Member Reviews

7th Circle is nothing like I expected - so pretty much the total Tate James experience. This is Shadow Grove like we've never seen it - and I am obsessed. Entertaining and sexy- of course.
But what has me most enamored with 7th Circle are the deeply complicated character dynamics and the artful contrasts that make up this story. By far Tate's most psychologically interesting series to date- and we've only just begun!

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Wow!! This book had me in a chokehold! I could not put it down. I was hooked from the very first page. Hades is the kind of fmc that I devour. I want to know more about her past and why she is the way she is. I really liked her character but she does irritate me a bit when it comes to a certain mc lol

The pacing in this was perfect. There's enough happening that keeps guessing or questioning everyone's motives. I love the mystery that Tate James creates with her books.

Def recommend!

Thank you NetGalley and Bloom books for the gifted copy

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I love all of Tate James' book in this world. Starting with Madison Kate, and now with the Hades series.

The pacing was a little slow but with 7th Circle being the first book in a quartet perhaps that’s only to be expected. There were still plenty of twists and turns and a strong flow to the story. This first book definitely gives more questions than answers, which can be a bit frustrating. But it has enough intrigue, action, and steam that it makes you want to come back for more!

Thanks to NetGalley, Bloom Books, and Tate James for an ARC of this book

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7th Circle by Tate James features a reverse harem romance including age gap romance and a secret relationship, illegal gangs, clubs/nightlife, a murder mystery, banned drugs resurfacing, major cliffhangers, and dark themes .

I'm writing this review after having binged the next three books, so just know that I really enjoyed the series as a whole, but this first book was just okay.

I'll start with what didn't work for me: 😩🤨

The story begins with Hades being described as this bloodthirsty psychopathic-type character, but the first thing she does is get a supposed 21 year old a job at her club and not kill anyone. I really wish we got a prologue chapter of how she came to be Hades (and the crimes she committed) to really establish her as this unforgiving, cold-blooded killer and crime gang leader, rather than just being told she is this way.

I also didn't really like that one of the love interests was in high school. After reading the whole series, I hardly see a reason why he couldn't have been aged up a bit. This sort of forbidden/taboo romance just isn't for me.

The Love Interests: 🖤🖤🖤
Honestly, between the three love interests, I have the most to say about the love triangle between Lucas, Hades, and Seph. The relationship being kept from Seph, Hades' sister, while she and Hades are living together felt kinda slimy and yet, I think this book made me realize I really like the secret relationship trope because the "I'll be your dirty little secret" line really hit. I just wish it came from a different love interest 😭 because out of all of them, Lucas is probably my favorite personality-wise (followed by Zed, then Cas) and if it wasn't for two major details he would've been perfect 💔. Unfortunately, the way the author wrote Lucas to be the youngest love interest yet the most emotionally mature next to two adults in their twenties and one in their thirties was a bit... questionable in my opinion.

What I loved: 🥰

The plot was probably my favorite part of the story. The whole concept of "is the person I killed actually dead or is it a copycat hunting me for revenge?" really adds another layer to the mystery of why banned drugs are appearing in Hades' clubs and the psychological toll that puts on her as her past comes back to haunt her is immense. I tend to see this concept in fantasy books but seeing it here in a more contemporary setting really cements how much I truly enjoy it. There's so much tension in the plot and the angst of Hades' love life just adds to it in the most perfect blend. This balance is where the author's writing really excells.

⭐If you plan on reading this series definitely consider having the next book on hand, because the cliffhangers are intense.⭐

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I haven't read a lot by this author but I did find this book particularly enjoyable. Hades is a kickass FMC, and I appreciated that from the beginning. She pulls no punches! The build of the romance went at a perfectly good pace, not insta-romance, and not incredibly drawn out. I love that too! I can't wait to read the rest of this series.

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I don’t think Tate James is the author for me unfortunately. Her books are page turners and there is a lot of action happening, the problem is me. I can’t suspend disbelief enough to believe that a 23 yr old female, or male for that matter, is so feared and is the head of a criminal enterprise. Then to top it off, this hardened killer gets involved with a teenager. No, not for me. I do know there will be a big audience for this book so I’m sure my opinion will be different to the norm.

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7th Circle kicks off the Hades series and it set in Shadow Grove (the same place as the Madison Kate series). The audio is duet style, so you know I grabbed that quick!

Hades, aka Hayden, aka Dare is the leader of the Timberwolves, a gang, but also the head of Copper Wolf Industries, a very profitable business owning clubs. At 23, she is an old soul, having killed her father and her abusive fiancee years before. She meets Lucas and feels an instant connection, only to learn later he is 18 and employed at one of her clubs as a male dancer. But, she can’t seem to let him go, despite the fact he is in high school and her sister has a crush on him. Then there is Cass, a rival gang leader, who spurned her advances only to lead her on! Finally, we have Zed, her 2nd in command. They have been best friends forever, but he is acting kind of strange lately.

There are plenty of secrets in everyone’s past and those never stay buried. There is also a lot of danger and violence, so be prepared for that as well! Overall, I was totally sucked into this one just like the Madison Kate Series! So good!

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3.5 Stars!

I feel like I went back and forth between liking this one and not feeling it. I really liked Hades and how much of a powerful figure she was. Owning most of the city was iconic for her. I would've liked to see more from her character though. We know she is a badass, but we don't necessarily see that throughout the book. I liked the chemistry between her and Lucas. It was incredibly spicy. However, other than that the relationship felt rushed, and there wasn't depth to it.

Overall, this one was just a miss for me.

Thank you for the ARC!

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Finally, the badass heroine we’ve been waiting on with Hades aka Hayden or perhaps that should be anti heroine considering as head of the Tristate Timberwolves she’s the criminal mastermind who runs Shadow Grove. There will eventually be more than one love interest for Hades, but she starts with Lucas here who I have my suspicions about, his appearance a little too convenient. The steam factor was high which allowed the omnipotent Hades to be Hayden once again if only for a few hours and it also caught the attention of two men who had both turned her down. All it took to spark their interest was the realisation she was having her world rocked and by a younger man at that. It looks like they’re going to have to learn to share though if Hades gives them another chance that is.

The pacing was a little slow but with 7th Circle being the first book in a quartet perhaps that’s only to be expected. There was still plenty of twists and turns and a strong flow to the story which for me gave off distinct dystopian vibes. I can’t help but feel I’ve missed something though as a lot of Hades’ back story took place off page so to speak and is only mentioned in passing with no great details given except for a massacre had occurred in which Hades came out on top. This event had forged her into the person she was but now she was receiving messages seemingly from beyond the grave or is that merely what someone wants her to think? Or is there a new player in town who knows more than they should? I can’t wait to read more from the Hades series.

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WOW! After reading the Madison Kate series I thought Hades would be similar, but I love it even more than MK!
Hades is such a powerful heroine who knows it and doesn’t let anyone push her around, but has an incredibly caring side as well. I loved seeing small bits of both sides - such a BA!
I also really liked the pacing of the book, especially the development of the different relationships. Everyone gets their own process - some are slower, and some, like Lucas, are right out of the gate.
Overall this was an amazing book that completely captivated me. I powered through the entire series in just a few days because I was hooked!
Thank you to NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books for
The ARC!

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<b><i><u>please note that the trigger warnings and topes/themes may contain spoilers</b></i></u>
<i><u>I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. </i></u>
<b>HEA:</b> cliffhanger
<b>POV:</b> dual 1st person
<b>spice:</b> a few open-door spicy scenes
<b>TWs:</b> death of a loved one (recounted), mentions of human trafficking, medical issues on page (not MCs), murder, mentions of SA, stalking, torture, violence
<b>Kinky Content:</b> pretty tame so far… just oral and public sex
<b>standalone:</b> book 1 in the Hades series, recommended to read Madison Kate series first since this takes place after that series in the same location with lots of crossover
<b>final thoughts</b>: Tate James brings us back to Shadow Grove and creates incredible characters that you need to read more more more and find out what happens next. I went into this series knowing Tate’s writing style and knowing to expect cliffhangers for the first 3 books of this series but that doesn’t make it easier!!
Once again, we are introduced to the FMC (Hades) and the MMCs without fully telling us who the MMCs will be. So far, we have Lucas (a dancer at her club), Zed (her childhood best friend and second in command), and Cass (rival gang leader) that seem like they will be part of this love story and I can’t wait to learn more.

<b>read this book if you love</b>
🔢 age gap (5 year and 11 year differences)
😬 angst
😆 banter
🐈‍⬛ black cat FMC
🧑‍🏫 boss/employee
💞 childhood crush
🖤 dark romance
🎣 fish out of water
😳 forbidden lovers
🏝️ forced proximity
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 found family
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 great side characters
🐕 golden retriever MMC
😎 good boy/bad girl
😡 grumpy/sunshine
👦 he falls first and hard
🤫 hidden secrets
🩹 hurt/comfort
💘 instalust
🧠 “it’s always been you”
🛏️ “it’s just a fling”
👕 wearing his clothes scene
🔫 mafia
❓ mystery
🛏️ one night stand
🔀 opposites attract
🌀 plot twists
👺 secret identity
🤐 secret relationship
☠️ “touch her and die”
💳 virgin
⚔️ why choose (MFMM)
🌍 world building
💼 workplace romance

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This is my first introduction to Tate James, and I’m pretty impressed. Even though this is connected to the Madison Kate series, going in blind like I did was still easy to do. You’re aware that you’re missing some background but it’s not detrimental to this current story which is super appreciated.
To be honest I didn’t realize this was a contemporary romance until I started. (my bad lol) Normally it’s not my vibe but I ended up liking it! The writing was done well, and everything felt realistic but not overly drawn out or enhanced. I loved seeing Hades as the epitome of power and watching her work her way through problems she faced was empowering. There’s tons of action with mafia violence and power struggles, not to mention more than one plot twist but all work well with the story balance out the touchy-feely parts.
Speaking of spice…… It is so good! There’s heavy heat tender moments, slow burn, and oh so good enemies to lovers. I now understand why Tate is such a popular writer for this genre. Consider me influenced to pick up her other series now

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I didn't know what I would think about this story, but I got really into it! It's not only a spicy read but the story line/plot is so engaging. I found myself wanting to know more about the timberwolves and the interworkings of Hades crime syndicate. Once I started I couldn't put this one down!

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Strong female character and the men who fall at her feet. A great start to the series I could not get enough.

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Tate james has written a masterpiece with 9th circle. This was a great way to retell the Hades and Persephone story arc. The FMC was a complete and total bad ass in this book and took no shit from anyone. She ran her own crime mafia family and was very protective of her sister Persephone. This book of course ended on a cliff hanger and I am already excited to continue the story in the next book in the series.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC for this honest review

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I really liked this! I felt it had slow parts but I cannot wait to see where the characters and story goes!

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I love a bada** heroine!! I actually went into this blind, despite it being on my TBR for ages. Let me tell you, the fmc (aka Hades) was everything. I love, love, love a woman in charge. The whole plot has me so invested and I cannot wait to get to the other books. I enjoyed how the different relationships developed over the book, and I am excited to see where they all go and how they all end of fitting together. I definitely recommend this why choose romance! I will be binging the series asap, I need to know everything that happens and see Hades get her HEA with Lucas, Zed, and Cass!!!

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I've been dying to read Tate James for quite some time and just never found the time to pull the trigger. I am so glad I finally did. This story is set on the periphery of the Madison Kate stories but I believe there is nothing huge given away for those stories. (I fully plan to go back and read those). Hades is formidable. As a female head of the crime syndicate, she would need to be. But she is more than that. She is also a woman who can feel emotion other that anger and hate. She doesn't show that side of herself to many people, but those she trusts know. Lots of action in this story (over and above the possible love story (ies?). It ends on a doozy of a cliffhanger but I believe all the books are out so no need to wait. (I've definitely put all her books on my TBR).

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This was a fun, fast paced, action packed read!

Hades is the leader of a gang in Shadow Grove and basically the CEO of the gritty criminal underworld in that region. Her reputation of violence and ruthlessness precedes her and I’m happy to report that her badassery is earned and shown, not just spoken of.

This is setting up to be a Reverse Harem but the romance is mostly focused on Lucas (sweet, golden retriever vibes 🥺) in this book and kind of setting the foundation for the others in later installments

Here we have
- dark romance
- Morally grey characters
- Gangs/MC shenanigans
- Setting up for RH (I like how each love interest is completely different and I imagine each will play a distinctive role in Hades’s life)
- Equal parts smut/suspense/action
- Forbidden(ish) love interest
- Age gap

I do want more backstory and history behind the Timberwolves and hope we get that in future books. It is brushed upon but it’s still kind of fuzzy for me? There is a bit of a tie in to the Madison Kate series (which I loved) but I read ages ago and just don’t remember a lot of the details so that may have effected my understanding a bit.

7th Circle is available on KU and publishes TODAY in paperback!

Thank you Bloom books and NetGalley for the eArc in exchange for an honest review!

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I didn’t realize this wouldn’t end in this book and now I’m so sad :(
Needed it to be so much longer. Also Zed and Cass- my babies. So adorable.

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