Member Reviews

I honestly don’t know how to feel about this story. I really wanted to love it especially because of the description but it didn’t go in the direction I thought it would. There was a lot of back in fourth of the present to events leading up to Elin’s return but most of it seemed unnecessary and there was no indication of what timeline it would be on so I had to figure out on my own if it was the past or the present. I was hooked for the most part because I was curious for the truth but I did have to also push myself to keep reading for some parts. The last 10% was where I wanted to get the book over with already. I hate to say it, but I was also unsatisfied with the ending. The way things turned out felt like it was just a rush to end the story. I feel like the description is very misleading and that is a big part of why this story intrigued me in the first place. This story had so much potential but ultimately it disappointed me.

Thank you to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for this e-ARC.

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Thank you Joffe Books and NetGalley for an early copy of The Woman in My Home. Interesting, kept me hooked but I truly don’t understand why. The writing was slow, the father was a cruel character and there was soooo much going on. However, it was very intriguing, a lot of gaslighting from the father. I just can’t explain my feelings with this book, all I can tell you is STICK WITH IT!!!!

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This book was darker than expected, and definitely should come with a trigger warning for miscarriage/child loss. It was confusing in the beginning, but it all added up in the end with a pretty good twist. Overall, I enjoyed it.

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I could not get into this book. It sounded amazing, but the writing seemed weird and hard to follow. I just couldn't follow it enough to keep reading.

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I really wanted to love this book but I struggled so much with it, I was waiting for something to happen and it was just to slow.

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Enjoyable. Good plot twists, though i did see most of them coming. A couple of the characters were a bit flat and 2D. Well worth reading though.

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I can't really do books written in 2nd person. It feels weird like I am being lectured by my mom, like she is trying to convince me of something. Or it reads like bad erotica. This one is more like my mom trying to explain herself. I love her so much but I do not like that.
In this book the woman is writing to her child explaining why she left and what happened when she came back. It reads like she is writing a letter or telling a story. There are a million details which makes it seem like she is lying.
I have no other opinions about the book. I just have this personal preference that ruined it for me. Someone else might love this.

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I enjoyed this book although sadly I found it somewhat predictable working out some key elements of the plot early on.

The characters felt well developed and interesting. I felt for Elin the main character and liked the hints of backstory we were provided with.

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I really am not sure what to make of this one. The blurb sounded good and it started off well. But i stuggled massively with it. The characters weren't great, or beievable and it felt like it was trying too hard at times. Not for me this one.

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After a horrible accident that left her child scarred, Elin abandons her husband and kids. She decides to return home months later, only to find her husband has moved on. What really happened the day of the incident and how has her husband already found someone else to replace her?

The author writes in great detail, every moment of each chapter. I could vividly picture each character and scene. Unfortunately, this book was not for me. I found every character to be unlikeable. While the overall theme of the book was a good one, the actions of each character were unrealistic, as were the characters themselves. I found myself questioning their actions all throughout the story.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Joffe Books for this Advanced Reader’s Copy of The Woman in My Home by C.R. Howell due to be published May 30, 2024.
Elin’s husband blames her for the accident to her two-year-old daughter. So, she left for 10 months. Now that she is back, someone else has taken her place with her girls and her husband. And there is a new baby in the picture. Elin feels like a stranger in her house. Will she find out everything was a lie, or was it all her fault?
This was my first book by this author, so I was looking forward to it. It was difficult to follow at first since it alternated timelines, but once I caught on to all the characters, it was easy to follow. There were lots of twists that made it interesting and kept my attention. The Woman in My Home is a pretty fast read and will keep you guessing until the end!
#NetGalley #CRHowell #JoffeBooks #TheWomanInMyHome

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This book was not for me. It wasn't at all what I had expected, after reading the book description. It wasn't gripping for me. It also kept jumping between the past and the present, which I have no problem with, but there wasn't anything indicating that the timeline was switching. I had to use context clues from what was being said. Overall, I just didn't care for it. There may be people that love it, but unfortunately I was not one of them.

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I really didn’t connect with this book and found the narration really weird. I felt like the first 70% of the book was unnecessary with a lot happening near the end. I feel like this author is one and done for me.

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