Member Reviews

3.5 Stars.

The revenge plot adds a satisfying twist, though some parts of the story feel a bit far-fetched and overly dramatic. Millie’s journey of self-empowerment is uplifting, but the pacing drags in places, especially when the plot shifts from her new job success to her ultimate showdown with the men who wronged her. The romance subplot is enjoyable, though predictable, and doesn’t overshadow Millie’s personal growth.

Overall, Game On is a lighthearted, enjoyable read that celebrates resilience and friendship, perfect for anyone who’s ever wanted to take life into their own hands and get the last laugh. It may not be groundbreaking, but it's definitely entertaining.

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I have mixed feeling about this book..
I loved the cover and somehow I thought it was going to be a different story of what Ive read ..
It was slow paced and confusing cause youre thinking things are going to turn out differently and no..
The book starts to feel better at the second half when Millie actually meets her love interest ..

Thanks Netgalley, Author and Victory Editing Netgalley Co-Op fpr this arc

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Thank you so much to NetGalley, Victory Editing Netgalley Co-Op, and the author, Elise Eliot, for providing me with an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

Game On by Elsie Eliot was an interesting read, though it ultimately felt like a three-star experience for me. The story had some intriguing elements, but, there were aspects that left me feeling somewhat detached from the characters and plot.

The book follows Millie Barlowe, a thirty-something single mom of two, who finds herself at a crossroads after losing her job again. Tired of the real estate industry, she contemplates a new career path, but an unexpected opportunity comes her way, offering her more financial stability than she's ever had. With a new job and a budding romance with an attractive realtor, things seem to be looking up.

However, as Millie navigates this new phase in her life, she faces challenges that test her resilience and ethics. She finds herself tangled in a web of greed and manipulation, leading her to question the integrity of those around her. Throughout the story, Millie's best friend Paige plays a significant role in guiding her decisions. It often felt like Millie couldn't make choices without Paige's input, which was frustrating. I would've loved to see Millie grow more independent and develop her own perspectives, especially during critical moments.

The narrative also had some inconsistencies, particularly in portraying Millie's financial situation. Despite being described as struggling at the start of her book, her lifestyle sometimes seemed relatively luxurious, including the way Millie judges some less fortunate real states which felt contradictory since she didn't come from a rich family herself. Additionally, the initial attraction between Millie and her love interest, Luca, felt a bit shallow, making it difficult to fully engage with their relationship.

Despite these issues, the book had its enjoyable moments. The friendship between Millie and Paige added a layer of humor and warmth, and the plot had some entertaining twists. However, the reliance on external validation and lack of deeper character development made it hard for me to connect fully with Millie's journey.

Overall, Game On was an enjoyable read with some fun twists and a strong friendship at its core. However, it fell short in terms of character development and consistency. While there were moments of humor and intrigue, the reliance on external influences and the lack of deeper exploration of Millie's growth made it feel like a three-star experience for me. It had potential but ultimately left me wanting more substance and clarity.

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"Game On" was a real page-turner for me. Our main character, Millie, faced a lot of tough life challenges. Not only did she get sweet revenge on the awful men in her life, but she also used those experiences to rebuild herself into a woman she could be proud of. I'm so happy she got her happy ending. Though the book felt a bit disjointed at times, it was a fun and quick read. I'm looking forward to more of Elise Eliot's books.

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this was lovely, unique, hilarious story! I love a single-mom story, and a revenge trope is always a fav so seeing them merged together was so fun and satisfying to read! there’s so much going on in this story, the romance not really showing up till the second half. the first half really sets up the need for revenge so clearly and it was cool seeing Millie (FLC) and Paige take such hilarious revenge on the men who’ve dared cross her. the romance felt a little rushed but it was a sweet insta love that helped along the HEA for Millie she sooo deserved. overall just so fun, sweet, quick read ;)

thank you for the arc:)

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I thought this book was middle of the road. There were many things that Millie did over the course of the book that just felt out of character.

Millie is a single mom who loses her job in the real estate world at the beginning of the book and then decides to go to trade school to be a dental hygienist. However, while still in school, she gets a job offer to be this guy's secretary and help him manage his real estate firm. Millie decided to do this while still perusing school since she wanted to use school as her backup plan. It mentions that school a couple times throughout the book and then it just stops? Did she graduate? If she was that worried about money, then why did she finish the program if she knew she was going to stay in the real estate industry?

A lot of Millie's character is built around her being a single mom and how she would do anything for her kids...yet she worked 40 hours while also going to school. So she saw her kids when?

I was very let down by the love interest in this book. We don't met the love interest until the second half of the book, which made the first half even less relevant to the ending of the story. It felt very instalove-y, and I just wanted more? Overall the book wasn't bad, but it wasn't something I'd rave about either.

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Game On was a good women's fiction book. Not truly a love story, but a story of how a woman rises and comes into her own. I didn't like the focus on money, like money is the answer to every problem, but I did like a lot of elements in the story. The book started pretty slow but did pick up towards the end and kept me interested. While it wasn't my favorite book, I would read more by this author.

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I loved this book! At first I was on the fence because her boss Colton and that guy Jon gave me anxiety and I wanted to just smack them but I could not put down this book and I was amazing!

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Game On by Elise Eliot provided reader with an opportunity to see what happens when a woman is able to claw her way out of survival mode and begin to thrive. Millie starts the novel as a single mom trying to figure out what to do in the face of very trying circumstances:
1. Her husband abandoned her to find himself
2. She just got fired from her job
3. She still has bills to pay and kids to feed
It is because of these dire straights that she begins working for a horrible man named Colton, he starts out as a pretty cool person to work for but it isn’t long before Millie realizes she is working for the devil incarnate. He places her in increasingly unsafe situations before she has enough and decides to get some revenge. With the help of her best friend she slowly gets her power back and takes Colton down several pegs. The problem with taking such action forces her to attend and real estate convention that she’d rather not be at but her boss demands she attend. Its while there that she meets Luca, her love interest, and they have a whirlwind romance. As a romance girlie I’m not usually a big face of couples not ending up together until the epilogue but for Millie and Luca I can make an exception. Millie needed to learn that she could stand on her own two feet before her billionaire love interest came in and made her already good life great.

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I received this ARC courtesy of NetGalley and unfortunately, it was very difficult for me to get through. The writing was very weak and amateur, which concluded to a poor story-telling.
The story itself focuses on Amelia Barlowe (Millie), a single mother of two who has just lost her job. She decides she needs a change of pace and studies to become a dentist's assistant. Not long after enrolling in school, she receives an offer that is too good to be true. Now she finds herself going to school, working for a horrible money-hungry, selfish boss, all while still parenting. At some point, she finds out her boyfriend has been cheating on her (witj his fiance) and decides to come up with a plan to get payback on both him and her jerk boss.
That is the premise of the first half of the book. The second half felt like a completely different book. It was difficult to follow along because everything felt so underdeveloped, and a lot of it felt pointless (like her going to school to become a dentist's assistant). I also did not like the constant mention of Millie being a single mother. It did not come off as empowering, but instead a hindrance. Many of the decisions she has made throughout the book were not decisions a single mother would make, which was very contradicting. Also, if she hated her boss so much, why did she stay? This book was far from my favorite - it felt sloppy, rushed, and poorly put together. Unfortunately, 2 stars.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book before it is released! Overall this was a very cute story! The first half of the book dragged on and not much happened other than Millie having a horrible experience with her boss. It almost felt like two separate books between the first and second half of the book. However, once they went to the conference and Luca was introduced, the book got much more entertaining.

A lot of it was pretty predictable but I did love the end and how the author brought in the foster care subject to the story. I also liked how women empowering the book was in Millie’s journey to be both a great mom and business owner. A cute story with lots of funny moments!

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This book was so good! The story was very well written and I absolutely loved the main characters. And the banter was top tier.

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Millie is a single mom working in the real estate world. When she's fired from her job, she finds another with a horrible boss but the pay is too good. She soon learns that her boyfriend is nothing more than a liar and cheat. So Her and her best friend think of a way to get back at both men.
At a conference, she meets charming Luca and falls for him. Things come to light and she leaves and decides to better herself for her family.

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Thanks NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book felt like a hot mess. It was slow to start and then the second half of the book felt like something else entirely. Millie and Luca fell in love in less than 4 days a day Luca said he loved her the second she walked in the room and went for food instead of networking. They say they love each other but then separate until the last part of the book. Everything Millie put up with in the first half of the book and she then met Prince Charming and then LEFT?!? nah I’m good.

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Such a great enemies to lovers romance that left me smiling and laughing throughout the story. I see this being the next big "Booktok" romance with tons of buzz. This reminded me of hoe to lose a guy in ten days in a way. The characters are lovable and I found myself wanting them to stop with the banter and just hook up already! An emotional rollercoaster--but the good kind. No need for Kleenex for this one!

Millie is a great FMC and I would read more about her if there were a series.

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Game On by Elise Eliot was such an enjoyable rom-com!
This book was amazing and I devoured this book in just a few sittings! I loved the character development and how the story progressed.
The author’s storytelling, characterized by witty dialogue and heartfelt scenes, creates a captivating and relatable reading experience.

Thank You NetGalley and Victory Editing for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Millie was such a strong character that stood up for herself even when being tricked by her sleazy boyfriend and douche of a boss. I enjoyed the adventures Millie and Paige got into while getting revenge on men wronging her.
Super hilarious book left my kicking and giggling the whole time.

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Elise Eliot’s writing is like a warm hug from your favorite book character. The dialogue crackles with wit, and the chemistry between Millie and her love interests is palpable. I found myself laughing out loud during the office pranks and swooning during stolen glances across the boardroom table.

“Game On” is more than a rom-com; it’s a celebration of resilience, friendship, and the messy, beautiful journey of finding love when you least expect it. So grab your favorite blanket, curl up, and let Millie’s story sweep you off your feet.

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such a cute storyline!
Millie got fired. the reason just a little mistake, but she got a new job and her boyfriend wants her to have more time, but as single mom with two kids it's not so easy.

But Millie has her BFF as work partner and they have a plan.
But when Millie has to go to a networking event everything went in the wrong direction.

Funny with an emotional rollercoster..
So cute.

Have fun reading!

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this was an interesting book. it was a bit sloppy with the romance and how it started. i didn't really care about the first part and wish it started at the second half

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