Member Reviews

Wanting You features Chloe and Tanner, who are Kindergarten teachers. Chloe is the sweet twin that always gets overlooked, while Tanner was a professional skier, but his true calling is teaching. At the beginning of their working relationship Tanner's ego gets in the way and he plans on competing with Chloe for Teacher of the Year instead of being a team. Meanwhile, Chloe has to learn that not everything needs to be done the exact way that she has for the past few years. Together Chloe and Tanner navigate how to work together while being in a relationship as well.

The narration of this story was great, as all the Sweetbriar Ridge books are. Carly Robbins always does an amazing job.

This one is tough for me because I loved the other books in the series and I wanted to love this one too. I could not stand Tanner in the beginning of this story, As a former teacher myself, I just could not take his attitude towards wanting to be the better teacher and competing with Chloe instead of being a teammate with her. He started to redeem himself in the middle and honestly in the end, I just disliked him again, especially with his "couple of the year" comment. I really liked Chloe in the other books, but I felt like she was totally different in this book. There were times where she'd get upset and was whiny. However, I liked that she was able to talk it out and then see that she may have been overreacting at times. I liked when she spoke her mind. As usual, we got to see how the rest of the Donovan family was, but I felt like they were almost too involved in this book.

Overall, it was a good story and audiobook, but it wasn't my favorite. It was a quick and easy listen. I can't wait to see if there's more!

Thank you to Netgalley, Dreamscape Media and Samantha Chase for the advanced copy for my honest opinion.

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Genre ~ contemporary romance
Series ~ The Donovans: Sweetbriar Ridge, #3
Others in the series ~ #1-3 + an extra book
Setting ~ Virginia
Publication date ~ May 21, 2024
Est Page Count ~ 289 (14 chapters +e)
Audio length ~ 7 hours 32 minutes
Narrator ~ Carly Robins
POV ~ dual 3rd
Featuring ~ teachers, small town, no steamage, references to a deceased sibling

Chloe & Tanner
Tanner lives in NY and is a retired pro skier turned teacher. He wants to teach 5th grade, but when a job opportunity comes up for kindergarten in Sweetbriar, Virginia he decides to get his foot in the door and some experience under his belt since this would be his first teaching job.

Chloe is kindergarten teacher of the year for 2 years running. Will this handsome stranger give her some competition, or will she hold the title once again?

If you've read the other books you know there's always a little bit of family drama, but it wasn't as bad in this one, so woo hoo for that.

Both characters are sweet and I felt their attraction towards each other. I liked the business adventure they're embarking on together. The 3rd act breakup was awfully childish, but it was still an enjoyable read overall.

Series notes:
This series follows siblings, so I suggest reading them in order so that you can familiarize yourself with the family and know who's who and what's what.

Narration notes:
Carly narrates all of Samantha's books, so I'm used to her lovely narration (even though I'd like a male narrator).

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Chloe has been teacher of the year for the last two years running. When new kindergarten teacher Tanner joins the school, she realizes she finally has some competition. 

This was such a swoonworthy read. I couldn't help getting emotionally invested in Chloe and Tanner's relationship. It was all smooth sailing....until it wasn't. The ending was perfect though and I can't wait to read more from the series. I have to commend the narration on the audiobook. It was extremely well done, kept me entertained throughout and was very clear.

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I enjoy Samantha Chase’s books. They are cute, slightly spicy romance books with characters that cross over. It is like you are reading a tv series. This was a fun book with kindergarten teachers. The main character was a little whinier than other characters but sometimes that is needed. I can’t wait to see what comes next.

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Chloe is quiet and has never been outstanding at anything - until she won Teacher of the Year twice in a row. Her town is growing rapidly and has added a second kindergarten class. To Chloe's surprise, the woman who had been hired to be teacher for that class decided not to teach there and an unexpected man, a brand new teacher, was hired to be the teacher.

Tanner had been a competitive skier so he was full of self-confidence, even if it was only a projection. Tanner and Chloe really rubbed each other the wrong way. Their approaches to everything were different. Even once they became an item, they struggled with their histories and their expectations. (I think Tanner is a wonderful catch.)

Their romance is on the sweet versus the steamy side so this book can be read and enjoyed by young adults and up.

I had an e-book and an audio version. The narrator was wonderful.

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Im loving my visits to Sweetbriar Ridge and for me Wanting You is a wonderful addition to your this great series. This is book 3 in the series and its kindergarten teacher Chloe Donovan and retired competitive skier Tanner Westyn’s entertaining story.
Carly Robins does a great job bringing the characters and their story to life. She was spot on with the love, the passion and the humour as well as the family loyalty the Donovan’s share.
Tanner has just moved to town and he has accepted the job as the second kindergarten teacher and from the moment he meets his colleague Chloe sparks fly and not in a good way.
Chloe loves her job, loves her students and loves being voted best teacher for two years in a row what she doesn’t need is to find herself working with a pro athlete who has a massive ego…….
But has she got Tanner all wrong, one click now to find out.
This book ticked all my boxes, I smiled, I swooned and at times I held my breath but what took this book to another level was watching Sweetbriar Ridge come to life. Ms Chase knows what her fans love and she has once again given us a small town and a family that I personally can’t get enough off.

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Quick Summary: A simply sweet coupling

My Review: Wanting You by Samantha Chase is book #3 in The Donovans: Sweetbriar Ridge series.

About the Book: Chloe Donovan is a small town girl who has always stayed in her lane. She doesn't want for much. She excels in her own way and does not require all that much in the way of attention. When Tanner Westyn makes his way into the Sweetbriar Ridge community, he shakes up her world and challenges her in ways she never expected. Together they make an awesome team. When their differences are put in the spotlight, however, hurt feelings take them in an alternate direction.

My Favorite Scenes (coded, so as to avoid spoilers):

- Perusing Romances?

- Pastries and Frittatas

- Keeping Secrets

- Present Comfort and a Steady Presence

- Christmas Gifts and More *

About the Narration: Carly Robins did an amazing job, as always. There is an ease that comes when listening to how she communicates the story.

My Final Say: This is my favorite novel from the new series. I absolutely loved it! I adored the friction between Chloe and Tanner. They both had a stubborn quality, while at the same time, they were both precious in their own way. I could easily see myself revisiting this particular installment again and again.

Other: It was interesting seeing the dynamics changing between the Donovan parents and their children. The great confession was huge. I can't wait to learn what comes next.

Rating: 5/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: A
Re-read: Yes
Keeper: Yes
Favorites Shelf: Yes
Status/Level: 💖
Series: Yes
Audiobook: Yes
Narration: +

Thank you to the author, to the publisher (Dreamscape Media), and to NetGalley for granting access to an ALC of this title in exchange for an honest review. I thoroughly enjoyed reviewing this work. I am appreciative for the opportunity.

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Book 2 in the The Donovans: Sweetbriar Ridge #2 series. Would work as a stand alone, but recommend reading other books in the connected series. Series is a spinoff from The Donovans series, which is also a spinoff of Magnolia Sound.

It is Chloe Donovan's turn to find love. Tanner Westyn moves to town to become the new kindergarten teacher. He immediately refuses Chloe's offers for help and rubs her wrong.

Oof. This one was rough. First of all, Tanner is so off-putting and obnoxious. I didn't even want to read it he was so bad. He gets humbled slightly, which makes him more tolerable, but the damage was done. Secondly, as a former teacher, the whole school/teaching aspect was so nonfactual, it was difficult to read. I normally love reading books where teachers are the characters, but the creative liberties were too much. It started with the hiring process- Tanner was a "substitute" because it wasn't his preferred grade level. A one year contract is possible. Substitute? Not unless the position was temporary or for a partial year. And the whole grade level thing- teachers teach where they are told. They can state their grade level preference, but you go where the need is. I have a special certification in early childhood development and only spent one of my 10 years teaching elementary in K-2. Most of it (7 years) was in 5th or 6th. I wanted K-2, but there was never an opening. I'll stop rambling now. Anyway, between Tanner's personality and the teaching inaccuracies, I didn't enjoy this one very much.

I received an advance audio copy in exchange for an honest review.

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A fun read, might be my favorite from the series. They connected with flirty gazes at the coffee/bookshop and then clashed when they met as kindergarten teachers at school. Super cute really enjoyed and very engaging.

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