Member Reviews

We got supernatural, we got hot guys that we assume will get together at some point since this is marketed as a BL title, we have fantastic character designs and all sorts of fun yokai and a yin/yang two sides of the same coin pair!

Noisy Roommate was an easy read with just some hints at characterizations of the main two as it's more a monster of the day format, but I'll be keeping up with this title to hopefully learn more about them! Honestly the art has me here!

To anyone complaining about the title, know it's just as long in JP and thank you to Kodansha for translating it where we've definitely had releases in the past of some manga keeping their whole Japanese title for no reason (it's: ノイジールームメイト ~家ナシになったのでイケメンと怪異つき物件で同居始めました~ or, Noisy Roommate: Ienashi ni Natta node Ikemen to Kaii Tsukimono Ken de Doukyo Hajimemashita).

Thank you to Kodansha and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for review!

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★ ★ ★ ★ • 4

Light-hearted manga with Japanese folklore elements (namely youkai and onmyouji). Not quite a romance yet, but probably will be at some point in the following volumes.

The artwork and character design of this manga was really nice and the story itself was sweet… Focusing on a guy called Osuke who ends up in need of a place to stay after having some financial troubles, and instead finds himself becoming roommates with Nijio who works in negotiating and exorcising youkai.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC for review!

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If <i>Ghostbusters</i> and <i>Jujutsu Kaisen</i> had a gay love child this would be it. Is the title obnoxiously long? Yes. But is the title funny? Also yes. But they had me at the monsters and hottie combi. <i>My Noisy roommate</i> was so much fun to read I finished it in one go. It mixes horror and humor perfectly and even throws in a pinch of heartfelt angst. Not to mention the slowburn romance really builds up the tension between the two main characters. At some point, I was reading with curled toes from giddiness because it was just too cute.

The art style was also very beautiful. All the characters were drawn so beautifully and the ghosts were drawn very scary and detailed.

Overall I enjoyed this so much and will definitely read the sequel!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me a copy.

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-supernatural, mystery, fantasy
-release June 25
-vol 2 tentative release February 2025
This is an interesting, fun read; beautiful art; and the characters complement each other. It seems both Nijio and Kuroe grow closer to each other and act like a support for one another- possibly help each other grow moving forward. Some things were left unanswered but this sets up for some development later on. Thus far, it is a pretty wholesome and no spicy scenes.

After looking into when the next volume releases, it is not until 2025! There is a long period of time in between the two releases, which will more than likely mean will possibly need to reread volume one to refresh oneself.

Kuroe goes to move into his apartment to discover that it is soaked from a leaking pipe. Unfortunately, he has to find a new place to live that has cheap rent. While thinking of what he is going to do, a “real estate agent” approaches him and says he has a place for him with cheap rent. Kuroe follows this person to an apartment far better than what he was originally going to live in, but there is a small catch. The cheap rent comes with one condition…he has to live with Nijioi. Kuroe soon discovers why the offer was so appealing and soon finds himself helping Nijio relocating ghosts.

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"My noisy roommate" is a quick, fun read with a lovable main character. The story has such a unique concept: instead of hunting ghosts, the characters try to relocate them, which comes with its own challenges. Some of the ghosts really don’t want to leave. I did think the start was a bit slow, but the plot quickly picks up and introduces a lot of Japanese folklore. I’ll definitely keep an eye on this series!

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I enjoyed reading this!

There wasn't a big focus on the romance in this volume, but more about the supernatural that the characters were encountering. I think it was a good choice because it sets the plot and the romance can gradually progress. It's a good balance for me so far!

I'll definitely be interested in reading the next volume of this manga.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this arc.

I enjoyed this story, but I wish there was more. The story bounced around fairly quick as they were moving ghosts. There also wasn’t much of a relationship between the two main characters. I would definitely read another one to see where the story heads. It was fun, just not in-depth to my preference.

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"My Noisy Roommate" has nice art and a cute story. The characters are sweet and interesting although the plot could be a bit more refined. I especially like the yokai theme!

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Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an ARC of this story.

I really enjoyed this manga! I thought the boys were adorable together. Osuke was so funny and awkward and I understand him hardcore. I loved how he always called Nijio "the hot guy" in his head. The plot of them finding new homes for ghosts was really cute too. I liked that they weren't forcibly evicted ghosts that weren't being harmful. It was a very interesting concept. I'm very interested in reading more of the story, especially since there seems to be some more ghost hunters that are returning to HQ! I can't wait for the next volume.

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There’s few tropes more fun than reluctant partners, and forcing two people to work together to eliminate ghosts as a paid service fully capitalizes on the ridiculousness of this. In particular the MC here has energy that inexplicably attracts spirits whereas his reluctant partner has extraordinary energy that makes them run from him - leaving him no choice but to recruit the MC. I love this balance of opposites not necessarily attracting, but becoming necessary for something to work.

This first volume establishes a very genuine reluctant partners to lovers setup that feels like it’s not going to speedrun through their eventual friendship to get to the romance, and I love that. Definitely sticking around for the next volume. We need more supernatural takes on enemies to lovers like this.

Thank you to the publisher Kodansha Comics for providing an e-ARC via NetGalley for an honest review.

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A really unique and fun idea with a lot of room to grow!

I enjoyed this manga, it has fantastic art and a refreshing take. I do think there is a small rush at the start to get the plot going but as this is just volume one there is so much room for growth and more information to come out about all our characters and their backstories that lead to what we see happening here in this one. I would love to know more about how Nijio got his abilities and also why Osuke seems to be a magnet for yokai so hopefully future volumes bring out those details.

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The title for this manga made me chuckle when I read it, so I immediately downloaded it on NetGalley. I think that this is a great introduction to what clearly will be a nice series. You are introduced to the main characters and get a great view of what their jobs will be. You don't get a ton of backstory for either character, but you do get enough to keep you interested in continuing the series. The artwork is fantastic! Each character has a unique design and the monsters kind of perfectly fit what they are. If you like manga, paranormal activity and urban legends, and some situational humor, you should definitely pick this volume up.

Thanks to NetGalley and Kodansha for the chance to read this manga!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an eARC.

Interesting read. Really liked the plot and characters. I am definitely looking forward to the rest of the volumes.

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I loved the story and how the character sees himself in the situation. I really liked them both, they are so sweet, and the complete opposite of each other.
You could notice the esteem they began to feel for each other, and the trust.
I immensely enjoyed the fantasy and the mystical creatures that appear in the story.
The drawings are fantastic, they suit the story perfectly and show and let the characters' personalities shine.
It made me super curious for the next volume.

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I absolutely adored this manga! It perfectly balanced fantasy and plot with humor and character depth in a way which complimented each other.
It was exciting to see all the ghosts, perhaps a bit apooky in some parts, and it was funny when both characters interacted off the job! I'm hoping a romance will blossom 🫶
I will certainly be picking up the other volumes!!

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This book was actually pretty good. Not too much happened but I feel like it set up a lot of stuff for the rest of the story and the ending made me interested in seeing what will happen next. I would def recommend this to my friends and people looking for a supernatural quick paced story. I will def be reading the rest of this series as it comes out. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

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The manga is about a homeless man who becomes an assistant to a ghost relocation business. In order for the arrangement to work, they have to live together. I enjoyed the main characters and the concept intrigued me, but I found it confusing at times. I wouldn't say I liked the ending with the additional character, and it made me hesitant to continue if he's going to be a permanent fixture.

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I quite enjoyed this. I love the whole bad boy vibe is a sucker for his lover trope so this was way up my alley. The main characters were very fun and the art was adorable. Definitely a solid bl romance

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I really liked the manga, the supernatural plot it's interesting and they make a good pair, one is calm, sleeps a lot, and doesn't talk much and the other is more expressive and curious. We see as they start getting along and trusting each other.

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Bit of a slow start however once I understood the storyline and what was happening I really enjoyed it and cannot wait for Book 2.

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