Member Reviews

A love letter to Japan and Japanese culture! Hanami is a graphic novel composed of several small "short stories", chronicling the time that Julia and Marc, who are from Spain, spend in a tiny apartment in Japan. They enroll in Japanese lessons, are shocked by grocery store prices, and struggle to understand the complex garbage-day schedule.

I really enjoyed the representation and reality that this book brought, despite being a fairly light read! This book mentions arthritis, coping with dietary restrictions in a new place, and struggling to find motivation. The art style is fairly simple and the entire graphic novel is told in shades of pink and purple, which added to the light feel of the book!

I would have appreciated a bit more context on some of the stories, as I occasionally felt that I was missing the point that the author was trying to convey. That being said, it was a quick, enjoyable read! 4/5.

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This comic was very cute, and interesting. In saying that I found it wasn't necessarily the most amazing non-fiction I'd ever read. However I do still think I'd recommend giving it a read, it's a short and sweet read! In terms of art style I love that, the colours were bright and felt very homey, the sketchy almost pencil like feeling texture wise also added a certain warmness to it.

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This was adorable! I really liked the mellow colour palette and the sketchy sort of vibe of the art. The stories and characters were very cute

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