Member Reviews

“Kissing you feels like catching the sun.” — Ctach The Sun by Jennifer Hartmann

Ugh my heart! I have no words to describe how Jennifer just immediately pulls me into a story from the very first page. As soon as I started reading, I couldn’t look away. Catch The Sun had me completely enthralled.

Ella’s life is in shambles after her brother is convicted of a gruesome homicide and she finds herself back in the small town her father moved her to for a year when she 7 and met Max Manning. Now 10 years later, she’s not the same person she was then and neither is he.

Max is just trying to get by in life, taking care of his father and brother but when Ella returns for senior year, he can’t help but be drawn to her just like when they were kids. Even though she’s apprehensive of letting him in, he continues to make her lists (why we should be friends) and take her on “friend dates” to show her he cares.

As they become closer and their relationships begins to become more, tragedy strikes again causing a chasm to form between Ella and Max as they try to navigate how to move forward.

This story was everything. It shattered my heart at times but then put it back together again which made me love this story so much. Ella and Max are incredible characters and I adored them both and everything they endured to make them into the people they are. Everything about this story was perfection for me. I know Ella and Max will be staying with me for a long time to come.

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Second chance, friends to lovers done with agonizing heartbreak. This book engrossed me, broke my heart, and healed me.

Thank you Net Galley and Bloom Books for the ARC.

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"Souls don't see, Sunny. Souls feel. They feel, and they yearn, and they know. I’d feel you in any lifetime, in any version of any reality. And I'd know, without a doubt, without a shred of hesitation...that your soul was meant for mine."

When I tell you that I am unwell in the BEST way- I mean it y’all! Jennifer is a one of a kind author…if you have never read her, DO IT. This is a standalone novel about Ella and Max. Childhood friends that go through the most unspeakable life events. We keep it spoiler free in here but the emotions, plot, spice are alllllll here!

Definitely a slow burn that builds and then does not let up! I have never thought much about the color orange or the sun…but man will I never look at them the same again. This story is on par with how I feel about Jennifer’s novel Still Beating. If you know me, then you know that’s a HUGE deal! This is probably one of my favorite reads of the year!

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This book consumed my soul! It was heavy, raw, and heartbreaking. It was very unexpected in just how much it would destroy my heart. I was captivated by Max and Ella's story of love and redemption. This was a highly emotional and angsty story that deserves all the praise!

Max is seriously one of the best characters I have ever met. He was so thoughtful and considerate. He was also so truly pure and genuine. I don't think I have wanted a character to be real as much as I wish Max was. He was absolutely perfect!

Ella was such a sweet girl and wise beyond her years. She was put through unimaginable horrors and understandably had some trouble coming to grips with it all. I liked that even after all she had been through her friendship with Brynn was still so wholesome and rewarding. Brynn and her family were great characters too and I loved all the scenes with them.

I thought I had things figured out then there were major twists and unexpected outcomes that I never saw coming. It kept me on the edge of my seat and glued to the pages. I never wanted to stop reading.

My only critique is that the horse scenes were a little inaccurate. A non horse person wouldn't even notice it but as a horse farm manger myself it was pretty obvious. That said I did love the recognition that the horses got and that Ella dream job is the same as mine. That was pretty cool!

Overall this is a spectacularly written story of young love and overcoming insurmountable odds. It broke my heart to bits before slowly piecing it back together. I would very highly recommend it!

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I've started and stopped writing this review at least 17x because I cannot put my thoughts into words. I am just going to write what comes to my head, well-written reviews be damned!!

So basically, I loved this book. I was hooked from page one. Max and Ella had me in their grips from when they met as 7-year-old kids. Generally, I don't like when main characters in a 'friends to lovers' trope are shown to us as young children. Often their interactions seem way too mature, and the conversations are so profound. It takes me out of the story almost from the beginning. I have a 6-year-old daughter, so I know how kids in that age range speak. We don't get much of 7-year-old Max & Ella which is good, in my opinion. We get just enough to know they have a special connection and that's that.

I loved the development of their friendship when they are reunited as teenagers. Ella was so guarded, and Max was so freakin patient with her, my heart bled for them! Their romantic relationship was paced beautifully. One minute sooner and it wouldn't have worked.

I had physical reactions and outbursts during some of the twists and turns of this story. What Max and Ella go through is intense. I tried to predict what was going to happen, but none of my predictions came true. Catch the Sun is true literary PAIN, but it is so worth it. The HEA is literally glorious.

Unfortunately, I think because this book has been categorized as YA some readers will pass on this book! Please, please for the love of everything holy, don't let that stop you. Yes, Max & Ella are coming of age in this story, but it reads like any other Jennifer Hartmann novel, in other words - PERFECT.

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Thank you Jennifer, Bloom Books, and NetGalley for the ARC.

“I’d feel you in any lifetime, in any version of any reality. And I’d know, without a doubt, without a shred of hesitation…that your soul was meant for mine.”


So much pressure. Growing up too fast. So much pain. Neither Ella nor Max have it easy. They meet as kids and become best friends. But Ella’s dad takes her away without notice. Separated for years, Ella returns unsure of what to expect. Max isn’t happy. He doesn’t understand what happened. However, they soon rekindle that friendship and it becomes so much more. Their dynamic is so natural. Easy. Funny. Soothing. A natural whit between them.
The gestures. The way they love. How they understand what the other needs and will sacrifice their own happiness to see it’s met. I’m getting emotional just writing this.

Jennifer doesn’t waste anytime with this one. I was crying immediately. I was immersed in this story so much that it hurt during and when I finished because I didn’t want it to be over. Just pulling at my emotions left and right. It was poetic. I don’t know another way to describe it. Some books just touch you in a soul deep way and this is one of them. Big feelings. Had my heart racing. At times I was sobbing and others the biggest smile. One of the best books I’ve ever read. A top 2024 must!

“What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.”

“I’m crying. I’m crying, but not because I’m sad. It’s because I finally found what I’ve been searching for. What I’ve been desperately craving for years. Peace. Just one peaceful moment. I’m not broken. I’m not beyond hope. I’m worthy; I’m so worthy of this moment. Of this precious pocket of peace. It’s here. It’s mine. I found it.”

“Maybe it’s Ella. She’s allowed me to believe that broken things don’t always need to stay in ruins.”

“Romanticize your life. Don’t live every day like it’s your last. Live every day like it’s your first. Lasts are tragic. Firsts are exciting and full of celebration. Look at every sunrise like it’s the first time you’ve ever seen colors like that before. Listen to your favorite song like you’ve never heard such a precious melody. If you make every day a celebration, you’ll never get bored in your own story.”

“Kissing you feels like catching the sun.”

“I never let go of you, Ella. I thought I was an entirely different person when you returned, but I wasn’t. Seeing you again felt like coming home.”

“I’ve carried you with me, all this time. You rise and fall with every sun. You’re between the pages of every book I read. You’re with me on every bridge, and you’re in the verses of every song that plays,” I confess. “I never let you go.”

“Souls don’t see, Sunny. Souls feel.”

“My troubles are all over, and I am at home.”

♾️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ♾️

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𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨
𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧 𝐛𝐲 𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐧
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: Survivor Romance
𝙿𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚜: 457
𝚁𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
𝙰𝚁𝙲 𝙲𝚘𝚙𝚢: Yes

Ella's parents separate when she is little. Her brother stays living with their Mum and Ella goes to live with her Dad where she becomes best friends with Max, Max also has a twin brother McKay.

When she is 7 her Dad suddenly returns her to her mums to live back with her brother Jonah and their mother realising she will never see Max again and never got to say goodbye..

10 yrs later 17 year old Ella is back in Juniper Falls living across the road from Max & McKay. Everyone at school knows of her & doesn't want a bar of her because her brother is currently on death row for killing two people.

I dont want to say too much more without giving away what happens. I definitely felt the middle part of the book dragged a bit and almost DNF'd it but pushed through and so glad I did cause WOW...pretty sure from about the 60% mark I didnt breathe for a bit.

One thing I can confirm is you'll LOVE Max, how can you not.

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This book is an absolute ♾️ book for me. Within minutes I was beyond hooked and knew I loved it. I couldn’t concentrate on real life until I finished it…and even now I can’t stop thinking about it.

It is so heartbreakingly beautiful, complex and layered. This book made me laugh, bawl my eyes out, cheer them on, scream in frustration and completely tore my heart out…and I asked for more. I am literally telling anyone who asked, about how amazing this book is…and even some that didn’t haha!

Ella and Max have my heart 🧡

I do have to say, I thought this was heavy for a YA novel and definitely had spice and trigger warnings that may not be suitable for some young adults and even some adults. Please read those trigger warnings before diving in.

Overall this is definitely in my top 5 favorite books of this year, if not all time….I said what I said!

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC of this book!
I honestly don't even know where to start but simply state that this book absolutely tore me apart multiple times! My emotions were a wreck up and down solidly throughout the book! I managed to finish this within days just because putting it down slowly killed me because I had to know what happened in the end!

A pure solid read, definitely recommended!

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This book will have you laughing, full-on ugly crying, and then fizzing with excitement and joy. Hartmanns weaves her stories with so much trauma, but they're delivered with extreme beauty and strength. Seriously, this woman is a GENUIS! 

So let’s get into it. Ella, our FMC is just amazing. She’s been through so much and built up a huge defensive wall, but yet she still has this beautiful positive outlook while keeping her sarcastic humour in check!Then there’s Max… Oh, sweet, sweet Max. He’s such a sweetheart, but wow, is he complex!! I just want to bundle him up and give him the biggest hug; he deserves the ENTIRE world!! 

The book jumps straight into the story, and I loved that! The plot consists of heartbreak, love, and forgiveness. It shows that love can bloom in even the darkest of places. This love story will make you feel ALL the feels. Jennifer Hartmann is the queen of "dark romance,"  and this book will leave you emotionally exhausted (but in the best way possible!).

While the story itself is amazing, there's a twist that left me feeling like, "Okay, universe, can they catch a break?". Plus, this isn't your typical YA romance. The themes are heavy, and there are some scenes that are definitely for adults only. (Please check the trigger warnings; there is a decent list.)
This book, though, is a MUST-READ!! The cover is absolutely stunning, and whether you are a Jennifer Hartmann fan or just looking for a heart-wrenching romance, add this to your TBR ASAP!! Trust me, you won’t regret it!!

This is out today, July 16th. ☀️

I want to thank Valentine PR and the author, Jennifer Hartmann, for allowing me to read an advanced copy of this book. All opinions are honest and my own, of course!

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Catch the Sun by Jennifer Hartmann was heartbreaking and beautiful. I have not cried this much in so so so long, Max and Ella will forver have a place in my heart.

Ella, well, life hasn't exactly been sunshine and rainbows for her. She's got some walls built up around her heart, but that's where Max swoops in and is what Ella needs. This isn't your average love story. It's a testament to the enduring power of friendship that blossoms into something even more magical.

Jennifer Hartmann never fails to amaze me with her writing. I loved this book so much.

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Jennifer Hartmann's Catch the Sun will have readers wiping their eyes and clutching their hands to their hearts more than they can count for a story full of emotions!

Ella Sunbury's life was full of despair causing her to build walls around her heart and develop an arsenal of cynicism to keep people at arms length. Ella was the kind of character who you just wanted to wrap up in a warm blanket and say everything will be OK as she trudged through a life riddled with tragedies. Max Manning was a genuine good person. His intuitive strength and patience were attributes that allowed him to survive in a life full of disappointments and difficult responsibilities and never give up.

When you are lucky enough to find your person at a young age the trials and tribulations that pull you down seem less daunting even in your darkest hours and that was the case with Ella and Max. This was a story that at times was emotionally tortuous but more often than not it was one of strength and love. Both Ella and Max were each other's moments of peace in a world gone wrong. Their incredible love gave them the power to see themselves through events that would destroy many people. Their caring and loving dynamic was as intense as their devotion to each other.

It is hard not to get wrapped up in a Jennifer Hartmann book. Her stories are emotional accounts of love that prove that love does conquer all. With no shortage of angst and heartbreaking moments this is an author who when you read her work requires tissues and a lot of them! Jennifer Hartman's Catch the Sun will leave readers hoping and dreaming of their own aurora borealis right along with her portrayals for a touching read.

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“Today I fell in love with a boy who finally caught the sun. And he never let her go.” 🥹🫶🏽

Happy Release Day to Jennifer & Catch the Sun! This book wrecked me… it wrecked me in the best way possible. Just like all of Jennifer’s books do. They tend to rip my heart out and slowly mend it back together in the most beautiful way!

Max & Ella will stay with me forever. Truly. This book is a coming of age story of 2 kids who go through truly impossible odds and seem to find their way with the help from each other. It’s a first love, “always been you”, slow burn of a romance that is so angsty, but yet so sweet & emotional and just genuinely consumed me. I had a roller coaster of emotions throughout the whole book and was on the edge of my seat to see how it ended. I loved this book with everything in me. 🧡

While Jennifer’s writing always hooks me from the very beginning, it’s her plot twists that keep me from being able to put the book down until til I’ve finished it! And this one was no different! I cannot recommend this books enough! It was just so perfect to me!

Thank you so much ValentinePR, NetGalley & Jennifer for the arc!

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“You’re right because there is no love in war. Love is war. You fight until you win, or you fight until you lose.”

Ella and Max were inseparable at the are of 7, until their life’s had them moving in different directions. Ella left town without a goodbye only to return a decade later a shell of the girl Max once thought he’d marry.

Life can be cruel, Ella lives in the shadow of her brother who is on death row wanting nothing more than to fade into the world. Max too has his hands full with her twin brother and disabled father. Her return pulls something out that he forgot existed, the light he stopped searching for years ago.

As their friendship begins to reignite they are torn back by tragedy, the darkness trying to swallow them whole. To find the light they must face their deepest darkest fears for a shot of the sun.

“And to catch the sun...they must first endure the flames.”

I was so honoured to receive an advance copy of Catch the Sun, naturally I downloaded it the moment it landed in my inbox and I was up until 1am devouring it whole. It was beautiful and broken, sad and real, hopefully and traffic, I felt so many emotions in a small amount of time, I cried I laughed, I sobbed and my heart felt full.

No one breaks your heart quite like Hartmann does. It’s delicate yet goes for the jugular and It’s something I continue to search for in other books. It’s perfect for anyone who has a soft spot for A Thousand Boy Kisses and Binding 13.

All the stars in the sky 🧡

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My poor heart. I have no idea how to form words when it comes to Max and Ella’s story. Jennifer Hartmann ripped my heart out with this beautiful heart wrenching story. I finished this story yesterday and I just knew there was no way I could write my thoughts down without crying.

I have been a huge fan of Jennifer’s work since she released “still beating” and every book she’s released since then always has my heart. I will always become invested in her characters and plot of her stories. Jennifer is a fantastic author and her stories are phenomenal.

Max and Ella meet when they are young and they instantly become best friends up until circumstances tear them apart. Years pass by and max and Ella find themselves brought back to each other. Max and Ella both endure so much pain in their young lives. It broke my heart that they both suffered so much. Max and Ella’s story will put your heart through the blender, but I promise you it’s worth all
the tears.

“Catch the sun” is a YA slow burn romance that will catch you off guard and worm its way into your heart. I know hands down that you will love Max and Ella’s story as much as I did.


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“He saw me when no one else did,” “And I think that’s the only way to recognize your real home. You need to be lost first. You need to be wandering, forgotten, misplaced. Only then will you truly know where you belong.”

This book was so freaking good😭Jennifer truly never misses. Each one of hers will totally break your heart and put it back together in the most beautiful way! Ella was hilarious in her own dark and twisted way. And Max was just the perfect guy! Both of them had such traumatic lives and brought each other back to life! This one is definitely up there now as one of my favorite Jennifer books!


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I was so excited to receive this ARC from one of my favourite authors. Catch The Sun was such an intense, emotional, heartbreaking and healing read. Which is exactly what I’ve come to expect from Jennifer Hartmann’s books! Her writing is beautiful, there were so many quotes I highlighted. It made me cry more than once😢🥲

I think she did an amazing job of presenting us with realistic YA characters. Both Ella and Max are innocent and inexperienced in some ways, but also mature and aged beyond their years because of their circumstances. They are both prone to keeping others at a distance, facing all their challenges alone and dealing with their pain (or not dealing with it) internally. They initially are friends as children until Ella moves away. When they are reunited as teens, they slowly and reluctantly begin to open up again and discover that they might understand each other more than they realize. In between all the chaos of their lives, Hartmann captured the pure innocence, intensity and romance of first love so well with Max and Ella💕

The first half was slower, but had a lot of mystery to keep you reading. The second half was much faster paced. If I had any notes I’d say it could have been just a little shorter.

While they are children and teens for the majority of the book, this does end in their adult years. It definitely deals with a lot of heavy topics and mature themes, I’d probably recommend it for the older YA readers and adults. **Please check trigger warnings if you have any**

Thank you to Valentine PR, Netgalley and Bloom Books for the advanced copy to review! All opinions are my own.

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What an emotional book. The author writes a story as only she can - one that brings you in and you immerse yourself on to have your heart torn out and stomped on and then....put all back together. I knew this going into it but it was so worth it. This is such a beautiful story of Ella and Max and tragedy and love. The MC's meet when they are young and then again 10 years later. Max and Ella are both broken and not looking for anything. Reading their story - their souls coming together will stay with me. Love conquers all. I don't know what to write as I do not want to spoil anything about this beautiful and emotional read - except that everyone should experience this book. It is unlike any other. I will say that this is one of the top 5 books I have read this year.

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I am still thinking about this beautiful, tragic story. Jennifer has a way of telling the most painful stories that pulls you in and you can never truly let it go.

Our main characters endure so much pain and trauma separate and together. I was sobbing several times while reading because you could feel the raw emotion jumping off the page.

What I love most about this book is that we get to see a journey for several characters, not just our main couple. It was hard to read the trajectory of some, but incredibly rewarding for others.

Max is one of the best male characters I have read in a while. He has a huge burden to bear, but he does it with grace and humility. His unapologetic pursuit of Ella is incredible to see. He sees her and she sees him. They have this magnetic pull toward each other.

Ella burns bright in this book. She truly becomes the sun for Max as they grow and endure all their trials together. She faces several life defining moments and you see her slowly piece herself back together.

As I said before, Jennifer knows how to write pain and sorrow in a way that is very relatable. You don’t see all the plot twists coming. There were several that kept me guessing throughout.

I couldn’t put this one down. Review all the trigger warnings because there are several!

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I absolutely love this author and everything she writes. This book....I devoured like all of her others. Thank you so much for the ARC! A million stars for this one!

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