Member Reviews

another win for hades for sure. I love how the story is developing and I love me some Hades for sure. I loved the nicknames and seeing how they develop. I loved the angst and frustration because it worked in this book.

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My God! This is now my favorite Tate James book! I was instantly enraptured! The characters and plot just sucked me in

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I am OBSESSED with this series! It is twisty and surprising and so so spicy!

I love Hades. She is such a strong and amazing character. I think I like her more than Madison Kate (nothing wrong with MK, I just like a more Bad Ass, take no prisoners, style FMC and Hades fits the bill.

In this one, we see her expanding her harem with Cass (GOD I LOVE HIM) and FINALLY admitting feelings with Zed. I love her relationships with each of these men and what they bring out in her. Tate does such a good job in giving them such defined personalities and differences in how she interacts with each, which I appreciate so much. I cannot wait to dive in more to see Hades and Zed relationship blossoming!

This one starts, and ends, with a bang! It has lots of twisties with a new villain who is oh so evil. As much as I hate the character, I LOVE how Tate has written them and am hopeful this one will deliver are the dark and delicious.

That cliffy was RUDE and I absolutely do not believe it at all. We know how Tate loves to write one thing and have something else happen, so I'm banking on things not really being how they appear at the end of that one!

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4/5 Stars

Thank you to Bloom books and Netgalley for providing me with an arc to read.

I started this one the second I was done with 7th circle and I absolutely loved it. I am loving this series and I adore how much of a badass Hayden is. This book continued to rip my heart to pieces but it was so good and I can’t wait to continue the series.

This book picks up after 7th circle and continues to be a rollercoaster of questioning characters' motivations, loyalty, and betrayal. Hayden is still doing everything she can to protect those she cares about while also being the badass Hades who is the ruler of the Timberwolves. Lucas is still our sweet bean who is slowly becoming less innocent but I can’t wait to see where his character arc goes after this book. Zed is willing to continue to do everything for Hayden even if she never accepts that she loves him back. Cass continues to be a mysterious fucker but I love him for it.

I really can’t say much without spoilers but I will say I am loving this series and I have already started book 3 because the cliffhangers in this series are evil. I am truly coming to love Tate James as an author and I can’t wait to continue to read more of her books.

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Review of Anarchy by Tate James
* * * * *
The second book of the series and it hase most definitely kicked up the drama! It's all going to lead down to a big bang!

With Lukas now safe and everyone on better terms, all is agreed they need to find this ghost that haunts Hayden's past. She needs to make sure they stay dead this time.
As deadly tensions build with threats and explosive consequences, not to forget a betrayed little sister, Hayden is still having to deal with the issues of three hot men.
Her best friend and the man that has always had her back is starting to become angry and frustrated with her standing towards Cass and Lukas, feelings that were only previously teased before by another...but could possibly be very true.
Cass still has his issues with their age, but there is no way he can fight it anymore.
Lukas, young but skillful, has his hold on Hayden's softer side and is willing to go through fire to be there for her.
But who was willing to die for her?

Way to make someone hooked on the series that just with a bullet and a letter!
I can't say anymore without opening the floodgates on that who debarcle, but damn, this is why Tate James is a great author. Gets you gripping for more!

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Anarchy. Per usual, Tate is giving complex dimensions to this story. Of course, we have literal anarchy- a twisting, jaw dropping, swoony and heartbreaking narrative arc that keeps the pages turning. Chaotic action, danger, suspense, and delicious sexy times. But this story is really about the parallel EMOTIONAL anarchy- Hayden trying to come to terms with the shifting relationship dynamics all around here. New truths, new feelings, changing trust and intimacy, the fear and stigma of her own vulnerability. For so long, Hayden has led, has survived, in isolation- she revels in her fierce independence and self-sufficiency. She’s convinced herself she needs it for her image, when really it’s her safety blanket. And now she has to deal with the CHAOS of the relationships around her- that are surprisingly grounding, emotionally catalytic, liberating even. So this story is really about the chemistry- Hayden leaning into the relational anarchy of these three complicated men. Tate uses book two to really explore, challenge or strengthen, Hayden’s interests- while also intentionally starting to build their chemistry with each other.

Tate continues to innovate and elevate the reverse harem genre- and here we have the most interesting, most unique harem I’ve encouraged. The power dynamics, the nuanced relationships, the complicated histories- it makes for such a compelling chemistry. Reverse harem has long since been proclaimed as an extra-feminist romance genre, but Tate has once again redefined it. Giving Hayden ALL of the power- emotionally, even physically, within the relationship and without- is pinnacle feminst harem. This is a heroine completely realized as a character without them, and instead of the usual trope, Hayden herself is the hold out to intimacy. She’s the one holding back- while the men are besotted and unconditionally devoted. Men whose only connection and tie is HER. And each relationship is a different manifestation of aspects of her identities- a different match an emotional need. It’s truly brilliant, different, captivating. And I love how Tate is using contrast to elevate the beautiful intricacies of Hayden’s connection with each of the men. The juxtaposition of the sweet and the savage. How these realities can exist in different ways in all of them.

Surprising me yet again, Tate reveals so much in this story about the external mystery that it’s a bit terrifying- you know she’s got something even more brutal up her sleeve if we know this much of the game in book 2. And this story moves at a breakneck pace until the LITERAL worst cliffhanger Tate has ever written- I’ve never been so shocked, heartbroken, devastated, and desperate.

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When I started this series, I really enjoyed 7th Circle, and I really didn't want to wait too long to continue. So when I got the chance to read Anarchy, I took it.
Now, Tate James creates books that you can devour easily in an afternoon. I do find to be quite a lot of fun, and I do think that Hades and her boys are interesting characters. I mean, who doesn't love reading about a stron no-bullshit main character and her all her her boys. Hades is an interesting character, and I enjoy following her as this baddass gang leader and all. And this kind of ends up being the problem I have with this book. I wanted more of that, and I feel like this book was giving me the same kind of pattern as with her Maddison Kate series, where book one is really strong, but the following books had a lot of what feels like just spicy filler. And while I enjoy spice, I do think that some of the scene just felt like they were added for spice sake. Now, I'm curious if the rest of the series will be the same, butI do strongly think that it will.
Now, I still enjoyed it and will continue this series. If there is one thing, I feel Tate James do excel at, it is giving us a hell of a cliffhanger that will make you want to get your ends on the next book ASAP. I'm curious to see what will happen next to Hades and her boys. Overall, it is still a fun series, and if you are in the mood for a Reverse Harem spicy series, it is worth a shot.

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5 ⭐ 3 🌶 5 🎧

Anarchy was so dang good. The twists and turns, the spice and angst, and of course the characters and story. This one had me hooked from beginning to end, I'm loving watching Hades' boys fall at her feet. Zed finally pulling his head outta his tush, Cas' letter and of course Lucas being the sweetest lil stripper on the planet. The cliffhanger ripped my heart out, but I know Tate will somehow fix it.

The audio was fantastic. Noelle Bridges does an amazing job as Hades and Lucas Webley is so good with her men. Audio Sorceress puts together the best duet productions.

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4⭐️ 3🌶️ 5🎧

This book started off with a bang! It picked up immediately where 7th Circle left off, hit the ground running and never let up!

Hades and the guys are scrambling to make sense of the enemy targeting her and anyone she cares about while also trying to figure out their own relationships. The tension between Hades and the guys was thick enough to choke an elephant. I loved their teasing and banter. Not to mention the spice!

The spice was amazing. I loved how the guys weren’t actually jealous of each other. Just used the small amount of jealousy they had to make themselves even more desperate for Hades.

I loved getting to get to know the guys better as individually and I can definitely see why Hades is attracted to all of them. Lucas was the sweet golden retriever who couldn’t be kept down. Cas was the tattooed bad boy who drove her while and Zed was the steadfast and loyal best friend who had earned her trust and love.

But that cliffhanger!! I can’t handle it! I am picking up the next book IMMEDIATELY. Who needs sleep when I need answers!

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That’s it. I officially have trust issues.
Tate James has a way with words and writing that make you think you know a character. And then she rips the rug out from under you and a switch flips making you second guess a character. That’s what this book was.
Do we really know any of the men surrounding Hades?? Because now I don’t trust anyone. Lmao.

Anarchy starts off right where 7th Circle ended.
Have no fear, Tate James didn’t kill off any main characters right off the bat, but like I said, she definitely makes you question their morals and desires.

Lucas.. I mean.. I want to call him our sweet baby boy. He’s down for a harem if that what Hades wanted, he’s smitten with her. Charming, adorable, swoony.
Cassiel... mysterious little fuck. I can’t even. I’m not. I won’t.
Zed. He’s my main man. My book boyfriend in this series. I claim him. He’s mine.

Hades shows vulnerability in this books which humanizes her. I really liked her character better in book two.
She has the world on her shoulders, these crazy boys on her mind (and in her pants), a psycho ex possibly risen from the dead, and someone messing with her livelihood.
Plus, she did her sister dirty and hurt her.
It’s a lot. I get it.

This book is packed full of emotion, heat, chaos, and action. It kept me reading in one sitting. And it does leave off on an insane cliffhanger. Like.. a crazy one.
Let’s all hold onto our panties till book three gets re-released!

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I have NO words right now! I shouldn’t write this review until the shock wears off. I thought Madison Kate was my favorite of Tate’s series but I’m thinking Hades is going to top it! I just don’t think I’m going to get over the ending!!! I loved that we got more of the guys even though Zed is still holding out. I can’t wait to start the next book!

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Hades, Lucas, Cass, + Zed

-whychoose romance
-collectors edition harem
-mc club
-one night stand
-bad@ss fmc

this was the first RH i’ve ever read where the guys weren’t besties before all going after the same gal & it is an interesting dynamic to me! tho our little gumdrop is the cutest! & zeddy bear is sure to be delicious! i can’t wait for them to continue on here! that cliffhanger tho was a doozy!!

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I love all the characters in this book and the thriller parts really add to the whole romance plot line. I love getting to see each of the relationships grow and the FMC is such an amazing character and always ready to kick butt. I cannot wait to see what happens next.

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This was my first Tate James' read and whew she knocked it out of the park! It has everything you could want in a romance: spice, angst, action, and all the feels. And the cliffhanger will have you gripping your kindle ready for the next one!

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Thank you Bloom Books and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Tate James. When I find you. It's over for you. Not really. I enjoyed this book. I feel much more connected and finding the characters more likeable than the Madison Kate series. Still both book series are amazing however I definitely prefer this series.

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Anarchy starts right where 7th Circle ended. Tate James definitely has a way with words and the way of writing. You think you know a character and then she rips the rug out from under you and you are second guessing a character. This book was packed full of emotion, action, chaos and heat! The ending left on a crazy cliffhanger. Can’t wait for the next book!

Thank you NetGalley and Bloom Books for the arc of this book.

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We're at book 2 in Hades series, and Anarchy definitely lives up to its name! I absolutely love this series and the wild ride Tate takes us on. We are finally seeing a shift in the dynamic in the relationships Hades has with Cass and Zed. Lucas is slowly being brought into the fold. Meanwhile, Hades past is colliding with her present. That cliffhanger though... Tate James really knows how to rip your heart out and stomp all over it. That was a rough ending, however I know things are never are as they seem. Bring on Club 22 and the chaos that will follow Anarchy's ending!

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Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for the arc of this book. Anarchy is the second book in the Hades series. This book is also set in Shadow Grove, same as the Madison Kate series. I cannot put down a Tate James book once I start. After reading this book I am beginning to like this series more than the Madison Kate series. The characters in this book suck you in and you do not want to stop reading. Hades is an amazing female main character. This story is complex but still has lots of spice. This book does end in a twist and one hell of a cliff hanger. I cannot wait to read the next book in this series.

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5 ⭐️ 3 🌶️

This is my second time reading this series and I’m loving it just as much. I love how confident and fierce Hades is. I love how she takes no crap and is unapologetically herself and is willing to do whatever it take to keep her sister safe and her organization running smoothly. Zed had his head up his a&s most of the book but by the end I couldn’t get enough of him! Cas was legit my fav this book. From his love letter to all the subtle ways he showed her he cared. I love him the most 🥹 the trauma and the main plot point is ramping up and I’m so hooked on finding out what’s going to happen.

The ending nearly broke me. I’m unwell and I cannot wait to start the next book because I NEED to see how this plays out.

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Another stinking CLIFF HANGER!! It’s like I’m mad I don’t have all the answers but wanna do a slow clap for Tate for writing a book so exquisitely bingeworthy. I loveddd this one - like so much. I was reading and reading and then it *bang* big ending and oops gotta wait for the next book.

This was a total continuation of the first book, which was 4 stars for me. This one gets 5 because I feel like the plot is getting just a bit more interesting and the characters are becoming their own and ugh just fab. Okay now I wait until I can read the next one I guess

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