Member Reviews

Thank you Jennifer Hermann & Netgalley for the e-arc. All opinions are my own, and I am leaving them voluntarily.

This book was beautiful, and did not feel like a YA novel. What Ella & Max had to go through was just so heartbreaking at times. This took a little to get into, but definitely picked up for me after the half way point.

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after being apart from each other, she's everything but nothing he remembered her. She's not herself anymore

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Dear Jennifer Hartmann, you completely broke me with this book, and I loved every second of it.

I want to thank Bloom Books for always giving my small, bookish account a chance and sending me these advance copies; it means the world to me.

Before you judge this book by its beautiful sunny cover, be aware that it contains murder, blood/violence, sexual content, bullying, alcoholism, depictions of chronic illness, and attempted assault. If any of these topics could be triggering for you, this book may not be the best choice.

I don't know how Jennifer always finds a way to hook you from the beginning and not let you go until you are finished, raw, broken, and whole, but this story did not disappoint.

I loved Ella and Max's story about their childhood friendship and their promises. They believed that souls always find a way to be together, regardless of the circumstances. They also believed that love is difficult, but also beautiful, and has a magical property that fixes broken things and brings them together.

I finished it in less than 24 hours because I couldn't put it down. I laughed, I cried, I loved it.

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“I’ve carried you with me, all this time. You rise and fall with every sun. You’re between the pages of every book I read. You’re with me on every bridge, and you’re in the verses of every song that plays. I never let you go.”⁣

This. Book. When I finished, my eyes burned from all the crying and my chest hurt from all the sobbing. I went in blind because I had complete faith in Jennifer blowing me away and SHE DID. Catch the Sun was immaculate. It was unexpected and packed a punch in more ways than one, but it was so worth it. I'm going to treasure Ella and Max forever 🧡 I'm also REALLY hoping that Chevy gets a book one day 🤞

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𝚁𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐: 4.75⭐️
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: contemporary YA romance 📚

𝙼𝚢 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜:
Such a sweet yet heartbreaking read! I loved this one so much!

𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎:
Second chance
Emotional roller coasters
Childhood friends to lovers
Beautiful and captivating reads
Heavy themes
Dual POV
Slow burn
Found family
He falls first
Small town
Great character growth

𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝙸 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚍:
All the lists
Side of mystery
The ending was perfect
The potted crayon!

𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝙸 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗’𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛:
starts off a little slow
I wanted more info about Jonah

𝙵𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚀𝚞𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜:
★ “Stay, he says. Just a single word. I feel it more than I hear it.”
★ “I lied about something." I frown, tipping my head toward him. "You did?" "Yeah. I said you were a regular girl...but you're not." His tongue pokes ou to wet his lips and he turns to meet my eyes. "You're more."
★ “I mean what I said, honey. Romanticize your life. Don't live every day like it's your last. Live every day like it's your first. Lasts are tragic. Firsts are exciting and full of celebration. Look at every sunrise like it's the first time you've ever seen colors like that before.”

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✨ARC review ✨

After I finished reading this beautiful, heartbreaking story, I went back to read all the highlights and that's how I found myself giggling and tearing up in the space of a few seconds.

Be ready to feel all the feels!
Be ready to fall in love!
Be ready to have your heart broken!
Just, be ready for everything!

You know a story is amazing when it makes you feel everything, but you can hardly find the words to express the journey you've just experienced.
This book might be presented as a YA because the MCs are teenagers, but don't let yourself be fooled! There are plenty of heavy topics in it. So, be sure to read the TW first.

I loved to see these childhood friends reconnect after 10 years appart. Slowly, very slowly. It's a game of push and pull that Max is all too willing to play because he understands that Ella needs it. He is the greenest flag you could think of.

Always paying attention to what she loves and what she needs, and always ready to deliver.
Always there with his quotes from her favorite books, and the lists that Ella loves so much.
Always willing to give her all the time that she needs, even when he doesn't understand why she needs time away from him.
Always waiting for her with his arms (that Ella loves so much 🤭) wide open for her.

"And I think that's the only way to recognize your real home. You need to be lost first. You need to be wandering, forgotten, misplaced. Only then will you trully know where you belong. "
"There is no hurry. We shall get there someday."

You'll love this if you love:

✨ Small town romance
✨ Friends to lovers
✨ Angsty/ emotional reads
✨ He falls first
✨ Slow burn
✨ First love, first kiss... first everything for both of them
✨ Green flag hero
✨ Trauma/healing
✨ Found family
✨ 1st person POV/ dual POVs
✨ YA romance that ends up in NA teritory 😉

Huge thanks to Jennifer Hartmann and Netgalley for the chance to read and review an ARC of this beautiful story.

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What can I say?? Jennifer did it again with another traumatic book that always makes me so emotional. It was kind of interesting because i honestly didn’t know how I would feel about this one since it’s a YA but it disappoint.. The plot twists always catch me off guard and make my jaw drop. The love story that develops and evolves throughout the story between Ella and Max was hard and beautiful all at the same time. There’s definitely somethings that are hard to take in and you wish you could change for the better but that’s unrealistic. I’ll say it again I’ll definitely recommend any Jennifer Hartmann book!!! Thanks for an Arc!!

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This book left a strong impression on me. It delves into the lives of two characters who meet as children and navigate a tumultuous journey through life's challenges. Their story is marked by separations, hardships, and moments of resilience that deeply affected me.

As I followed their journey, I found myself drawn into their struggles and triumphs. The portrayal of their hardships and the emotions they evoked felt raw and real. It's not just a story of their bond; it's a reflection on the complexities of human relationships and the resilience required to endure adversity.

The depth of their experiences made me reflect on the realities of life and the unpredictable paths we may face. This book prompts contemplation on themes of love, loss, and the strength found in difficult times.

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Ella and Max met when they were young, but were separated for about a decade. When they are reunited later on, we get to see their story blossom through the good times and the bad. I loved these characters and how strong they were separate, but I also loved how they made each other strong too.

This book is one that I think will stick with me for a while.

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Christina’s 5 star review

WOW!! Just finished the book moments ago and I am breathless! What a beautiful, heartbreaking Young Adult story about pain, loss, grief and falling in love for the first time. I swear Jennifer Hartmann cannot write a bad book!
Ella & Max are childhood friends who find each other years later when Ella's pain is raw and paralyzing. I loved watching these two fall in love, and watching Max bring Ella out of the darkness she's living in after her brother's incarceration and subsequent stint on death row. The grief, and heartache Ella endures throughout this book something else entirely. The way Hartmann brings these two characters together and then breaks them apart leaves us absolutely shattered, and then mends our hearts with an absolutely fabulous ending.
The ending could not have been more perfect, and it might just be my favorite ending out of all Jennifer Hartmann's books. Despite the deep emotions, we get soooo much character growth and love out of the book.
I cannot say enough good things. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

Stephanie’s 5 star review
"Love comes first."
Catch the Sun is another amazing story by Jennifer Hartmann. Filled with poetic words, heartbreak, tragedy and first loves. The heart pounding moments start in chapter one. Jennifer's story telling is intense, unique, and detailed. There is no rush when telling Max and Ella's story.
Ella once had a best friend named Max. They had the greatest summer together when they were seven years old. Then life got in the way, and they were separated by grown-up decisions. Ella returns ten years later.
Once again, due to grown-up decisions. Max is not the same carefree boy that he once was. Life's responsibilities have left him no choice but to do what needs to be done.
Ella is not the carefree girl that Max once knew. Grief, emotional evasion, antilove are all reasons why Ella finds herself unavailable for anyone. Ella's fire catches onto Max and suddenly he wants more of that heat. He starts out trying to be her friend. As they let their guards down their relationship changes into more...
Love conquers. Consumes. Kills.
Catch the Sun was such an emotional roller-coaster. My heart was obliterated more than once! I loved everything about Max and Ella! I was consumed by the beautiful writing and intense storyline. Love, loss, hope, fear, forgiveness and second chances fill the pages. A must read for Jennifer Hartmann fans! And - don't get me started on Pooh, Piglet, orange crayons and brisket!
If you have never read Jennifer Hartmann, you are missing out on beautiful, griping, emotional, full-box-Of-tissues story!

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Tropes: small town, childhood friends to lovers, trauma, first love, second chance

Jennifer Hartman destroyed me with this book. It is considered a YA but I think anyone who reads this book will feel the emotion and love Max and Ella. The characters are in high school but the story's themes are not all YA, do not let the YA deter you from reading this amazing and emotional story.

This story has stuck with me since I read the last page and all I want to write is how much this story destroyed me and then it put the pieces back together. This story begins as a slow burn but let me tell you, it picks up and you will not want to put the book down, all you will want to do is know what is going to happen.

This story will make you tear up and possibly cry so I will warn against reading in public. This is truly an emotional rollercoaster and you can be smiling and then crying.

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SHE'S DONE IT AGAIN, FOLKS. Jennifer Hartmann ripped my heart out, stomped on it, and then put it all back together again.

I cried SO many times reading this and could not put it down!

Ella and Max were childhood best friends, the promise to marry each other when they're older kind of best friends. But then Ella ends up moving away for a nearly a decade before moving back. The thing is, her brother's in prison and on death row and she's essentially a pariah in her town. Despite the bleak circumstances and their estrangement, Max and Ella soon rekindle their friendship before it blossoms to something more.

While I know young adults can go through some major shit, this did NOT feel like a young adult novel whatsoever outside of the main characters' ages. The book opens up to a double homicide for goodness sakes. And the rough topics don't stop there.

This deals with grief, how desperate people can get and the things they do when they're there. It's full of teenage angst and tragedy with twists and turns to make your heart clench. But there's also healing and the heartwarming story of love that prevails.

There's so many beautiful moments, lines, and sentiments in this. I genuinely cannot wait to get a physical copy of this book to mark up with the bits that stood out to me.

I think if you're familiar with the brand of writing Jennifer Hartmann subscribes to and you're looking for some pain with some tender moments, you'd love this. If you're looking for a quick, summer read, this would not be for you.

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Thank you so much to the publisher, the author and Netgalley for the arc Catch the Sun.

This a beautiful book where you follow Max and Ella trying to find their friendship back and maybe love while they find support in each other😉

I enjoyed it but there was a few slower parts that lowers my rating. But overall it is a lovely book, but hard, emotional and with heavy things both Max and Ella had to deal with.

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If I could give this book infinite stars, I would. It has the soul sucking heaviness of “Say You Swear” but feels so much realer.

I LOVE Max. Poor little broken boy. I really thought his dad was going to be an alcoholic the entire book and I am so happy he wasn’t (might’ve been too heavy for me) but don’t worry Max has more than enough tragedy to go around.

Ella’s character is also great. She’s got her walls built high but slowly lets Max in and it gives me flash backs to high school and all those warm fuzzy feelings that come with firsts.

The writing is exceptional. The story will bring you to tears. The love will give you hope. Easily a top 2024 read.

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First of all, thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this advance copy of Catch the Sun. I read it in one day, unable to look away. Ella and Max's story was powerful and dramatic, which is what teens are looking for right now. I loved it, and I can think of older teens who would love it too.

Unfortunately, this one ranks too high on the spice meter for me to have in our school library. I think it's a great book for a public library, but the sexual scenes were too descriptive for me to be able to include in a library that serves students in grades 7-12.

I'm still rating this one highly because it has many beautiful passages and models lots of positive things about relationships.

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This book brings together two teenagers who have really terrible lives. Ella’s brother was very publicly found guilty in a brutal murder, and her mother spent all her money on his defense. Max’s father is a disabled drunk, leaving Max to keep a roof over their heads and keep the family running.

But there’s a backstory: Max and Ella had been friends once, way back in second grade. When Ella returns to town after her brother’s trial, she is mocked and bullied for having tearfully defended him when she was younger. Max seems to fit in with the cool kids in their small town, but he at least acknowledges her existence. Slowly, they start to hang out together, revealing more and more of themselves and growing closer.

But tragedy strikes again, and, for both of their sakes, they have to go their separate ways.

There is a satisfying resolution to the story, and we can close the book knowing what ultimately happens to the characters.

As a teacher, I was frustrated with how much bullying the school tolerated—including from one of the teachers. What the actual heck?!?

The only real moments of brightness come between our two main characters. The rest of the story is just dreary and depressing.

Possible Objectionable Material:
Murder. Lots of descriptive sex—I won’t be recommending this one to students! Swearing, drinking, and the usual teenage hijinks.

Who Might Like This Book:
Those who like stories of teens overcoming adversity and finding something good in their lives.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing an advanced reader copy in exchange for my opinion.

This book is also reviewed at

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A beautifully written story. It reminded me of one of those emotional, dramatic teen television series from the 1990s. A LOT happened to Ella and Max in this book and many triggers. Please check before reading.

Ella and Max were childhood friends for one year until she moved away. Now she is seventeen years old and back in Juniper Falls after a tragic incident involving her older brother. She’s the school pariah and has a bunch of bullying happen to her. Except from Max. He wants to get to know her again.

Max is such a patient, good and kind young man. He has the weight of the world on his shoulders and is very different from his twin, McKay.

So much tragedy and anguish in this book. Please have tissues handy if you are a crier. It’s so interesting that I binged it in a day.

BUT- I know that Ella and Max are seventeen and eighteen for a majority of this book, but I would not categorize this as young adult. It’s more new adult. It’s too mature for younger teens as far as explicit content.

Thank you to Bloom Books and NetGalley for an advanced readers copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I'm never looking at Dr. Pepper and orange crayons the same again 🧡
I absolutely loved Max and Ella 🧡
I didn't expect all those twists that happened. I laughed and cried, and truly I'm blown away by Jennifer Hartmann's writing. She does it again, another marvelous book that will make you feel all types of ways!
Check trigger warnings ⚠️ but highly recommend 🧡

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this book had me feeling such a rollercoaster of emotions. jennifer hartman absolutely never fails to make me bawl like a baby over fictional people 😂

i will be thinking of max and ella for a long time to come 😭💛☀️

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Jennifer Hartmann breaks my heart and puts it back together in ways that I let no other author destroy me. This one I had to read over a few days because she was insistent on dragging the heartbreak out.

Ella and Max's love story is not easy. It's hard and complicated and tragic and this story kept me reading and in my feels for the entire book. It's steamy and sad and comes together so well. I love a story with growth and grace and this has both in spades.

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