Member Reviews

This was an interesting book. It was both fun and informative. I love the idea of telling history through graphic novel. It allows a heavy topic to seem a bit lighter. It also makes the telling of history easier to engage with, and helps visual learners truly embrace what they are reading. I thought the information was provided in a unique way without detracting from what was being conveyed. I think this would be a great book for anyone high school aged and up.

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Thank you NetGalley and Harper Perennial for the ARC. Unfortunately I couldn't get through this one. The high concept, while clever, was a bit too removed from the subject matter for me, making it hard for me to engage with the book. I didn't find the illustration style or coloring particularly compelling, either. That, coupled with the huge amount of text in many of the panels made this one much less fun than it should be. However impossible to make happen, I definitely expected this to be a zippy graphic novel condensing Harari's excellent book into a readable graphic novel for young-ish readers — but it was a bit too laborious of a read for even me. The concept of news reporters or presenters narrating such heady topics instead of showing these concepts "in action" was a bit too removed from the subject matter for me.

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These books are so good, discussing the breadth of human history with a level of levity you don’t expect from the topic. This one discusses whether a quest for empire, a love of money, or the creation of religion unified humanity most and the results are surprising. As a nonbeliever, I particularly loved the way religion was handled and found it extremely insightful and balanced. After three of these graphic novels, I kinda want to read the original book now…. Very excited for book 4!

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