Member Reviews

Overall I enjoyed the book. I appreciated the character development, storyline and the authors attention to detail.

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I liked this book- i felt it was a very easy read, nothing too disturbing before bed, didnt leave me questioning things through the night

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A great book about mothers and their relationship with their children.

A great read which I raced through

4 stars

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Get ready for some twisty twists with this psychological thriller!

The Woman in my Home by @crhowellwriter tells the story of Elin, a woman who abruptly leaves her young family and returns 10 months later to find a new woman in her home raising her family.

Elin's husband David is the definition of gaslighting. When her young toddler, Catrin, suffers a severe accident under her watch, Elin instantly feels like she has failed as a mother and should not be trusted to take care of Catrin and her sister Rhiannon, a message her husband has already said many times. Elin decides to leave her family, something she seems as a way to protect her daughters, but returns less than a year later to a life that has completely changed. David has moved on from their relationship and has another woman living in the house with him, raising Catrin and Rhiannon, as well as a newborn baby. David makes it very difficult for Elin to find a job or housing in their small town, and insists Elin live in their house alongside his new partner. Elin quickly begins to realize that something doesn't add up with this new family David has created, but the truth is not so easy to uncover.

I looked at some other reviews and saw quite a polarization of opinions! Many readers really enjoyed it, as I did, and others felt it was too slow or confusing. I didn't find that at all, but I mention this because I also saw some people DNF'd or mentioned that it picked up at about 30%. I often struggle with whether or not to DNF books so I usually go check other reviews before I decide and find the "do not give up" messages in reviews helpful! I'd definitely recommend seeing this one through, it is not that confusing once you get into it, especially because some of the story needs to be revealed later on to keep up the suspense. The writing is great and the plot is super interesting. For chickens like me, there are a few scary/intense moments near the end, but nothing too crazy! It is out now, so go get a copy!

Thanks to @netgalley and the publisher @joffebooks for giving me the chance to read and review it!

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This book, though only 250 pages, left me struggling to finish. The last 50 or so pages were exciting, but the first part was not that captivating. I did enjoy the book, but I predicted the major plot twist from the beginning.

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For me this book was unknowingly a bit of a departure from the psychological thriller genre I typically read - while it did have some elements of that genre, it had a more literary, almost poetic tone to it. It was undoubtedly beautifully written by a talented author.

The plot is based in rural Wales, where a woman Elin, returns to her family home after a 10 month absence - having left her family when unable to cope with feelings of guilt surrounding a accident which disfigured one of her daughters. On her return she finds that the family have moved on in every sense, husband David has a new partner, and a new born baby is also a surprising addition. This is the story of Elin's discovery of all that lies behind the swift new relationship, as well as her discovering a new perspective on events leading to her departure.

The story is written from the perspective of Elin talking to her daughter Rhiannon, there is a bleak feel to the narrative, that some readers will surely appreciate (even if it didn't engage me personally.)

All in all I found this a well written book that readers who like their mystery told with a literary edge will enjoy.

My thanks to NetGalley, author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an advance copy.

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A mother disappears out of her children’s lives and then 10 months later reappears in the hopes she’ll be welcomed back with open arms. Going into this book I was expecting a page-turning thriller; instead I got a more thought-provoking story examining the ways different people handle crisis and tragedy. This book touches on triggering topics such as spousal abuse, postpartum depression and child loss so reader beware. The author does switch between the past and present to give insight into the mind of the mother and why she left. Overall I enjoyed this book and there was a bit of a mystery weaved into this story of a family in crisis.
Thank you NetGalley and Joffe Books for the digital review copy!

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This book writes as if it’s a letter from a mother to her daughter, it takes a little while to understand - but the more you read, the more it pulls you in! It’s wonderfully written there is abuse at the heart and you can’t help but feel so sorry for Elin, she was abandoned as a child, then found a manipulative man, she is damaged, this story shows the strength she has to become the mother her children deserve

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This book was just ok for me. I didn't hate it but I did find it a bit hard to follow at times. It jumped time lines frequently but didn't make it clear it was switching.

The narrator, Elin, blames herself for an accident that happened to her young daughter. Because of this she leaves her home and her two daughters. After ten months gone, Elin returns home and finds she has been replaced in that short period of time by a younger woman and a new baby.

It was a little slow and drawn out but I'm glad I kept reading to the end.

Thanks to Netgalley and Joffe Books for the digital ARC of this book

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At first it was hard for me to follow. Jumped around quite a bit. Once I got settled in, I enjoyed it. Give it a chance if you struggle at the beginning like I did. It’s worth it.

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First, thank you to NetGalley, author CR Howell and Joffe publishing for the ARC and opportunity to review this book.

I will admit that I saw a few reviews complaining about how ‘dark’ this book was and how the title didn’t match the storyline so I was a little worried but that worry quickly dissipated.

This book was unreal! The way the author showcased gaslighting in a domestic relationship and how traumatic pasts can cause mental health disorders in women was so unbelievably well done!

So many women are so judgemental towards others when it comes to mental health and being a mother and hating so many suffer in silence. The storyline of this mother’s traumatic upbringing, her dissociative disorder when she became a mother and her journey through therapy was so realistic and heart warming.

While I wouldn’t so much classify this as a thriller book, it was suspenseful and gripping. I read it in one sitting because I just couldn’t put it down.

The way I could relate to the main character through my own traumatic past was unbelievable. The storyline was so realistic and so well done.

While it was a book that I knew the twists before they came, I think this is just because I have studied trauma endlessly and have my own past trauma that I have been healing.

I think this is one of those books that readers will either love or hate due to the topic in the storyline. I absolutely loved it. I would give it more than 5 stars because not only was it a great page turning read, but it brought awareness to trauma and mental health that so many can relate too.


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Not for me I’m afraid. Really hard to follow, the multiple timelines just made everything confusing. Add in some very unlikebale characters and you’ve got a book I can’t recommend

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Hmm. Yeah. I'm a bit on the fence. I really wanted to love it but I just couldn't get into it. It's very back and forth and you've just no idea where in the timeline you currently are reading about. The characters are vile as to be expected but they just didn't feel real. I know its a fiction so there has to be an element of accepting far fetched or extreme characters but a lot of this book felt slow and really drawn out and irrelevant. I just really struggled

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This book was difficult to get through as there was a lot of back and forth between then and now. The little cliff hangers kept me going so I could get the the real issues that were happening. I did like the plot twists that were thrown in.

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A great twisted story about a Mom going through post pardon and leaving her family because she thinks her kids would be safer without her. She comes back almost a year later to find out her husband has moved on and now has another child. Though of course something is off…

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I enjoyed this book I thought the first half was a bit slow but once it go going it definitely had me gripped. I think story was well written and sensitive subject of the story was handled very well. Overall I think it was a great gripping book which I will definitely be recommending. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my advanced copy.

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Another thrilling read from Joffe books

I was captured in the story from the very first page. Definitely one I will recommend

Thank you for the opportunity to review

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Title: The Woman in My Home by C.R. Howell
Genre: Thriller
Pub Date: May 30, 2024

I hate Elin's husband and mother in law. Husband, because he's incredibly incompetent, penny pincher to a fault, and a mamas boy, and MIL is overbearing, sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. Elin left after the accident and was very obviously struggling with motherhood. She honestly just needed someone supportive in her life.
The multiple timelines helped move the story along a little, but the timeline swaps aren't clearly marked and the narration style is very strange. It's like a long letter to her daughter? Overall I couldn't become invested and even the twist was unsatisfying. I'm sorry to say this book just wasn't for me.

Thank you NetGalley and Joffe Books for the digital review copy!

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Unfortunately I didn't connect with this book at all. I loved the sound of the description but it was nothing like I was expecting. Travelling from past to present didn't work and it got confusing. I believe the book has potential and with a few tweaks here and there I would have enjoyed reading but I am positive there will be others who disagree. The book is NOT a bad book it just wasn't for me.

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I was so excited to read this book initially however as I kept reading I felt less excited and it felt like a chore to read on. I really wanted to enjoy it!

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