Member Reviews

This was such a good read. I enjoyed every minute of reading it and never wanted to put it down. Thank you so much Netgalley for an arc of this book. I apologize for the late review.

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My Noisy Roommate is a fun premise and a solid start to the series, however I felt like I didn't quite get enough of the story or character dynamics in this volume to properly judge the overall quality. It's one that I'll be curious to read future volumes, however, to see where it goes.

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The most part I enjoyed of this manga were the drawings and the supernatural aspect with those demons and legends. And I really liked the love interest, his personality was interesting as the others characters. The only thing I didn't like was the main character he doesnt have any personality, only maybe at the of the first volume.

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Thank you NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for this arc!

5/5 stars!

This was such a cute and funny manga! I wasn't expecting it to be quite so goofy, and I love that it was! You can tell there's a bit of attraction simmering there but I can also tell it's going to be very slow burn, which I love and makes sense for Osuke and Nijio's personalities. The monsters were both terrifying and cute, and I can't wait to see what the rest of the series will have!

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So to be fair I didn't know what I was getting myself into when coming across this book. When reading I was actually pleasantly surprised and I found it interesting seeing how it played out. Enjoyed the characters and seeing how they interact and how they work together when it came to finding the ghost and dealing with them to figure out if they need to take the ghosts out or just relocate them. This was such a fun read and I can't wait to see what's in store for next.

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This was such a fun manga! The writing and the art are both gorgeous. It took me in for a ride full of ghosts, entities, and a lot of tension between the two main characters. Osuke is definitely my favorite for being more human, whereas Nijio is more of a slightly worked cliché. I admit it didn't impress me, or surprise me, but I was still expecting something different.

What I liked the most was that there were still some original elements for me along with the dynamic between these two. The story is quite simple, yet catches your attention from the beginning, mostly because of the art. However, the script becomes much more solid after a few pages, shining on its own. Maybe not spectacular, but a good start for what could be a great story!

There were times when I felt everything was very idealized and unreal. This is obviously a fantasy story, but one of the most important aspects for me is that the characters are believable, that they seem real even though they're just in the paper. Osuke's choices and behaviors took me out of the reading because of this. He kept doing things that the creator wanted him to do, not because he had to do them.

In short, a funny, cute reading about two opposites with the potential for more. It didn't have a strong start, but it was solid enough to hook me up and charm me with the development. I'm eager to learn more about their world, their magic, and what happens with Osuke!

Full review on September 17:

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An amusing story about a young man who leaves home, only to find himself homeless in the big city. He stumbles across a peculiar letting agency whose owner gives him a home and discounted rent because spirits are drawn to him.

Osuke eventually teams up with a new flatmate who is able to move ghosts out of haunted properties
and he is then offered a job and accommodation to team up with his new flatmate and together they to encourage and sometimes force ghosts to move. Obviously this career choice comes with complications.

This is the first volume with hope of ghosts, ghosts and romance ahead. Amusing and good artwork.

Copy provided by Kodansha Comics via Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

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"My Noisy Roommate" is a manga series that follows Osuke and his introduction to yokai and relocating them with the help of his new roommate. I've been loving the art and each chapter involves a new case or job they have to complete. I am curious on what their relationship will be like later on, so I cannot wait to read the next volume.,

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A compelling manga that you won’t want to put down. I can’t wait to read the next volume.

Thank you NetGalley and Kodansha for the e-arc.

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This was such a fun read! I'm loving the art style, especially the way the spirits, ghosts, yokai, and other supernatural beings. I can tell there's going to be a lot of fun and spooky moments to come and I am excited for it. I also love the slow burn aspect of the romance so far. This is only volume one though so I can't say for certain that things won't speed up. But for now I'm content to just see what happens next.

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My Noisy Roommate : The Roof Over My Head Comes With Monsters And A Hottie is such a sweet, fun, cute book.
I devoured this manga in a single sitting and I didn't even knew the time as it went by. This manga was that engaging. After finishing this I kept wanting more of this!!!
I like the use of supernatural concept. The characters were amazing and lovely. The cases these both go on was thrilling and exciting.
The art / drawings captured the essence of the book with perfection.
I had a great wild ride!!! can't wait to read the second one.


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A completely unexpected turn of events sets us off into a oddly paired yokai hunting and relocating duo!

Osuke and Nijio are the typical opposites attract pair, with Osuke being the lighthearted/loud one and Nijio being the tsundere/quiet type. My fave chapters shared insight into their backstories, and then growth in how they both deal with things in the present. Like Nijio finally allowing himself to play games!? *sobs* The way these two grow close with each interaction feels real and not forced or instantaneous. The handholding is way too cute!

The art is on point, showing us gorgeous characters, but also quite scary-looking yokai when needed. It's also not afraid to use hilarious emoji faces when the situation warrants it. There’s a mix of scary, lighthearted, and humorous chapters that paired with the gorgeous art make for a very fun read. Only in a few places did the story panels left me feeling a bit lost; almost like an illustration is skipped but the resulting interaction is shown? It kept confusing me whenever it happened, and it pulled me out of the story.

The story itself has a well-known concept but spun in a new interesting way (realtor and relocation services for yokai lol), however, I feel there are a couple of things that were left without explanation that could've been easily explained in this first volume. For example, they relocate the where exactly? The bathroom girl seems to be relocating to another bathroom, but wouldn't that cause the same problem? Or do they have specific yokai-only buildings for this purpose? But then he sends the snow woman back to a snowy place (or so Nijio says), which means they don't send them back to a specific place? Need answers!

Overall, I had a fun time one-sit-reading this volume and I'm really excited to see what new adventures they'll have next.

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I was instantly intrigued by the idea of a paranormal-themed manga story and My Noisy Roommate did not disappoint - it's weirdly wonderful from the start, with the main plot being MC Osuke desperately needing a home and 'luckily' finding it - and the hot but grumpy roommate - come with the fairly major pitfall that their accommodation is haunted and Osuke is needed to draw the spirit(s) out so his new roommate can deal with them. Book 1 takes us through 4 stories and hauntings, and I loved how different each situation is and the different types of paranormal creatures/spirits encountered. There's a short but well written guide in the back of the book so even people not familiar with this genre and/or culture can learn more about what things are. Some of the hauntings are benign and some more violent, but our protagonists work their way through all of them whilst continuing to barely tolerate each other. The story teases a possible future BL relationship, with some forced proximity and intimacy, but that's very much secondary to the main paranormal plot, we don't learn all that much about the characters themselves yet. It's all beautifully illustrated in black and white in flowing brushstrokes with loads of detail. Am really looking forward to the next instalment.

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Osuke is having a run of bad luck when the apartment he just rented unexpectedly floods. This turn of events leads him to become roommates with an eccentric person named Nijiom. Although he initially gets more than he bargained for, Osuke quickly adapts to his new situation. He does this partly because he has no other options and partly as a way of showing his gratitude to Nijiom.

I love the art style for the cover page and the chapter pages. The art style really fits with the story. I wasn’t expecting it to be this adorable! Suddenly being able to see ghosts would be a shock, but getting paid to live with a hot guy who might have narcolepsy and evicts ghosts? Not a bad deal at all. The pair’s adventures and the slow build of their feelings had me wishing for the release of volume two right away. This is a very quick read for when you just want a little fill of monsters and a very slowburn relationship. Looking forward to reading the next one to see some real relationship building.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me a free copy of this manga in exchange for an honest review.

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The art is great. Interesting story and I am so excited for volume 2. It is a really good balance between fantasy and slice of life.

5 stars

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Osuke is living on his own for the first time in his life when he suddenly finds himself homeless. A random meeting gets him a roof over his head, but it comes with a handsome but scary-looking roommate and a job relocating ghosts and spirits.

I'm intrigued by the premise and the little glimpses we get into both Osuke and Nijio's pasts, but the plot feels really scattershot and rushed. The art is good and a couple of the side characters gave me a laugh, so there are things that make me think it could get better as it progresses.

It's the kind of manga that I'm not going to rush to get the next volume but I do think it deserves a second volume read to see if the problems I had with the first volume were nothing more than establishing issues.

Happy thanks to NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for the read!

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This was so much fun! It was an entertaining, quick read with just a hint of romance.
I am curious to see more of this couple and once the romance really gets going, I think this has five star potential.

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The art in this comic is absolutely beautiful. The mangaka draws fantastic faces and clothing, and the yokai designs are all really cool. That said, I did struggle sometimes to figure out what exactly was happening in some panels, but not too frequently.

The first chapter very much feels like a "we gotta get the ground work down ASAP so we can get to the fun bits" kind of thing, so everything happens quickly and with not much logic. In this first volume we don't learn much about the main characters, but we see some fun interactions with them. The tone of the story also jumps between humour and some genuinely spooky scenes, which is fun. I kind of wish each case they worked on got more time instead of jumping through them so quickly, but maybe that'll happen with future volumes.

Overall, this was definitely fun, and I would love to read the 2nd volume.
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I desperately need this to be animated. This is such a silly, fun story that follows two extremely lovable characters. I can see this being the perfect comfort series. I can't wait to recommend this to every manga/anime lover I talk to lol

Thank you so much to Kaho Ozaki and NetGalley for providing me this ARC!

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This was super cute! Perfect mix of cute fluff/romantic tension and the creepy horror moments! Definitely recommend to those looking for a cute, spooky little forced proximity romance (the two MLs end up as roommates working together to send away ghosts and spookies!).

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