Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for an arc in exchange for review.

Osuke is excited to finally be on his own. Not wanting to burden his family, he sets off to find his own apartment after losing his original place. As if the stars were aligned, he finds an opportunity for both work and a place to crash- the only downside is having to share a room with his new handsome work partner, Nijio. Not only that, but Osuke's new job involves him and Nijio teaming up to exterminate Yokai seeking refuge in other people's homes. Osuke is quick to realize that he seems to be a magnet for the supernatural, and he's forced to navigate this all-too-new world with his handsome (and occasionally stubborn) partner Nijio.

This was a lighthearted introduction to the world of Yokai and a budding friendship with potential for more. We get to see common Yokai, and learn a bit about some new ones. Zashiki-warashi is so cute! I love the little blurb descriptions the author puts at the end, and enjoy the humor put into the story. 4/5 stars.

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I honestly enjoyed this quite a bit. It's a bit like if Drug&Drop by CLAMP was good and had a cohesive plot. I enjoyed that the two main characters don't instantly fall head over heels for each other, but it appears that they are slowly developing their relationship with one another. I'm also a sucker for the "two people with complimentary power" trope! It's such a fun trope, and this story explores it in a fun way. The way the story begins is a little goofy, but honestly, it's fine. The art style is also very pretty!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

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A really cute and highly entertaining story. Very lovable characters as well. This story is definitely something I would look forward to continuing to read and see progress.

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I received an ARC of My Noisy Roommate: The Roof Over My Head Comes With Monsters and a Hottie, volume 1 by Kaho Ozaki published by Kodansha from NetGalley and Kodansha in exchange for an honest review.

I knew I would enjoy My Noisy Roommate based on the premise alone. Supernatural x BL!? Hello, that is my brand! Between xxxHolic, FANGS, and Demon Prince of Momochi House, give me alllll the supernatural, please! However, I was surprised at just how hard I fell for this story. At first glance, it seems easy to group this story with the countless other quirky BL one-shots that are fun but lack depth. With My Noisy Roommate, this is far from the case.

My Noisy Roommate: The Roof Over My Head Comes With Monsters and a Hottie is by Kaho Ozaki and published by Kodansha. This is Kaho Ozaki’s debut manga in the US, but they do have two other manga.

In typical BL fashion, the main character Osuke is down on his luck. He is recently homeless as his apartment plans fell through. A strange man overhears his struggles and offers him an apartment to live in – the catch? He has to room with a super hot but aloof guy named Nijio. After a crazy encounter with a yuki-onna, Osuke discovers the strange man and Nijio are in cahoots. They work together as part of a supernatural relocation real estate service. Since Osuke has nowhere to go, he officially accepts the job and takes on ghosts, spirits, and curses with Nijio by his side.

As a supernatural fan, I immediately loved how detailed the yokai encounters are. While each chapter is “monster of the week”-ish with the different yokai, the author spares no details on their history and how they play into the story. It’s clear to me, the supernatural element is a key player and not just background noise for the love story. It reminded me of xxxHolic and the spirits we encounter there. Also shout out to the amazing translator, Leo McDonagh, who provided an extremely detailed translator note section. The inclusion of these details helps illustrate further how important the supernatural element is to the story. Plus, as a nerd, it just adds more items to my “Well, actually“s I keep in my back pocket.

Back to Nijio and Osuke – I LOVE these two and their dynamic. Since the story is from the point of view of Osuke, we can see him thinking how HOT Nijio is. He’s a little scared of Nijio, but that fear slowly turns into curiosity and maybe a little something more. Nijio is clearly apprehensive towards Osuke, but I’m given the impression he’s slowly breaking down whatever walls Nijio has up.

I can already tell that the story is going to give us a little bit of a slow burn in turning these two into lovers. I am thrilled! Don’t get me wrong, I love fast-moving romance too. But with a story like My Noisy Roommate, the slow pace allows for a good buildup of the characters and the action.

My Noisy Roommate is different, intoxicatingly so. Since my initial reading, I can’t get it out of my head. Nijio and Osuke’s dynamic is refreshing. The physical nature of their job but the potential slow burn of their relationship has me at the edge of my seat. With Osuke’s spirit abilities and Nijio’s powers, it seems like their bodies will be a few steps ahead of their hearts. The mangaka has such a great story in their hands and I’m excited to follow along.

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My Noisy Roommate was great!
Osuke is about to move out into his first apartment when it floods and he had nowhere to go. Conveniently he meets a real estate agent who has a place for him to stay. But there is one big condition, that he lives with this hot blonde guy. Osuke finds out that guy, Nijio has powers that help him communicate with spirits and Yokai. Also apparently Osuke is a great conduit to help Nijio relocate these spirits. It kinda gives me, The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window vibes but funny and cute.
So far I love the characters and can't wait to see more BL development. The art is nice and the story also has that little bit of creepy mystery to keep you intrigued. I'm going to recommend this one and keep reading the series. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

A huge thank you to Kodansha and Netgalley for my ARC copy.

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Where to begin with this book. It was so good. I love when BLs are weird and not the usual either over dramatic or slice of life. (although I do love those as well) This one hit differently. The supernatural aspect of it was different then a lot of the ghost/monster ones I’ve been seeing that kind of seem similar to each other.

It starts out with Osuke needing a place to live and magically finding one. But it wasn’t so magic as much as it was planned by the real estate agent. He asks him to live in a gorgeous place with Nijio. The twist is Osuke is a magnet for spirits and supernatural things. Once you learn how their dynamic works where Osuke attracts things and Nijio either re-homes them or exorcises them, it becomes a monster of the week type of story line which I enjoy. You get to learn about different supernatural entities that you wouldn’t know about not growing up in Japan.

I think will become a manga that I follow and buy as it comes out to add to my manga collection.

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The art is pretty but this is more goofy slice-of-life than spooky, and it's not really BL. Feels more like queer-bait. The only reason I would want to continue is that it ends on a cliffhanger introducing two more pretty-boy characters, and I am curious about them. But on the whole I just didn't like the tone.

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Thank you to Kodansha Comics and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this manga. This was an interesting story with a variety of living situations, yokai, and a slow burn Boys Love Romance. An unexpected combination of concepts that are amazing highly recommend. 5 out of 5 stars

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There are already several mangas that I read with HUGE titles. I think they should shorten them a little 😆

My Noisy Roommate: The Roof Over My Head Comes With Monsters and a Hottie. No, I don't remember it by heart, use 'copy+paste'. Let's say My Noisy Rommate better.

In this manga we meet a boy who has been left homeless and who has to look for a place to live. Miraculously (or not), a man offers her a room at a very affordable price BUT she must share it. Well, no drama there. UNTIL HE starts seeing ghosts and supernatural things.

Welcome to the world of ghosts, supernatural beings and fun moments.

My Noisy Rommate starts very well, the truth is that I wanted to read about 5 more chapters if I could... but that is not the case. I'm looking forward to volume 2!

I hope that little by little we can learn more about the characters because I think they may have a great background.

Something that I also really liked is that we can learn about the myths, legends and ghosts of Japan.

Thank you Kodansha Comics for the ARC I read on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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My Noisy Roommate: The Roof Over My Head Comes With Monsters and a Hottie is about Osuke and Nijio becoming roommates and colleagues after Osuke is hired by their eccentric boss.
The story revolves around a ghost real estate agency and I was immediately drawn in by the beautiful artwork and the supernatural element.
Although this volume doesn't focus on romance, I have a feeling it might pop up in the next volume, which I can't wait to get my hands on!

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Great premise, great art and great execution. I enjoyed this first volume tremendously and don't know when I'll be able to get my hands on the second volume but trust me, I will. I also love the title, which I hope is a literal translation of the original title. It's just so much fun.

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I really enjoyed this! I love a paranormal aspect in my media I read and this did not disappoint. The dynamic between Osuke and Nijio was so cute. I’m so excited to see how their relationship grows the more they are living together and going on cases. I think the cases that we explored with them were good. They were a little short, so I hope in the future maybe a few of the cases can be multiple chapters long but I would be fine if they stay short. I’m curious to see who is arriving in the next volume, so I will definitely be checking out the next one!

Thank you to Kodansha and Netgalley for an eARC in exchange for a review.

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This was so much fun to read! Definitely going to be on the lookout for the next volumes in this series!
I just hope it's actually lgbt+ like the tags imply because otherwise I'll be quite disappointed not gonna lie... The main characters have so much chemistry already!!
Not gonna give it a rating higher than 4 stars for now because I have only read one volume... Might come back to change the rating once I have read more of this series!

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Thank you so much to NetGalley for access to this manga , I loved this so much , I love the dynamic between Osuke and Nijio, there is this seamlessness in their relationship , even tho osuke is afraid of Nijio but Nijio just genuinely cared for him and would do anything to protect him. They both need each other and there is just something so pure about it , I would love to continue this manga , looking forward to the next volumes and I hope to see their relationship develop.

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The art was gorgeous and the story was interesting, but overall the worldbuilding and character work fell kind of flat. Couching the concept of framing exorcisms/cleansings as “evictions” is interesting on theory, but in practice it looks the same as any other paranormal case manga with some extra words. Other than the zashiki-warashi, we don’t really see where the ghosts end up or why it’s a better place for them, or how just moving them into a new location is going to stop them from inconveniencing humans. Or is the point to move them to a place where they can inconvenience humans the right way? It sounded like the hanako-San was just being moved to a different bathroom, would she not just cause the same problems there? The premise left a lot to be desired and had way too many holes.

The story boarding was also abysmal, it felt like all the creative juice was spent on making the leads as beautiful as possible and none of it went towards making the panels flow. There were way too many close up panels on their reactions and not enough establishing panels to tell how the characters were moving in the space. The decisions to draw out certain actions (opening a door to discover gift onigiri) over others (main character getting chocked (?) out by a yuki-onna) were bizarre and seemingly random. Continuity between the panels was also lacking, and it fumbled some of the jokes (Nijio falling over from drinking alcohol when we never actually saw him drink from the cup. We only see him hold it and then fall, so we have to assume he must have drank from it). All of this made it kind of hard to follow in some places and not a very enjoyable read :/

I can’t say much about the characters since we only just met them, so of course they’re going to seem thin this early in the game. I did find their relationship to be cute, I liked the handholding bit 🥺 and I liked that Nijio comforted Osuka 🥺 If the rest of the plot wasn’t so bad, I might have been interested to see how they progress lol.

Rounding my rating up to a 3, but actual I’d really rate it closer to a 2.75.

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The story follows two male leads as they start living and working together to evict and rehouse ghosts, monsters, and other yokai from Japanese folklore.

The beginning gave me a bit of Jujutsu Kaisen or Supernatural vibes since the story focuses on fighting monsters. One male lead has a presence that attracts ghosts to him and sometimes gets possessed by them while the other male lead negotiates relocation or fights them off. There is a lot of hand holding, too, but it's part of the job!

This story is very episodic, instead of a narrative structure which is fine, but it makes the development of the overall plot and romance to be more slow-paced. There are somewhat romantic moments between the male leads, but they aren't really discussed because they're always interrupted by other things. The romance isn't really developed in this first installment since they're still warming up to each other. And since the story is more focused on the characters working with the different yokai, we don't really learn much about the characters themselves. I found this to be a very quick and enjoyable read.

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A workplace rom-com about two guys working for a real estate agency specializing in relocating supernatural entities isn't something I ever would have thought of, but what a delight it turned out to be! The two leads, Osuke and Nijio, are appealing and the cases they work are entertaining. I will definitely be reading volume two when it becomes available.

Received via NetGalley.

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This was SO much fun! I read this all in one sitting and am very impatient for the next translated volume to come out now. Osuke and Nijio have a fun dynamic, and I'm looking forward to seeing both of them and their relationship develop more in the next volume. While I felt like we could've gotten to know them a little bit better instead of adding one of the brief yokai missions they went on, it's definitely not a dealbreaker or reason not to read this series. I also love Japanese mythology and folklore, and that combined with the humor of the situations the characters ended up in made for an unputdownable read. However, what stood out the most to me was the art - it conveyed emotion really well, and that was a large part of why the humor was executed so perfectly. Overall, I can't wait for the next volume, and I'll definitely be picking up other works of Ozaki's.

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3 stars.

It’s fine, it’s got some interesting ideas but the characters are pretty bland and the pacing is really bad. I wish we got to know the characters better, there’s some hints that there’s something deeper to them but at the moment they don’t really have much personality to any of them. They’re both supposed to be adults but behave more like young teenagers. The pacing is awful, the series is rushing to have scenes and moments way too fast and they don’t feel earned. The implementation of the Zashiki-warashi living with them feels odd, they immediately have a dynamic with him instead of showing them development the relationship. I unfortunately don’t have the interest in the series to continue with it to see if it improves in later volumes.

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4/5 - Thank you Kodansha Comics and NetGalley for the free ARC ebook!

This manga was so much fun! The art style is gorgeous and it is such a light, interesting read. It was the perfect amount of serious and cute. It was light while still being interesting and entertaining. I had a few points where I feel like another panel could have been added, either because I felt like I missed something or just wanted a little bit more information, but it was still so good! I will definitely be adding this to my collection!

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