Member Reviews

💍 marriage of convenience
💰billionaire hero
🏡 forced proximity
🕵️ complicated pasts
🤭 funny banter
🚪 closed door/fade to black

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Definitely Pretty Woman vibes which is fine by me because I loved that movie!

Jane is a struggling actress with the bank account and past due rent to prove it. She gets a chance at the role that could solve all of her problems or maybe it’s too good to be true! She’s going to find out!

I always love a dual POV getting to see both sides as Jane breaks through Colton’s stone facade and he starts developing feelings. No problems here that can’t be solved by some sunshine, money and allergy medicine!

A nice easy read anytime you need it!

Thank you NetGalley and Marion De Ré for the advanced ebook.

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I liked this book, I love the marriage of convenience trope so I was super excited. Loved the characters and the way the book was written. Colton was just going through life until Jane showed up, she really brought color and sunshine to him ans he was so happy for it, even if the sometimes pretended he wasn't. Jane was afraid to love again, and given her past it's totally understandable but I wish she hadn't been so harsh on Colton at the end, what he did was wrong and she had every right to be upset but she took too far. When you love someone, you have to hear them when they make a mistake and if you love each other, you should both try to make the relationship work. I felt more bad for Colton than for her. I liked her and her spirit but yeah, in the ending she was irritating me a little too much. Overall, it was a good boy and I did like it a lot

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I am such a Marion De Ré fan. Periodt. I will never read a book by this author that I won’t like. There are just some indie authors that just hit you and Marion is one of them for me

One minute I’m at the prologue and the next I’m at the epilogue. Allllll her books are just so easy to read. If you ever want a light read that is super easy to read and one you’ll absolutely love.. you literally cannot go wrong with any of her books..

I like that there were mentions of Wade and talks about their friendship, especially because I know him and how close they both are is actually so cute. It’s not just a passing friendship.. He went to the wedding with his fiance and she met him and his whole family

The chapter titles are so cute - plain and simple - but they’re very cute and kind of informative in a fun way

I love how both Colton and Jane have things they hide from the world and from each other at first. Colton hides his heart of gold with his grumpiness and Jane hides her past and traumas with her sunshine rays. I also really like that it was really easy existing in each others’ presence and slowly breaking down each others’ walls

The fact that Colton was very protective of Jane from the very start - when the paparazzi were coming in and snapping pictures of them - made me feel like if she ever needed anything, he’d immediately step up; which he did without batting an eye

I wasn’t even halfway through the book and I felt like I already had so much I wanted to say.. so anyway, READ IT PLEASE

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Marrying the Billionaire follows the story of Jane, an aspiring actress in LA who is running from a troublesome past and just trying to make ends meet when she finds herself let go from her waitressing job and behind on rent. Colton is a successful billionaire who has created a LoveConnection Dating app and is trying to expand his business..the problem is that no one wants to get behind a dating app whose creator hasn't found his own match. When Jane and Colton enter into a marriage of convenience (that has an expiration date of 2 years), they both quickly realize they may have more to gain from this arrangement than a successful business promotion and financial gain.

I thought this book was such an attention-grabber and I was able to finish it really quickly, which is something I love. I also really appreciated that the author kept the book to the point...there wasn't a lot of extra "fluff" which I enjoy--the entire book had a point to it. She also did an excellent job of addressing some really difficult topics while remaining sensitive to her readers who may have dealt with those issues. I would consider this more of a "fade-to-black" romance than a true closed-door romance as sexual activity is implied without going into too much detail.

Content warnings: Talk of domestic abuse, foster care system, abandonment, death of a parent, moderate use of mild language (no F-word), closed door/fade to black romance

Recommend reading if you enjoy: Marriage of Convenience/Fake Dating, Grumpy x Sunshine, Cinderella Story/He cares for her, Dual POV, cats :)

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I was hooked right off the bat with this one. I enjoyed the banter and the character development of both Jane and Colton, and I feel that the dual POV throughout the story was a win win for me. This was the perfect quiet Sunday afternoon read, as I couldn't put it down, but it was also the perfect length for a weekend or vacation read. I have to say that I was really impressed about how much character development and connection that the author was able to form within a short amount of pages.

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"𝙄'𝙢 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙖 𝙥𝙚𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣. 𝘽𝙪𝙩 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙄 𝙢𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙖 𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙚 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣."

📚 Marrying the Billionaire - @marionderewrites
⭐ 4/5 ~°•°~ 🌶️ Fade to black
((Releases on 7th June'24))

Thanks to @netgalley @marionderewrites and publishers for the e-ARC 🩵

💌 REVIEW:: i DEVOURED this book within 24hrs.😍 It was so short (only 200 and a few pages) and so well written that I wasn't able to put it down! The chaos, the banter, the mutual pining- everything was so perfect.

Colton is a CEO of a dating app who has to "fake" marry so bring in investors for his company. His right hand man suggests they do an audition and Jane gets selected. He's allergic to pets but has a secret soft spot for Jane's cat, Truffles. Jane has him wrapped around her finger from day one 😂 I didn't like the attitude of Colton's head of maid at first. She's WAY more grumpy than Colton. Plus, she tries to make Jane's life miserable. Sure, she cares for Colton like a son but the way she jumped into conclusions about Jane's character felt a little over the top. Jane's character is very well written. Her past is tainted but that didn't stop her from being kind. I loved how she comes out of her shell and makes some great friends from the neighborhood 💕 Colton expresses his feelings in so many ways. The grand gesture of digging up Jane's past-with her permission-just to make sure she feels safe, had me swooning🥹 Jane cares about him the same way, if not more. She does a similar thing for him at his hometown, and helps him get rid of the monsters haunting him from his past.

The twist was an easy prediction for me but i enjoyed it nonetheless. But boy, did Colton grovel🤧🤌 He gave up the most important thing in his career to win back Jane's trust and love.🥺
Overall, this book was a quick read full of cute and swoon worthy scenes and i loved every minute of it!❤️❤️

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Marion De Ré wrote a laugh out loud, sweet, closed-door Rom Com that had me devouring the words on the pages. Jane Meyers is desperate to land an acting gig on her last two feet...Colton needs to expand his business and attract protentional investors. What do you get when you put them together? Two characters who are very intriguing and fun to watch as they navigate their new situation of Fake Engagement and Marriage. If you are looking for a quick read that will boost your mood, Marrying the Billionaire is your book!

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Review to come…

I really love the cover ❤️
The description is very intriguing.
This is a new author to me.

Thanks NetGalley for the ARC

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I was a little disappointed in the audience for this book, it felt like something I would’ve read in middle school for romance. Colton is the first perspective in the first chapter, and he feels a little dramatic using phrases we don’t commonly in real life like “this is ludicrous“. He also uses a running monologue in his head to tell us about his dominant/unyielding personality instead of showing us. The main female character, Jane was willing to give up $1 million for a cat that she found on the street yesterday? Is that not crazy? And unrealistic? The book overall could’ve use a lot more downtime, a little bit more backstory going on. Leo, the father of one Janes friends offered to walk her down the aisle the first time he met her. That seems a little far-fetched without any relationship established. I also think we could’ve used more time hearing about Jane just exploring the house overall, what she did during the day. Maybe some time where Colton was not there and she was missing him, or just wondering what he was doing. I also would’ve appreciated more review into Colton‘s day-to-day life instead of just past tense short mentions. I liked Agnes as a character, but I also feel like she could’ve used a little bit more context and relationship building time. Maybe Jane could’ve asked to be taught how to cook? Or some thing that would’ve helped them create a relationship together.

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this is my first book i'm reading from Marion De Ré and I can't wait to read more of her books.

This book is without doubt a five star for me! There was nothing I didn't liked in this book. I couldn't stop reading it and actually finished it in one day.

Marrying the Billionaire is a really sweet romance book.
I really liked how Colton and Jane grew on each other and got to know each other. They had there struggles with each other and with themselves but they fought through them.
They both weren't looking and also both didn't want a relationship but they learnt to be in the same house together and sort of living a life together. Even though it wasn't without it's obstacles.
i absolutely loved the chemistry between Colton and Jane but also the connections with the already existing and new found friendships.

This is a book I will want to collect for my physical book collection!

my review is also on my good reads account and on my bookstagram but I can't seem to get the links in this review

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Marrying the Billionaire, is your classic, fun, short but heartfelt story of two people, thrust in to a marriage of convenience.

The story revolves around Jane, our resilient and kind heroine, and Colton; our dashing, apparently stoic but softy at heart hero. Both Jane and Colton have to climb through the walls they have built around themselves, and confront their turbulent pasts to find a home in each other. I cannot say more without spoiling the story, but Marion has done a beautiful job of bringing the characters together and for such a quick read, it does pull at the reader’s heartstrings. What starts as a partnership (employer/employee) turns in to more as more layers are peeled and more room is made to feel and let people in. Some situations are extremely cliche but honestly, I strongly believe that cliches and cliches because they work! And they have worked here also.

I loved the tender bits, I loved the sprinkle of humour and I even loved the side characters. The story gives you the same kind of rush as a really well done romcom does. All in all a nice, quick, and heartfelt read.

Disclaimer: I was honoured to be given an ARC of the book in return for an honest review ❤️

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I have recently discovered this author and this is the 2nd book in this series I have read and I loved it - think I actually enjoyed it more than the 1st I read.
Yes it was predictable but to me that is expected in these sort of reads, and I definitely don't mean it in a negative - it just keeps me reading faster to see how it all pans out.
Likeable characters, with brief appearances and mentions of Wade, who was the lead in the previous book in this series I read.
Told from 2 points or view - labelled clearly as to whose point of view it was.
Great storyline which was a bit deeper than normal books in this genre.
Really enjoyed it and would recommend.

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Billionaire fake relationship at its best. It’s the first time I’ve read anything by Marion and it certainly won’t be the last, I loved how easy this was not only get into but how it kept me entertained and engaged the whole way through.
Billionaire Colton needs a bride to enable his dreams of expanding his business to take off. In comes Jane, a struggling wannabe actress who needs to pay her rent or face eviction.
Colton’s gruff exterior hides a heart of gold and Jane’s smiles hides her past traumas.
Their chemistry is obvious to everyone they’re trying to fool so everything appears to go to plan or will it….sit back and enjoy this fun Rom-Com.
Thank you NetGalley and the Publisher for this ARC

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