Member Reviews

Sian Ann Bessey has written an excellent Medieval historical romance in A Kingdom to Claim. Bessey pulls the reader into that time and place with well researched descriptions and explanations. King Alfred the Great initially loses Wexford to the Vikings through inexperience. He does not give up but retreats to an island and rebuilds his forces. Aisley, the daughter of one of King Alfred’s nobles, who fell in the initial battle and Brecc, another noble and advisor to the King develop an attraction and eventually a romance over time. Aisley flees her home when her brother turns traitor and seeks to marry her to a Viking chief. She makes her way to King Alfred’s camp and there uses her knowledge of healing to help his men. The characters are well rounded. King Alfred, Brecc and Aisley are shown as honorable and conscientious people. The plot follows the history of the time and place with interesting detail. This book is a well done look at an historical event. Strongly recommended for readers of historical fiction/romance.

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What I really love about this story is the beautiful integrity shown in all of the characters. Breec is a strong, warrior hero who desires to serve King Alfred and his kingdom to the best of his ability.
Aisley is the daughter of a noble gifted in healing who chooses to go against convention for the well-being of those around her.
She chooses to be honorable in her actions, even when the cost seems unfathomable.
Brecc and Aisley's love story is beautiful and strong in an uncertain time while the Vikings are attacking. Their story is fraught with danger and uncertainty, but their commitment to each other, their people, and the king is strong.
Also, King Alfred's commitment to seeking God on behalf of his people shines through.
This was a great medieval story with historical basis and some good swoon!

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Aisley's father, as one of King Alfred's ealdormen, has pledged his support to the king, and follows through even to falling in battle in support of the king. Unfortunately, as the years pass, it becomes clear that her brother has no such loyalty to either the king or the local villagers - which puts loyal Aisley in a difficult position. Brecc is one of the king's most trusted advisors, and when the king is forced to flee from an overwhelming Viking attack, he guides him to safety. But after a couple of chance encounters with Aisley turn into more that aren't chance, part of his heart is increasingly with her. Their two stories are woven together as they work to help the king in their different ways, he as a warrior, she as a healer - but can they succeed against the odds? Only if they succeed, and both come out alive, can they have a future together...

A thoroughly enjoyable historical romance - Aisley and Brecc are a really nice couple, and I loved getting to know them. The history side of things was equally interesting - it's not a period I know much about, but the details are presented in such a way that I felt immersed in the story rather than either bogged down in details or not understanding what was going on. As usual, I appreciated the historical note to separate fact from fiction and provide more background details, but it was in no way necessary if readers aren't interested. All in all, a satisfying story of good winning over evil (in a couple of different settings), coupled with a delightful clean romance, and with an intriguing historical setting (minimal violence, thankfully). Well worth a read for lovers of historical fiction which include romance, though not so much for readers who prefer the romance to be the sole focus. A good read, and I'm looking forward to more by the author.

Note that I received a complimentary copy of the book from NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review and this is my considered opinion of the book.

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Beautifully written historical novel with a time period that's not always covered. Having seen the television series Vikings, several of the historical characters were contextually familiar.

The romance between Aisley and Brecc was over such a long time and so sweet. I loved it the slow burn the intensity.

I am glad to have read this book, it was amazing.

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Vikings, fierce battles, swoon-worthy romance, and an admirable King make this one unforgettable read! I love Sian Ann Bessey’s books. Not only do I love her gorgeous writing and sweet romance, but I learn something new every time. I loved being propelled back in time to Wessex, AD 878 and learning about the struggles of the Anglo Saxons against the ferocious Vikings. This intriguing story based on actual events kept me quickly turning the pages. I loved the age gap romance & every moment between Aisley & Brecc. It’s a must read for historical fiction & romance fans.

Aisley’s a skilled healer whose knowledge of plants and medicinal cures has saved lives. As a young girl, she never forgot the handsome nobleman who took herbs to her ailing father. Now a grown woman she meets him again as the destructive Norsemen threaten their land once more. This time Aisley fears that her brother may be in league with the Vikings. Risking her life, she sets off on a daring mission to warn the man she loves and King Alfred.

Brecc immediately recognizes Aisley and her beautiful copper colored hair in the marketplace after meeting her seven years ago. As they get to know each other better while celebrating Twelfth Night, they’re suddenly torn apart by a Viking invasion. After a discouraging defeat, Brecc, King Alfred, and his men go into hiding and plot how to take down their enemy. Brecc has more to worry about though when Aisley arrives with a troubling message and desires to join the fight as a healer. Will they survive the battles ahead?

I loved this story! I enjoyed how actual historical events and people were woven into the story. King Alfred saved England and later became know as Alfred the Great with good reason. He was not only a brilliant leader, but he was a righteous king who truly loved his people. Though fictional, I loved Aisley & Brecc! Their romance was filled with wonderful chemistry and tension. The medicinal cures Aisley employs were so fascinating. I enjoyed learning more about these along with the history.

Highly recommend this exciting, romantic story filled with action, adventure, and a touch of faith! Can’t wait for more Viking era books from this author! I received an advanced complimentary copy from the author and publisher. All opinions are my own and voluntarily provided.

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I am blown away by this book. Holy smokes the story, the history, the characters, every single aspect about this book was so well done. One again Sian Ann Bessey beautiful weaves together history and fiction to create an unforgettable, enlightening, and inspiring story.
From the very first page I was gripped by this story that takes place over 1,000 years ago. Based in the late 800s in Wessex you are transported to a time of unrest, upheaval, and unknown. Sian is able to illuminate the stark reality of the highs and lows of living in a time and place where every day has not only uncertainty, but possibility. Thankfully she’s created two main characters that complement each other so well and help the reader through the events of the book.
Both Aisley and Brecc face horrendous situations and do their best to keep doing what is right. I was so touched by their ability to move forward and the way they supported each other. Yes I know they’re fictional, but it was honestly a beautiful experience to read their stories and how they sweetly and softly fall in love with each other.
I love the elements of faith, strength, loyalty, and determination in this book. This is truly an inspiring story that allows the reader a glimpse into history. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on this incredible historical romance.

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More of a romance type of book rather than anything action based but it was an interesting story.I enjoyed the setting in King Alfred's Britain and the writing and characters were adequate just not very deep.It's maybe a kind of book you would pick up if you enjoy romance in a historical setting.

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It’s rare to find a story set in medieval times. In addition to the fascinating time period, this stays true to the historical facts, and has a romance that is thrilling. This book is so well balanced between history, action, and the love story. I got swept up in King Alfred’s plight to rid his country of Vikings. The battle scenes are tense and feel high stakes. There are questions of loyalty and who to trust.

There is plenty of action, but it’s interwoven with a sweet romance between Brecc and Aisley. Even though this is set during a violent period, there’s still enough time spent on the romance. It doesn’t feel at all rushed or like it’s an afterthought.

There are Christian elements laced through out the story that are very well done. They feel true to the time and to the characters. After reading the author’s note, this story can’t be told without faith being a large part of the plot.

I stayed up late reading this book, and I enjoyed everything about it.

This book contains not profanity and has kisses only.

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This was a great read! I enjoyed learning about this time period and the conflict with the Vikings. The author's note at the end was very interesting and appreciated as well.
I really enjoyed the characters Aisley and Brecc and their relationship. It was interesting to read about the healing methods that Aisley used as well. I highly recommend for fans of historical fiction!

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As a youth, I was not interested in history, but the older I get the more fascinating it is. The story takes place in 871 A.D. King Alfred the Great was only 21 when he took the throne after the death of his older brother. What a great example of leadership, Christian values and integrity. The story takes place with the battles between the Vikings and the Saxon’s. I so appreciate the authors research and knowledge of the timeframe. It makes you feel as if you were right there on the battlefield. The story of fact mingled with fiction is so intriguing. I especially liked the love story between Brecc and Aisley The chemistry between them was palpable and they each had strong convictions of goodness and righteousness. The other characters were also strong and contributed greatly to the storyline. I only wish there had been some type of connection or word of Aisley’s Mother and sister in the end. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Thank you Netgalley and Shadow Mountain Publishing for access to this arc.

It’s been a while since I read a book with Vikings in it but this sounded interesting. After getting started with it, I did a little research on Alfred the Great and was delighted how much the book follows his life and his efforts to free Wessex.

I enjoyed this. There’s a good balance between the parts of the plot that focus on the characters and on the historical facts. The background details are enough to fix the settings, clothes, places, and lifestyle in my mind without becoming entries in an encyclopedia. The romance is given enough time to flourish realistically without taking over the action sequences and feels neither draggy or rushed. The battle sections are described with intensity but little actual gore.

Aisley’s healing skills actually play a large role in the story. I was delighted that so many people recognize her talents and boost her self-esteem after her family have essentially ignored her in favor of her beautiful sister. She is the quiet one who watches and notes things and when the time calls for it, Aisley rises to the occasion. Brecc is a great “tall, dark, and handsome” but also thoughtful hero who sees her worth as well as does lots of strong manly things.

This is an inspie and given the time and the events, it’s natural that the characters are religious. King Alfred was especially known for his deep faith which came into play in real life and in the book as a means of helping to deal with at least one Viking chief.

I hope that there will be a book for Brecc’s best friend Rheged whose sense of humor was a wonderful addition of comic relief to the book. As I said, I haven’t read too many medieval/Dark Ages books recently but this one will have me looking for more. B

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Epic Medieval romance! Sian always delivers the best historical romances putting me right in the setting. You can really feel the tension when the Vikings invade and battles are fought. I also loved the longing in the romance. Aisley and Brecc share a fleeting romance before they are torn apart. After fleeing her home she wishes to reunite with Brecc and deliver information to the King. This romance between warrior and Healer is everything you could ask for with plenty of action to keep you turning pages.
CW: kisses only, battle scenes

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Bessey is one of those authors on my auto-request list. I’ll read anything she writes, because it’s always well-researched, well-written, and well-edited. (Yes, there were definitely some errors in my advanced copy, but I’m pretty confident they’ll be cleaned up by publication.)

This is a time period where we don’t usually see a lot of historical novels based. Fantasy stories are set in similar cultural environments, but not a lot of historicals. These insights into the particular timeframe of King Alfred’s early reign definitely expanded my knowledge, as well as offering the famous story of the king burning the cakes. I’d forgotten all about that one until it popped up in this novel.

Aisley develops her strength as the story progresses. She starts out as a young girl with a knack for herbal remedies. She grows into a woman who is willing to travel to battle in order to care for the men who are wounded, despite her terror of war. Her growth is the most satisfactory in the story.

Brecc doesn’t get quite such extensive growth, but he does progress in leadership as he aids and supports the king. His attraction to Aisley—and vice versa—comes naturally and grows in a way that doesn’t feel forced.

I found the language to be a bit stilted in this one, and I’m not sure why Bessey felt the need to use more elevated syntax and word choice for the characters, but it wasn’t enough to ruin the flow of reading.

Possible Objectionable Material:
There is war, so there is lots of injury and bloodshed. Some drinking. Treachery and dishonesty. Threats toward women.

Who Might Like This Book:
Those interested in well-researched history of the very early years of Britain. Those who like strong female characters and honorable men.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This was much better than I expected - I am normally not a fan of medieval fiction but grabbed for the author.

A young woman is in the middle of turmoil as Vikings keep invading her homeland. She discovered a secret plot and raced to the King. She also develops a relationship with one of the King’s trusted advisors.

I highly recommend. The story was the main feature - not violence or other that seems to be the priority when writing a historical book from this point in history.

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I could not put this book down! A Kingdom to Claim is an epic forbidden love romance set in medieval England. As with every book I've read by the talented Sian Ann Bessey, the attention to historical detail brings to life the time and characters in such a way that you feel as if you are there.

Historical romance lovers, be prepared to lose sleep over this one as you will not want to put it down! But don't worry, it is worth the loss of sleep!

*Thank you to NetGalley and Shadow Mountain Publishing for the arc, all opinions are my own.

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Aisley is a healer who loves her people and is loyal to her king. Her father was always loyal to the king and taught her that she was of worth. When war takes him away, war also takes away her security and safety.

Caught between her freedom, loyalty to the king, and wanting to best serve the people that depend on her family, Aisley is forced to make some difficult decisions. Can she use her healing to support her kingdom? Can she trust the solider she met, who served with her father? Should she remain with her brother and family? Does their kingdom have any chance against the Vikings?

I loved watching Aisley find confidence in herself and the courage to make choices that she felt were right, despite great opposition. This author always does historical romantic fiction well, and she did not disappoint.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Sian Ann Bessey for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for A Kingdom to Claim coming out July 2, 2024. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own.

This review might be really short because I have nothing to say except epic! I’m obsessed with Bessey’s writing. She’s been doing a lot of regency romances lately and I’m so excited she wrote another 9th century story. I love her books set in medieval and Viking history. I think the characters were awesome. I loved that Aisley was strong and had her part to play. Brecc was a warrior. There was a lot of action and I loved the parts with the Vikings and King Alfred. I think there was a lot of epic history involved.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical battles and romance!

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I really enjoyed this book! The writing was very well done! This book takes place in 870s AD. I haven’t ever read a book in this time period before and I thought it was really interesting. It also has my husband’s favorite King, King Alfred. Which he got excited I was reading about. Aisley and Brecc are a great couple. I loved how brave they both were and how much they wanted to protect the king. One of my favorite parts was when Brecc helped save Aisley from the Vikings in the marketplace. It gave me Aladdin feels. Aisley’s brother is awful! If you like Viking stories with romance and great historical content this book is for you!

Content: some violence and death

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author and netgalley. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

This story of wars between Vikings and Wessex was slow to start, with a glimpse of how our characters were connected as well as insight into a past battle before we are transported to a few years later. When Vikings attack and claim the Kings stronghold, the thegns and royals are forced to flee and attempt to regroup. This is where the story picked up for me, with pillaging and stealthy sabotage before the final battle.
It was a little too religion based for me (though I'm sure it's accurate for the time) but I did have a good chuckle at the Epilogue when the Eclipse happens and everyone is dumbfounded at the "miracle"

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4.5 Stars.

Set in Wessex in the early Medieval period, A Kingdom to Claim is a romantic historical fiction book about several of King Alfred's conflicts with the invading Vikings. I had never studied this period of history before, or King Alfred, but I learned a lot by reading this book. I loved the author's notes at the end that helped me understand just how much of the story was non-fiction.

As a note/tip to readers, I read the Kindle version and I wish I would have taken a screen shot on my phone of the vocabulary guide at the beginning of the book. It would have helped me refer back to those words when they were used throughout the book.

The premise of the love story is about a girl, Aisley, and one of King Alfred's closest men, Brecc, who knew one another many years ago and recently found each other again. They begin to fall in love, and her work as a healer (one who uses herbs and spices and plants to treat illnesses and wounds) coincides with Brecc's work fighting for the kingdom. Together they fight for their love and for king and country.

I appreciated the side character Rheged. He was Brecc's best friend and the interactions/sarcasm between Rheged and Brecc and Aisley were hilarious and added comic relief to a more serious book topic.

I thought the final battle scene wrapped up a little too fast, but the rest of the book was paced very well. I enjoyed this book and recommend it to lovers of clean romantic historical fiction.

Content: No language. Although the theme of the book is war, there was no gore beyond brief mentions of flesh wounds. Rape was mentioned as something the Vikings had done in the past, but no on-page assault took place. The romance was clean, with kisses only.

Thank you to NetGalley and Shadow Mountain for the complementary copy of this book, My opinions are my own and in no way influenced by the publisher.

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