely want to read the second installment!

Pub date: 27 june
*Thanks to NetGalley uk, the publishers and the author for the ARC*

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When I requested this book I didn't realise it was a young adult book. The Young Adult genre is not my type of genre so much of what I'll say is with this caveat.

"Secret of the Dead" is a good story that keeps the momentum going with a velocity that doesn't let up. With this Feyisara has written a good, fun story.

There are some minor squabbles I have with the story regarding character reasoning and the willingness of the audience to accept the dislike of characters without established reasoning.

While I'm not the audience for this book I can imagine my teenage niece really enjoying this book and being interested in the others in the "Secret" series.

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Beyond amazing! Was such a good prequel to our secrets die with her! Was super quick passed, so many twists and turns and incredibly intresting throughout! Can’t wait to read our secrets die with her!!! Amazing writing!

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Secrets of the Dead by Simbi Feyisara
Rating: 4.5/5
Release Date: 27 June 2024

At Stedmond College, Dani was notorious for her untrustworthiness. She collected secrets for sport, pushing their owners to the brink to see how far they’d go to keep their truths hidden. Heading to Brittles Cove—a picturesque, secluded beach—for the weekend, Dani knew she was a walking target. But with the backing of Vivienne Marks, the girl with the perfect looks, perfect friends, and perfect life, Dani believed she was safe.

However, appearances can be deceiving. As Dani begins to reveal secrets, she realises their true weight when the owners have something to lose. Now, trapped in Brittles Cove with those whose lives she's upended, Dani faces a vengeful reckoning. They won't rest until she has paid in blood.

This quick read by Simbi Feyisara took me by surprise, but I absolutely loved it. The author masterfully packed a wealth of detail into just a few pages. The characters, especially Dani and Vivi, were exceptionally well-developed and crafted to perfection. The cliffhanger at the end has left me eagerly anticipating the next instalment.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Black Echo Press, and the author, Simbi Feyisara, for providing me with an ARC copy in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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OK so wow. Where to begin. The thought process of Dani and how she could find out anything about anyone and use it against them was impressive. It's especially easy when all of the girls have so many secrets. Then the ending of her once again spinning things to her advantage. So sad with the cliff hanger and the next book not being released. Added it to my TBR!!

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