Member Reviews

Written by a Japanese Zen Buddhist monk, this book of wisdom is as easy to digest as a listicle. It’s the kind of book you can thumb through as needed or opt to begin or end your day with to stay grounded. Inside you’ll find advice for parenting, social media, work life, and general spiritual growth.

All the tips were wise. Many of the 99 were helpful call-backs to similar advice I’d previously encountered, but others, well, others were radically different. I filled my e-book with yellow highlights reflecting the many lines that landed deep in my gut. For these, I often wanted even more nitty gritty reflection, but each tip gets just a page or two, so it invites you to mull over each point further on your own.

Recommended for any fans of Buddhist, Zen, and mindfulness slanted spiritual books.

Thank you to NetGalley for the advance copy.

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