Member Reviews

This book could benefit from more editing. It felt disjointed and rambling and the author inserted her own point of view at points that disrupted the flow of the narrative.

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I really tried my best to make it through this book, because the way it was described sounded incredibly up my alley. As a pro-choice pagan myself, I was very interested in reading information about abortion through the ages, reproductive healthcare, and especially the stories of people who were persecuted as witches as a result of those. In the beginning of the book, the author makes mention of trying to ensure “balanced journalism.” And through most of what I read, that was evident. However, there were several instances in which the author is unnecessarily throwing unwarranted comments (about a former president) that don’t add any value to the information. She’s saying them just to say them.

When you’re speaking about abortion, and women’s healthcare and reproductive rights, I understand it’s pretty much impossible NOT to be political. Unfortunately, we live in a world where politics rules all, and everyone tends to fall on one side or the other. While this author and I don’t seem to fall on the same side, that is OKAY. Because I am still 100% pro choice, which yes, in my political party, is rare. But because I am still 100% pro choice, I thought it would be incredibly beneficial for me to read this book and learn the information.

And don’t get me wrong, this information IS important. It’s need to know. But I wish I could have read the information without it feeling like I was being put down myself. If the comments were made in a way that added value to the story, or were written in a more matter-of-fact way rather than seemingly just opinions, it might have felt different. But in those moments, it didn’t feel like “balanced journalism.”

It was getting more and more difficult to continue on with the story. There is SO much information, so many different stories and examples and opinions, it was a struggle to not have to take breaks in between just to try and digest what I’d previously read.

I want to express, this review has NOTHING to do with my political opinion or the authors, because we actually agree on a LOT of things, including the main topic of this book (pro choice.) I just could not get past the overload of information in a slightly disorganized way, as well as the additional comments thrown in just for the sake of it.

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