Member Reviews

Tate James is the queen of reverse harem. I was very curious about Hades after hearing about the character in the Madison Kate series. I really feel like it's best to go into this series blind but first read the Madison Kate series. I think you will have a better understanding of the Shadow Grove universe by starting there.

This is book 1 of 4 and ends on a cliffhanger. You will absolutely not want to put it down. It is feels with action and spice that will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time. Hades is an absolute badass. Seeing her dynamic with all the guys is going to be quite interesting because holy smokes is it already hot!

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Loved it. Tate James can do no wrong in my eyes, and I knew that as a huge fan of the Madison Kate series, I was definitely going to love this one. Right again!

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Title: 7th Circle

Author: Tate James

Rating: ★★★★

Five years ago, Hades masterminded the infamous massacre of the Tri-State Timberwolves, wiping out the old guard loyal to her father. The streets ran red with their blood, and the media spun a story of extinction. But the Timberwolves weren't gone—they evolved and emerged stronger than ever, under Hades' ruthless leadership.

Living, eating, sleeping, and breathing Timberwolves, Hades is committed to keeping her empire and its people safe. However, when her own weakness places them in danger, she knows the solution: eliminate distractions. After all, she's called Hades for a reason.

Enter Lucas Wilder. Younger, innocent, and a soon-to-be stripper at her club, Lucas becomes more than just a one-night stand for Hades. Their chemistry is undeniable, turning one night into many. Complicating things further is her best friend and second-in-command, Zayden 'Zed' de Rosa, whose recent odd behaviour adds to the chaos.

Juggling these men while managing her criminal empire, taking care of her headstrong sister Persephone, and dealing with the shocking return of a man she thought she had killed years ago, Hades faces her greatest challenge yet.

7th Circle by Tate James delivers a thrilling ride into the dark world of Hades, a truly badass heroine. The story is packed with intrigue, action, and steamy romance, keeping readers hooked from start to finish. Hades is a complex, fierce protagonist whose strength and vulnerability make her incredibly compelling. The dynamics between her, Lucas, and Zed add depth and intensity to the narrative.

Highly recommended for fans of dark romance and gritty crime stories, 7th Circle is a captivating start to a series that promises more twists, turns, and unforgettable characters. Prepare to be enthralled by Hades and her world—this is one book you won't be able to put down.

Thank you to The Publisher Bloom Books, the author Tate James & Netgalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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Personally I thought i was going to enjoy this book more than I did, but I did enjoy seeing characters cross over from the Maddison Kate series. I do plan to continue reading this series

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The Hades series is set in the same universe as the Maddison Kate series. I would strongly recommend you read the Maddison Kate series before "7th Circle". It's labeled as a standalone series, but you're missing way too much knowledge to enjoy the story or understand the backstory.

For me, unfortunately, "7th Circle" was a complete disappointment. Why was it such a disappointment?
I found the story itself a bit repetitive. In the end, the same actions happened again and again. A lot was told, but never shown. Hades is supposed to be a badass mmc, but to me she wasn't. She was always quick to pull out a gun, but she was so superficial as a character that I just can't see anything badass in her.
I also thought her sister Seph was terrible. She gave me the impression of a spoiled girl.

I am really an why choose Girl and I love Age gape as a trope, but I didn't like either here. The RH is only slowly emerging here. However, I'm not a fan of the characters shown so far. Lucas is 18 and works as a stripper at Hades in the club. I have to say that I'm not exactly a fan of the situation 🙈 I also missed the tension in the story.

For me, "7th Circle" was unfortunately a disappointment and only gets 2 out of 5 stars from me.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC.

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Série spin off de Madison Kate que je voulais lire depuis un petit moment et j’ai profité de sa réédition chez Bloom Books pour me lancer dedans!
Nous allons donc suivre Hayden “Hades” Wolff, la dirigeante du puissant gang des Timberwolves qui va faire la rencontre de Lucas, un jeune homme qui va bouleverser tous ces codes mais aussi le comportement de son second Zed et son allié, Cass. Mais une nouvelle menace rôde et Hades va devoir rester sur ses gardes!
Ce premier tome est extrêmement addictif, beaucoup plus sombre que la série Madison Kate mais il y a aussi quelques incohérences au niveau du temps, ce qui m’a un tout petit peu perturbé! J’ai beaucoup aimé Hades qui est une femme forte, indépendante et qui se bat pour ses convictions! J’ai beaucoup aimé sa relation avec Zed mais aussi celle qu’elle a avec Cass, il y a une tension plus que palpable entre eux et j’ai hâte de voir ce que ça va donner! J’ai aussi apprécié Lucas même si parfois j’ai eu envie de le claquer dans certaines de ces actions! En tout cas, vu le cliffhanger, j’ai hâte de lire la suite!
En bref, un très bon premier tome et j’espère vraiment que cette série va arriver en France!

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After reading the Boys of Bellerose Series by Tate James and Jaymine Eve. I was excited to pick up a book by Tate James and I was not disappointed!! While it does take a bit to get into to I love how this book doesn’t Info drop on you all at once. You get bits and pieces each chapter that keep you wanting to read. You don’t even find out the main character is the bad ass gang leader names Hades until the second chapter when Lucas does. Then Hades is just the most badass FMC. Also in true Tate James fashion this book is why choose which just upped the tension because Hades has heated encounters with different men.
After that cliffhanger I’m off to the read the next one in this serious ASAP!

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I cannot get enough of Tate James. Her writing is always exciting and mysterious with impressive characters and a compelling plotline and this was no exception. Yes I will be buying physical copies!

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First of all, thank you Netgalley, the author and editor for this opportunity.

I hadn’t read anything by this author before but I was really curious and the premise was interesting so I needed to try.

I began reading and it took just a few pages for me to stay addicted. The writing was really fluid and easy to read so really good for reading slumps.

“Because as a woman holding as much power as I did in a man’s world, I could never show weakness or vulnerability.”

About the characters, Hades is a badass and I loved her charisma and I’m really excited to read more of her story in the next books.
Oh and I’m sooooo curious to know more about Lucas!! I don’t know why he is so interesting to me but he reallyyyyyy is.

The plot is different is some ways and I loved that the big bad boss was a woman. The plot twists were good, but some of them I already had thought about them happening.

It’s a book that I would recommend, and after the last chapter? Yeah I need the next book asap.

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7th Circle - Tate James
This is set in the same world as the Madison Kate series, and I'm loving these new characters!
I think Hades is my favorite badass heroine! She's tough as nails and hot as sin. I love her so much! I already see a favorite guy emerging, but we'll see how that progresses as the story continues! Can't wait to read the next book!

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What a great mafia romance book. Hades (Hayden/Dare - whatever she wants to go by) is the Queen - or King - of all gang leaders. She is a fierce, powerful, stop at nothing kinda woman. Men fear her. She is the boss of all bosses. If I were to be a character I would love to have her badass, fearless persona.
7th Circle revolves around Hades and her past coming to bite her in the bum. There are many different love interests which I found thrilling, and its great that this played out throughout the whole book.
The storyline was engaging, fast paced and kept me hooked and turning those pages so fast. The characters were well written and easy to keep up with who was who and where they came from.
The cliffhanger at the end though! Obsessed. I loved it and definitely has made me go and get the second book in this series.
I do have the Maddison Kate series which I do believe goes before this series (intertwined), but I don't think it is absolutely necessary to go and read those books before picking this series up.
Well done Tate! This is a great story!

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I've heard so many great things about Tate James so when I saw this listing, I had to request it! 7th Circle was a great series and I'm definitely hooked by the writing and storytelling already. The characters are WILD and the spice is off-the-charts but the romance development is presence too! Definitely excited to read more from James and the rest of this series too!

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Holy cow! Tate does it AGAIN! That cliffy at the end... man.
But I really love the character development in this book with these new guys we’re meeting for Hades. There’s a great love dynamic and I like how they’re all from different areas but come together.
Can not wait for Anarchy and reading an incomplete series is torture but when it’s Tate James you just go head in.

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I’m obssesed. Thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to read this book. It is everything I needed. A dark romance mafia vibe. A bad ass FMC. It is sexy, mysterious and thrilling. Can’t wait to read more.

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5 ⭐️ 2 🌶️

This is my second time reading this book and I loved it just as much. Tate does such a good job of witting gangs and why choose romances. I thoroughly enjoyed Hades character and that she was so badaks and I love how confident she was. I loved how protective she was of her sister too. Her relationship with Zed had to be my favorite. I love a friends to lovers trope and I can see that happening in this book for the series.
I also really enjoyed Cas and Lucas’ characters so so much! This book and the underlying tension and gangs had me on the edge of my seat.

I cannot wait to read the next book in this series!

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This was my first book of Tate James and it’s safe to say it will not be my last and I need to go read the MK series ASAP. That cliffhanger ending got me! I was not expecting some of the twists in this book. It was a fast paced read for me and I love how Hades is a bad b**ch who will not accept any disrespect. The tension between her and Lucas is so strong, but I low key loved the heated moments with Cass too. I'm always a sucker for a good why choose romance!

Thank you to Netgalley and Bloom Books for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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After reading Madison Kate, I couldn't wait to dive into Hades story! This is the second series set within the Shadow Grove universe. 7th Circle was nothing like what I was expecting and completely surpassed my expectations! This is hands down my favorite Tate James series to date.

We finally meet Hades, a 23 year old gang leader. She is fierce, badass, and feared by many. The one thing I love about Hades is that she refuses to let anything come between her and her goals in life. She is headstrong and committed to changing the way things were done in the past and make the best possible life for herself and her sister Persephone. We get to meet each of her leading men in this first book. Her relationship with Lucas is definitely the fastest and easiest for Hades to admit to. He's someone new in her life, and it's easier for her to shed her Hades skin and just be Hayden with him. Her and Cass definitely tip toe around each other for a while. They never can seem to be on the same page with each other in this book, but the chemistry is definitely there. Last but certainly not least we have Zed. Zed is Hades best friend and second in command. Not much happens between them romantically in this first book, but you can definitely start picking up context clues over what will happen with them in the future.

7th Circle is action packed, high paced, spicy, and so much fun to read. This is one series I will forever recommend to readers!

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Thank you Bloom Books and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was interesting. I obviously knew it wasn't a standalone but apart of a series. But this feels so much more like an actual series than Madison Kate. Which felt like a series but not really. This however feels and flows so well.

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I have been trying to branch out from my regular romances, and this was a real stretch for me. I'm not mad about it though! I wasn't sure I was going to like it, but now I immediately need the next book. 😬😳 Cliffhangers are fine as long as the next book is ready to go. 🤣

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7th Circle, book 1 of the Hades series by Tate James @tatejamesauthor. I've read Madison Kate & absolutely loved it! Now onto Hades 💜

Holy wow! I absolutely loved this book about Hades & Lucas. Probably Cass, & maybe Zed. 🤷🏼‍♀️ If you liked Mafia, kick-butt FMC, RH building in the first book, smoking smexy scenes & lots of suspense, then this is the book for you!

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