Member Reviews

honestly the first half is about a 3/5 star for me *even with the typos which make this a hard read. the second half i could not finish. theres so much potential with an aid to help check grammar and punctuation.. and plot. because of so many things i am rating this 1/5 stars

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A very heavy, weighted book but good none the less. It kept me staying up late reading until it was finished.

Thanks for the opportunity to read.

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A strong debut with a hint of The Night Circus in its setting but brimming with originality, Please Fear Me weaves complex themes of addiction, verbal abuse and family ties into its creepy (i say that with love!) fantasy setting.

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Tired of the verbal abuse from her mother’s addiction, 15-year-old Smidge leaves California in search of something bigger, something better. At a shelter, she joins forces with Violet—“born into a world that perceived her incorrectly”—happy to follow her direction as they navigate the oddities and difficulties of the new world around them. They may not have a lot but they have each other. Lost and looking for a place to call home, they come across a circus where Violet quickly falls under the spell of the enigmatic ringleader while Smidge remains skeptical and concerned about the “sins” of her past.

Since my first true book love, <I>Water For Elephants</i>, I have this deep nostalgia and curiosity for circus stories so when I saw this book’s description I knew I had to read it. It didn’t disappoint. On the surface it’s a story about misfits, drifters, and outcasts but it is so much more layered than that. This story is full of heart, chaos, the unknown, and the unexpected. It surprised me in the best way possible.

It’s a weighty novel but more than anything, it is deeply heartfelt while it explores the complexities of love and family, blood and otherwise. Both girls have extensive wounds and insecurities from trauma created by their families which shines through on nearly every page. Readers witness both Violet and Smidge struggling to find any sense of identity or belonging.

“As the days pass here, I’m learning that the circus is a great place to be if you don’t know what you want.”

This book is a profound study on addiction, love, family, friendship, and belonging. There were places where I wanted a little more exploring and I couldn’t help but notice a couple plot holes but otherwise, this is a fiercely tender debut novel and it moved me in ways that I didn’t expect.

Thank you Fairlight Books and NetGalley for the digital copy in exchange for an honest review. Available 09/05/2024!

*Quote from advanced readers copy and subject to change before publication*

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Please Fear Me was an interesting read. Love crafts a novel that expertly discusses love and guilt in our relationships. This book offers profound insight into the cost of art, and with short chapters, this book is a relatively quick read.

It felt as if Please Fear Me took a while to ground itself and decide what exactly its message was. I would've loved a greater focus on the concept of Smidge yearning to return home from the earlier chapters- and it feels as if the book doesn't pick up until they join the Circus. I also found myself confused by some of the back-and-forth time jumping and often had to reconsider whether Smidge was talking about something currently or in the past.

Please Fear Me is still an excellent insight into performing femininity and a beautiful exploration of female relationships. Therefore, I rated Please Fear Me 3/5 stars.

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The first half of this book bowled me over, I was there for every single word.
The relationship between Violet and Smidge, the relationship between Smidge and her mother.
It was all so fascinating.
Then enter the ringmaster, and I felt that I didn't fully get it.
The book for me didn't quite live up to the promise of the first part.
Non the less , still an excellent read.
Thought provoking throughout.

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When I tell you I couldn't put this book down and pretty much read through it without stopping I mean it. I really enjoyed this one. Violet, who is one of the performers, was such an interesting character to me, and for some reason, I wanted to know everything about her. Smidge is an amazing main protagonist and so entertaining to read about. I loved the tension between the characters and the whole concept. The eerie persona around the ringmaster and how they move around the book and interact with characters kept me reading. These three characters had such interesting dynamics and relationships with one another and I really enjoyed reading it. It was a gripping book that was well-paced and had interesting and complex characters and topics to explore.

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