Member Reviews

I have mixed feelings about this title. The description calls it out as BL, but side from the MC calling his roommate hot a few times, there's literally nothing going on romance wise. There is exactly one scene that happens between the MCs where their boss calls something a kiss but it's not really a kiss. So that was a bit disappointing to be honest. Otherwise it's a decent story with supernatural elements. Osuke needs a place to live and ends up rooming with Nijio but doesn't realize that he's being used to exorcise a yokai. Nijio needs Osuke to do his job but he's pretty cold to him throughout the book until he gets drunk on Kappa wine, and still, nothing happens between them. I'm really hoping volume 2 will have some actually relationship progression.

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Osuke was kicked out of his apartment on the first day, and landed an opportunity to stay in a beautiful place with a super hot roommate Nijio. It turns out to be a relocation service for ghosts and monsters. Osuke and Nijio’s skills complement each other, and they are now partners who live in different haunted real estates and help ghosts find new places!

The art is so beautiful and detailed. All the character and ghost/monsters are very well done. The stories are told in units and covers a variety of traditional Japanese fairy tales and urban myths. It’s not super scary but did a great job of setting up each scenario! I can’t wait to read the next volume since the story of the two are just getting started!

Thanks to NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for the review copy!

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Osuke looks forward to living on his own. When he moves into his new apartment, he finds it flooded. Homeless, and unable to afford another place, Osuke bemoans his fate until a real estate agent approaches him. The man offers him a place to stay but it comes with conditions. Osuke must live with a roommate, a blonde-haired hottie with supernatural abilities. Now he finds himself in an odd partnership as they deal with paranormal beings.

This is such a fun read! Osuke and Nijio are the unlikeliest of partners. However, their innate abilities compliment the others.

I like how Osuke is unaware of his ability. That it does not surface until meeting Nijio. I cannot wait to see how Osuke adapts and grows with his gift and with Nijio’s help.

We get a small glimpse into Nijio’s past. I hope in future volumes we get to learn more about him, especially concerning his spiritual power. I need to learn more! I also want to see the development of his chemistry with Osuke.

The title is a mouthful. However, it is the mangaka’s style that drew my attention. I WILL be adding this title and future volumes to my personal library. It is definitely a keeper.

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4.75 stars!

Love the storyline as well as the art style is so cute! I was immediately hooked to the story line and I am so excited tor read Vol.2!

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I know that tittle is a LOT, but this is shaping up to be a cute and promising series!

The mangaka's art style gripped me immediately -- not only is it beautiful to behold, Ozaki's characters come alive in every frame, either it's their sulky personality or cheerful demeanour, or the angst hidden underneath a curated exterior. I could simply stare at their art all day.

I loved that this is labelled as BL right off the bat because I did not want to walk into another they-are-just-very-good-friends! dynamic. At first impression, Osuke and Nijio are your typical fated partnership (the one where they are shoved together and just so happened to balance each other out REALLY well). Instead of crime, we have urban ghost evictions (heh!) and instead of constant bickering, we have reluctant attempts at cohabitation and growing protectiveness. There is not much to say about the ghost busting part -- the cases are all very simple and quickly resolved -- except that they merely serve to enhance our couple's relationship, although this can very well change in future volumes. This manga is the utter embodiment of the close proximity trope because, well, you'll have to read and see for yourself. I loved that hand holding is an actual requirement of their job, and I LOVED that we got the what if you put your bed next to mine😳 minecraft moment. Even though it is still too early to tell, I am low-key obsessed with these two already and I cannot wait to see how they're going to get together. (There's nothing romantic in this volume, HOWEVER what we do have is 😏).

That ending definitely promises so much more to this series and I'm very excited to see where it goes!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for the E-ARC!

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This story is very out there, it's about a guy who wanted to move out of his parents house and on his first day living on his own his apartment is flooded and he finds himself homeless. A guy comes out of nowhere and says he has a place for him to stay and unknowing is dragged into some supernatural business that he now has to accept or be tormented for the rest of his life. Very interesting story can't wait to read more.

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This was much better than I thought it would be. I hadn’t read the synopsis and went in blind. It was so good! I like the whole idea of it. I enjoyed learning about different ghosts in Japanese folklore. It made me smile and was funny. I’m looking forward to the next instalment! Soon, please!

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This book was absolutely amazing! I was hooked on the main characters and their chemistry was just perfect. The way Osuke's life changed so drastically really stood out to me. Even though he went through so much, he managed to deal with it all and kept trying to help everyone around him. Sometimes he felt like he wasn’t doing enough and was a burden, but his determination was super inspiring.

The story flowed really well, making it a fun and quick read. I loved how it balanced light-hearted moments with more serious ones, keeping me interested the whole way through. The pacing was great too, never dragging but always moving forward in a satisfying way.

I'd totally recommend this book to anyone looking for something light but still meaningful. It’s perfect for when you want to relax with a good story that’s not too heavy or complicated. Whether you’re looking for a weekend read or something to lift your spirits, this book is a fantastic choice.

*Thank you to NetGalley, Kaho Ozaki and Kodansha Comics for providing the opportunity to read this eARC in exchange for a review, but all thoughts are my own*

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This book was so much fun. I love the dynamics between Osuke and the other people around him but primarily the romance that is budding between him and his love interest. I love the mix of supernatural and romance because it made the book so well rounded and entertaining. I find it funny that Osuke has this all happen to him as he's stumbling through life and I love that trope of the main characters just stumbling into these wild adventures. It was a fun read and I highly recommend it if you are looking for an entertaining and quick read

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