Member Reviews

The Grand Canyon looms in the background of the book and that’s one of my favorite components.
There is much unhappiness swirling around the characters and it takes most of the book to cut through the misty fog to see how they all fit together.
Daniel was despicable and deserved what he got. Maya was no more likable either. I thought Cathy needed to be dealt with harshly at how utterly disrespectful she was to Constance. I didn’t have a lot of sympathy for Constance for just that reason.
I really liked Special Agent Lopez, loved the scenes with him in them!
Arizona has its own rugged beauty which Harrison uses as an effective backdrop.

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Beautifully written heart wrenching a true page turner.Make sure to have tissues near by. #netgalley #bookouture

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I find that some plots nowadays are very predictable, but this book was full of surprises especially the ending! The alternating POV’s between Constance and Maya, as well as the mystery third POV shed light onto many different angles of this story. I had my guesses about who was responsible but I was proved wrong and was very content with how this book ended.

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read if you like:
📍 Arizona
🏡 dysfunctional family dynamics
💁🏻‍♀️ affairs and cheating spouses

This book is about two women - Constance and Maya, living in Arizona. Constance, a dutiful wife and mother, is married to Daniel, who is having an affair with Maya, when he is found dead in the Grand Canyon. The book cuts back and forth before and after the murder, and between Constance and Maya’s POV, along with Katarina, a park ranger who discovers Daniel’s body.

I’ll admit — I could not get into this book. It starts quickly, but there were just a few things about it that made it hard to sink into. Both Maya and Constance and her family relocate to Arizona from Europe — Maya from London, and Constance/Daniel from Ireland. While the book sinks deeply into the geography and culture of Arizona, the cut back and forth between that and Ireland seems abrupt and kind of awkward. I also could just not make myself love any of the characters. Constance seems stuck up, suspicious and rigid, while Daniel sleeps around and their daughter Cathy is abrasive and rude. Honestly the family tension was uncomfortable and hard to read — even in a book where it was meant to be uncomfortable! Maya feels helpless and unlikable, and even though I wanted to see her as a free spirited artist, she felt more needy and codependent. While the goal of the book feels like a whodunnit, it doesn’t make much progress towards solving the mystery, and doesn’t embed many clues along the way.

The ending does wrap up nicely, with a few surprises, but the lack of clues along the way make it hard to feel really into it. I couldn’t get into this, but if you like slow burn thrillers and a lot of family drama, check this out when it releases on July 5.

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When this was posted I read the blurb and was excited by what this book was about. It is nice to feel the excitement again about a book especially when it isn't an author I am familiar with.

This book isn't necessarily my style but I do like the idea and the premise behind the story. I think that it shows a great deal of writing ability to be able to show such style and tact in writing.

Daniel while we don't see a lot of at first seems interesting more than the others at least from first impressions. No he doesn't seem to be a good person but just more of am interesting character.

Constance the ex I guess of Daniel just drives me crazy a bit as she needs to know everything and doesn't seem to understand about privacy. It makes me glad I didn't have a parent like her as I wouls have been as annoyed as Cathy the daughter.

Cathy is typical and doesn't want her mom to know her business and doesn't want to be stalled which is what I feels like when she has to deal with her mother.

The book is written beautifully and has such vivid colours to it. This is far from what I am used to and is more of a book that is about the story and not about the characters. I tend to read more character driven books but this was very good.

This is an emotionally overcharged book as you really feel for Constance with what she has to go through. I must say also that Constance is not a woman I would want to be with. She has so many trust issues and basically stalks another woman. Don't get me wrong her husband Daniel is no prize either.

In relationships you need to have trust and this books shows that she has no trust nor does he. The book for me shows that relationships are not all they are cracked up to be.

The book was very good and had such a great time reading the book. Would I read another by this author yes I would.

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Constance, Daniel and Cathy move from Ireland to Arizona, after Daniel has an affair. The idea is for a new start, and Daniel gets a job working for his brother in real estate.

Constance can’t settle, she misses home. She knows Daniel is having an affair again, and decides to move her and Cathy back home.

Then Daniel is found dead, likely suicide. However, Constance knows Daniel would never do this, he would never leave Cathy. Constance knows he was murdered.

Wow! This is one of those books that made such an impact on me. I loved everything about it, the storytelling just flowed.

My heart went out to Constance, but also their daughter, Cathy, who had to listen to all the conflict between her parents.

The ending of the story left me gobsmacked, I genuinely didn’t see that twist coming at all!

I haven’t read any of this author’s books before, but I shall definitely be adding her books to my list.

My thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Wow this book was really something. A lot of ups and downs and family secrets!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Constance and Daniel have moved from Ireland to Arizona where he works for his brother in real estate. Not one to make friends easily, Constance finds it difficult to settle despite her new and comfortable lifestyle. On-going problems with their teenage daughter Cathy add to her problems and then she discovers Daniel is having an affair.

When Daniel's body is discovered at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, at first it is thought he committed suicide. However, soon evidence emerges to the contrary. Constance instantly becomes a suspect, but it appears his mistress Maya D'Costa could also be involved.

A wonderful story, well written and narrated from several viewpoints, including a mystery voice. Both Constance and Maya have experienced growing up in a family where their father has left to set up home with another woman. And now here they are, one who has seen history repeat itself, and another who has become 'the other woman'. There is Constance's anger, her sense of betrayal and then Maya's overwhelming passion for Daniel, a married man, which is at odds with her own childhood experiences.. The author cleverly weaves a story which moves back and forth between the two women with clues which make it difficult to decide which of them could be the perpetrator. And then just when you think you have a good idea who might be guilty, others with motive are dropped into the mix. After all these twists and turns, the finale offers a great twist which I didn't see coming. Highly recommended.
I would like to thank Bookouture, the author and Netgalley for an ARC of The Man I Can't Forgive in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book. This author is new to me. This is quite the topsy turvy story. It’s about a husband who continues to cheat on his wife and daughter. The husband turns up dead. Now to figure out who could have killed him. I can’t tell you how many times I thought I had solved the mystery. Needless to say, I didn’t see this coming and I was in shock with the ending. I won’t say anymore as I don’t want to spoil it. Just get ready for the mystery to begin and continue until the end.

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A cheating and no dead husband, a distraught daughter, and enough secrets and lies to sink a ship! This is exactly my kind of novel. I read it in less than a day, its gripping, intruiging and a wild ride that drags you along and a break neck speed! One to read for sure.

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A new author for me which I thoroughly enjoyed. It was a fast paced thriller read with good characters with everything thrown into the storyline to make it a great book.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookouture for this ARC which I have no hesitation in recommending.

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When Constance hears the knock on her door her heart misses a beat in fear. She ushers the police into the lounge, and they tell her to sit down. It’s hard to stop her legs from shaking and their words buzz in her ears as they tell her that Daniel – the husband she has always loved – has been found dead in what they believe is a tragic suicide.

As Constance breaks the news to her teenage daughter Cathy her thin shoulders shake with sobs. She says that her father had everything to live for and he wouldn’t have left them behind. Constance knows this is true. Because she also knows about Maya, the other woman he would do anything for, the woman she has been following, the woman he argued with the day he died.

Constance tries to put her grief and anger aside and find out what happened for the sake of her daughter. But as she digs deeper into Daniel’s death, it looks as if he isn’t the only one who has been hiding things…

What did Cathy know about her father and his other woman? What really happened the day Daniel died?

This chilling and utterly compelling story is one of those books which grabs your attention from the very beginning. The author has really got into her characters minds and explored the different emotions.

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This was a great mystery of a read around the death of a husband who although on the surface he appears to be a loving family man is actually having an affair and his wife is planning to leave him and take their daughter with her. When his body is found the police initially think it might be suicide but his wife is not convinced and his daughter is refusing to come home. As she grieves alone for a man she loved and hated in equal measure will the truth be something even darker than she realised. I won’t ruin this one but I spent the whole book constantly changing my mind over what had happened and then being blown away by the ending.

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Couldn’t put this down! Loved it! Full of
Suspense, mystery and emotion. Thanks for early
Read!highly recommend

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A cheating husband is found dead by a park ranger in a normally un-patrolled portion of the Grand Canyon floor. Did he jump to his death, or was he pushed?

I prefer more investigative action and questioning of suspects rather than the preponderance of dialog inside the characters' heads that this novel has. The flashback sections in a letter-writing style were a bit confusing at times. Still, a well-written, enjoyable novel with brilliant contrasts painted between the landscapes of Ireland and Arizona.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Everybody makes mistakes and when you are offered a second chance, you have two possibilities. You can either grip it with both hands and be grateful or you can realise what you had is not what you want anymore and walk away.

When you promise to walk the straight and narrow, you really should be true to your word. Some people though are weak and they think they are master in deception. They should understand nothing ever stays hidden forever.

I thought this was going to be a very emotional and gripping story and it most certainly was, but not in my opinion there is a word that is missing in this sentence namely suspenseful. I did not expect this aspect, but it gave the book extra pizzazz. 

How well do you know your husband, your children, your family? Often not very well apparently...

Very enjoyable. 5 stars

Thank you

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