Member Reviews

This was an interesting delve into English history. I have no depth of knowledge of this time period, so it was interesting to learn. Along with the history of King Alfred, we have a story of endurance, long suffering, and strength. Along with war comes those behind the scenes caring for those on the line, even giving up their lives if necessary.
I enjoyed the characters of Brecc and Aisley and their story. The underlying strength they showed in the midst of turmoil is the same as we too need to show today.

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Sian Ann Bessey transports readers to 9th Century Wessex with "A Kingdom to Claim". Presenting true events and actual historical figures, this compelling tale delivers action, political intrigue, and romance.

With vivid imagery and extensive historical research, this story comes to life under the author's talented pen. Gifted healer Aisley is an intrepid heroine whom the reader meets when she is twelve. The reader is also introduced to Brecc, and the two cross paths years later. King Alfred features heavily, and his devotion to Christianity and progressive (for the time period) views are incredibly inspiring. From the use of spiderwebs in healing to the Viking tribute tax and more, there's a plethora of interesting historical tidbits here.

Sian Ann Bessey never fails to disappoint. Her prose is lovely, and while violence is necessary to this book, it is far from graphic. The few fictional works I've read about this time period have featured explicit bedroom scenes, and I generally steer clear of those. Thankfully, Bessey delivers romantic stories without smut.

Thanks to NetGalley and Shadow Mountain Publishing for an ARC of this captivating read.

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This book was difficult for me to put down - I love historical fiction where the author stays true to the history and fictionalizes characters so the reader is brought into the story with fresh human interest! Sian Ann Bessey does a beautiful job with this and I can recommend her historical fiction, sight unseen. This book delved into a time period I was unfamiliar with, but I was fascinated with the strength of the convictions of King Alfred the Great and enthralled with the descriptions of life on and off the battlefield for the Saxons and the Vikings. The characters were easy to love and the resolution was very satisfying!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions expressed are completely my own.

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Sian Ann Bessey has an incredible ability to weave a captivating fictional tale while also teaching key moments in history. I learnt more about Alfred the Great and the Viking invasions of his time by reading this novel than in any of my schooling growing up in the UK.

Aisley was a compelling heroine to read about, and while I wish the outcome had been different for her sister at least, Aisley's courage and compassion for others despite the obstacles she faced was inspiring.

As a side note, having grown up in the little known town of St Neots in Cambridgeshire I was VERY excited to see Saint Neot mentioned in this novel! Perhaps more will learn its location on a map after reading this (as well as St Neot in Cornwall).

British history is never so enjoyable to learn as when reading a fictional novel by a talented author. Bessey is most certainly in my top two of these.

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What an amazing treat to be able to dive into the viking time period! I imagine it is quite a challenge to research and write about but Bessey does a wonderful job with it! Aisley has quite a few challenges to work through and not a lot of support, until she finds an ally in Brecc. She remembers him from years ago and they are quickly reacquainted when she is able to use her talent of healing to help his friend. It was the perfect blend of suspense and romance that will keep you reading until you are at the end!

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Like all of Sian Ann Bessey's books, I absolutely love this one! As always, her research and writing are impeccable. I was completely involved in the story and couldn't put it down! I loved the time period it is set in and having Sian Ann's wonderful ability to put the reader into her stories. The amount of research she must do to have the ability to engage her readers is unimaginable! and it is what makes her stories so believable and engaging. I also loved the love story and the characters. This is a must read!

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What a marvelous book!
I am always amazed at Sian Bessey’s ability to write using enough period and culturally correct terms without using so many I lose track of the story line. In this wonderful work you get to experience Sian’s marvelous writing style as well as her ability with language. This book is set in the early part of the reign of King Alfred, later to become known as Alfred the Great. The Vikings are attacking and Aisley’s father is responsible to lead his area into the battle supporting the king. With the loss of the battle, that took her father, an uneasy truce is achieved but it does not hold. When a Viking attack threatens Aisley, she is whisked to safety by one of Alfred’s leaders, Brecc, but more danger lies in store as Alfred struggles to rally his forces, traitors are exposed, family bonds broken, and new bonds form. A book you are sure to enjoy. Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the copy. This is my review and all thoughts are my own.

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A KINGDOM TO CLAIM by SIAN ANN BESSEY is a most interesting historical novel that follows the life of King Alfred, king of Wessex, as he and his men fight against the marauding Vikings. The story is historically correct, with the addition of several characters that enhance rather than detract from the historical truth.
I found the book fascinating as we learn of King Alfred’s strong faith in God, his courage and love for his people, and the courage and loyalty of the majority of his subjects.
Aisley is the daughter of Kendryek, Ealderman of Wiltshire, who dies in battle when she is twelve years old. She is devastated by her father’s death. Her mother is a healer who has taught Aisley about plants and their healing power…….
Ealderman Brecc is impressed with Aisley’s compassion and healing power when she tends to his injured friend, and also with her inner and outer beauty…..
I found A Kingdom to Claim a most enjoyable as well as informative read.
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Shadow Mountain Publishing. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

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I enjoyed this historical fiction set in 9th century England. I’ve read very few books set in that period, and I thought the historical context and detail were done well. The author is very good at giving a sense of what for most readers will be a fairly foreign part of history without detracting from the story. The main characters are likable, and the ever present threat of Viking invasion adds tension and drama that keep the story moving along quickly. There were a couple of elements that didn’t work as well for me, but those were a matter of personal preference and now quality of writing. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy. All views are entirely my own.

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'#AKingdomTpClaim #NetGalley

King Alfred reigned in the mid 800s during the time of Viking attacks.
These attacks were bloody battles with death on both sides. The story
is told through Aisley, a young healer who has seen much heartache.
The story is fast-paced, and I loved reading this time period. The author
grew up in the UK and did amazing research to create believable characters.

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I loved this book. I loved the learning about this particular historic period and King Alfred the Great. I was immediately engrossed in the pages. It is a book that is hard to put down. The characters both real and fictional are interesting and are layered. I loved the relationship that is shown between the King and the men closest to him. I loved the fictional relationship between Brecc and Aisley. I loved that their characters were loyal, courageous, kind and selfless. I really loved everything about this book. It was also fun for me to learn more about King Alfred the Great because he is in my family tree. I would HIGHLY recommend reading it.

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