Member Reviews

Thank you to Hachette AU, Ali Hazelwood and NetGalley for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Ali Hazelwood again smashed it out of the park with this one. The dual POV brought another element into this that really added depth to Eli’s character and to see how gone he was for Rue was brilliant. Rue was very relatable and I loved how she was very ‘clinical’ in most conversations with Eli and he held her accountable but also listened to her and allowed her to be how she was

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I've been a huge Ali Hazelwood fan for coming up on 3 years now and while I love all of her books, I was sure that nothing was going to top Love on the Brain for me. And I was correct...until now.

Not in Love is raw and beautiful and absolutely perfect. Both Eli and Rue are a little broken in their own way but they fit together perfectly (I feel like I am saying perfect too much...sorry, not sorry).

Their relationship development was a joy to read and while the conflict part was a little predictable, I still enjoyed the ride. The grand gesture at the end was one of my favourite parts but I am so, so glad that we get dual POV for this novel because Eli...sigh just a dream. He falls hard and fast for Rue but this still feels so far removed from instalove. Don't get me wrong, I love Rue too but there is just something about Eli that makes me swoon ever so slightly.

I will give this all the stars and quite possibly the moon. Thank you to Netgalley and Hachette for the eARC.

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i like a lot of this author's work but not sure about this one... the writing style was both inconsistent and repetitive, and i just wasn't sold on the characters' motives. the premise was classic fanfic meet-cute but i found the ratio of smut to plot line to be a bit unhinged. definitely not enough for me to write off the author because i do enjoy her other works, just this one wasn't it for me unfortunately.

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With every new Ali Hazelwood book I read, I think to myself ‘this is the best one yet’ and ‘Not In Love’ followed this pattern, it was an incredibly anticipated read for me and I was worried it wouldn’t live up to the hype. I am so glad that the worry was for nothing, because, simply put, I love this book. It was emotional, witty and romantic with interesting characters and an engaging plot. So engaging that I essentially inhaled the book in 48 hours.

Looking deeper, I feel I have to start with the characterisation, particularly Rue. Rue’s character is constructed in an authentic way, she is not called socially awkward because she is just a bit of an introvert who likes her own company. No, Rue is direct, doesn’t engage in meaningless conversation and has developed an icy persona, because she just doesn’t want to talk to you. I loved this about her. I also loved the fierce manner in which she loved and defended the few friends who she was close to, she is a character so full of dimension she almost leaps out of the page. There were also so many parts where I just wanted to scoop her up and give her the biggest hug I could, because, well, her trauma. And the other part of this dual perspective story, Eli, what a man! To start off with and get the shallow part out of the way, hot. The fact that he is described as a hulking tree trunk of a man (as all Ali Hazelwood love interests should be) with the nice nose and the gorgeous messy curls is not enough, he has to get dialogue like that too? And care for his sister? And have a behemoth dog with a ridiculous name? I’ll say it again, what a man. Additionally, the side characters! They were all buzzing with personality, there were no 2D paper cut out side characters to fill space. Tish was hilarious and honestly I think I knew I adored her as a character from the first chapter where she expressed how much she adored her cat, because, well, same! Maya’s sarcasm and wit? Chefs kiss. And the drama and dynamic of the Harkness team! Beautiful, perfect, more please!

Like all Ali Hazelwoods books, ‘Not In Love’ is compulsively readable, the story has a great flow and I always felt compelled to turn the page and keep going. There weren’t any times I felt it was stagnant and I just wanted the story to keep going. This book was so, so much spicier than her others, and oh boy, did she do it well. If I had pearls I’d clutch them, I think at certain points I blushed, bravo Ali, bravo. It wasn’t just all spice, I loved watching Rue fall in love without even realising what it was and that she was capable, and Eli. Sweet obsessed in love Eli who was so gone for her from the beginning. Masterful writing right there, I was kicking my little heels and squealing internally while reading about them. I also loved the super sly references to other characters in the Aliverse, I saw the name Mallory Greenleaf and smiled so wide! I miss those characters from the moment I turn the last page of their books and to see them again, even if it is just their names being tossed out in reference, it gives me the most delightful hit of serotonin.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to NetGalley and Hachette Australia for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review, these thoughts are all my own.

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