Member Reviews

Daughter of Chaos is an adventure-filled fantasy based on Greek mythology. The story follows Danae, a fisherman's daughter from a small town, as she embarks on different quests all while discovering her new powers.

A.S. Webb found a way to weave in the stories of Greek mythology while still making them new and entertaining. It was enjoyable to read about Danae's experiences as she left her small town, discovered who she was, and met new people.

While I did enjoy the quest aspect, there were some points in the story that felt a bit more slow-paced, making it read more like a historical fantasy book. Some of the relationships between the characters were lacking a bit of depth for me. I would have liked more interactions between those characters so that there was a stronger foundation.

If you enjoy reading quest-filled historical fantasy books, then Daughter of Chaos is definitely the book for you!\

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin for allowing me to read this ARC!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin for this ARC! Daughter of Chaos reminds me that Greek mythology was one of the precursors for an epic fantasy. As an avid myth retelling fan, I thought this would be a retelling of Danae, but this book was more than that - it is a reimagining, drawing from the original myth, with a few mythological Easter eggs (prophecies, Artemis’s hunters, and fire, oh my!) thrown in the mix.

I enjoyed seeing Danae’s growth throughout the book - she started out as the scrappy younger sister to a resilient adult. The other characters were written well too - Webb makes sure that they have similar traits to the original mythological characters but makes them more…human? Relatable? The world building was great and Webb’s descriptions the different islands and such offered an interesting perspective. One gripe I have with this book was that the ending felt a bit too rushed. Danae’s interactions with Hera and Hera’s interactions with Zeus were quite captivating, and I was sad that it ended so soon. I am looking forward to the next book in the series, as it this one ended with a cliffhanger.

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Execution was lacking and I felt like the author didn't have their own voice, merely blended other's to form their own. The Show Vs. Tell rule was ignored and frustrating to the point of me almost DNFing. Pacing was slow, Third person POV was a total NO for me. The plot concept was so there for me, but this came down to a premise that was told versus an actual story.

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I didn't get very far into this book because it simply wasn't grabbing my interest, and the very beginning challeneged my ability to suspend my disbelief. As such, I've decided to DNF it.

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Loved this book. It was super original and fresh. I couldn't put it down. I even stayed up to read it all through the night when I had to work an early shift the next day. You won't regret picking it up.

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Thank you to Net Galley for a preview of this book.
A well written book. The world building was intricate, and the characters were relatable. I did find the beginning a bit hard to get through. But the farther I read into the story, the more I became interested. While there were a lot of characters involved, it was easy to keep track of them all.

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Dates read: 06/11/2024 - 06/21/2024
Rating: 3.5

The story follows Danae, a fisherman’s daughter, as she attempts to understand and fulfill a prophecy that was forced upon her after a tragic event in her life. It is action-packed and filled with familiar Greek myths that are then questioned and made into something unique to the story. While I enjoyed a majority of the plot and characters, there were times I felt a bit bored while reading and needed a break hence the 3.5 rating. However, I am curious as to how Danae’s story and relationships will evolve and will definitely pick up the sequel once it’s out.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC.

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A.S. Webb brings us a story filled with mythology. We meet Danae and her family who live during the times of ancient Greece where sacrifices are made to the gods. When her sister goes missing and then is returned, there is talk of what may have taken the young girl who appeared to have been drugged. Her abduction has lasting results that makes her family a target of shame especially to the family she was going to marry into. Danae's family is shamed and shunned by those around them making friends and family turn their backs on them. Danae will go on a hunt to find out why her sister was chosen and to wreak vengeance.

A.S. Webb shares with us the journey of one woman desperate to seek out the truth behind her sister's abduction. We follow along with Danae as she learns the secrets about the gods and about her true destiny. See what Danae has found out about the connection between the gods and humanity and what secrets may destroy all that she knows.

I have read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I would like to thank NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing | MIRA for this privilege.

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I received this book as an ARC and it was wonderful! The world building and characters were interesting throughout the story. The plot was unique and left me wondering what was going to happen next. I’m excited for book 2!

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Time was wasted on descriptions of literally everything. The set up in the beginning was way too long, it takes a really long time to even get to the point of the plot. No one tells the fmc what is going on half the time so that leaves us as readers very confused. I was not a fan of the writing style but I also don’t like third person.

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I very much enjoyed this book. Weaved throughout the story are variations of Greek myths we've been taught or learned. As these are myths, it was fascinating to see deviations, nothing extreme, from what I grew up reading and learning about. A new perspective I've never considered. Also, as a lover of mythological creatures, I was excited to see what would appear throughout the story.

Danae lives in a time where the Greek Pantheon still dominates the every day way of life. From being a humble fisherman's daughter, to a runaway, to the center of a prophecy, you get to experience Danae's growth and understanding of her place in her world, what it means and what she must do.

The prose was well written, descriptive yet not overly lyrical like I've read in other books. It was easy for my brain to follow as too many metaphors and over use of adjectives to describe a single thing is too much.

I loved how the author used metaphors that fit with the times such as:
"her cheeks turned the color of a ripe fig."
"cry that sounded like the slaughter of a thousand lambs ruptured the air."

There is a LGBTQ+ character in the story, non-binary rep. I thought how they were introduced and how the clarification was done beautifully and realistically.

This story gave me a wide range of emotions: hope, pain, anger, sadness.

The plot twist near the end? I am already craving book 2 and the first hasn't even officially been released yet.

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The book has a lot of potential. A plot involving Greek myths will always draw me in and I do so enjoy one that sticks closer to the true tales from Ancient Greece. However, the execution was lacking. I genuinely am intrigued by the story of Danae overthrowing the gods that rightfully deserve it and would love to give it another go after it’s completely finished and published.

The writing feels as if the author was attempting to mimic the style of other authors but couldn’t quite grasp it and ended up losing their own style in the process. There is a lot of telling and very little showing and the parts where showing was attempted felt rather forced.

I enjoy the way the plot shows contradictions in the beliefs of the gods and their abilities in so many ways. But overall, as it currently stands, too much of the writing felt forced and awkward, some parts too convenient and unbelievable even for fantasy standards.

Again, I feel this has so much potential. I feel it has the makings of being a hit and a five star read but it definitely would require a lot more work.

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"Daughter of Chaos" by A.S. Webb transports readers to ancient Greece, a realm where mortals live under the oppressive rule of capricious gods. Set against this backdrop of divine tyranny, a prophesied hope emerges in the form of Danae, a fisherman's daughter from the island of Naxos.

Danae's journey is one of self-discovery and empowerment as she grapples with newfound powers linked to a mystical tree bearing golden fruit. Driven from her home by forces beyond her comprehension, Danae seeks guidance from the oracle, only to be thrust into a world of secrets and a clandestine network of believers awaiting her arrival.

Teaming up with the legendary Heracles and his crew, Danae embarks on a perilous quest to the ends of the earth, facing mythical monsters and vengeful gods along the way. Yet, beneath the surface of Danae's quest lies a terrifying truth—one that could unravel the very fabric of existence.

Webb masterfully weaves elements of Greek mythology into a riveting tale of adventure, intrigue, and the timeless struggle between fate and free will. Through Danae's journey, readers are immersed in a world where the destiny of humanity hangs in the balance, compelling them to ponder the weighty choices that define our lives.

"Daughter of Chaos" is a captivating blend of myth and imagination, offering readers a thrilling escape into a world where gods and mortals collide, and the fate of civilizations rests on the shoulders of a courageous heroine. Webb's vivid prose and intricate storytelling will leave readers eagerly anticipating the next installment in this enthralling series.

Overall, "Daughter of Chaos" is a must-read for fans of Greek mythology and fantasy alike, offering a fresh perspective on timeless tales and introducing readers to a new heroine destined to leave her mark on the annals of legend.

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I'm a sucker for a Greek retelling, since that's one of the things I'm going to school for. I really enjoyed the experience and reading about the different Greek heros and whatnot interacting with each other

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Wow. I am floored by how good this was. It drew me in from the very first page with its superb descriptions, detailed plot, wonderful characterizations, and the delightful take on Greek mythology.

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