Member Reviews

Big Fan by Alexandra Romanoff is an adult romance novella which follows Maya, a DC political consultant fresh out of a messy divorce, and Charlie, the former boy-band member returning to music. We follow as their paths can't help but intertwine, but it might come at a cost to their careers. I loved following these two characters trying to figure it all out. I wish there was a little epilogue as it came to an end too quickly! I have enjoyed Alexandra Romanoff's previous works, written under Zan Romanoff, including Grace and the Fever. Romanoff puts her boy band knowledge to good use here again. I recommend this short and sweet novella.

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My only complaint about this book is that it was too short. It is such a treat to read something well written, with interesting characters, steamy romance, and a great plot. When you’re totally immersed and in love with the story, it’s impossible to get enough. And I LOVED this story!!

The characters were perfect!! I loved their ages and their independent successes. Charlie is the ultimate hot leading man, and Maya is a badass successful cool girl learning how to save herself. Their chemistry was mind-meltingly hot and the open door spice could not have been written any better (nor doled out in a better amount). Throw in some timely sociopolitical commentary and strong friendships-this book was everything!

As I move into my mid-30s, something that I’ve come to really appreciate in romances is a feeling of stability in the main relationship despite the plot being anything but that. When the main characters, who might be hot messes making bad decisions and doing everything wrong, give each other actual time and grace to figure it out and try again… it just feels like real life. Even in a book with a wild “falling in love with your childhood celebrity crush” premise. This is a must-read!!

This is the first book published by 831 Stories, and I was so excited to have the opportunity to read the eARC. I can’t wait to see what else they publish, and what else they do to make reading romance the lifestyle it should be.

Thanks to 831 Stories and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review!

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This was fantastic. A perfect romantic novella that I will be thinking about for ages. Will be ordering a physical copy when it’s released.

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They agree to help one another and begin spending a lot of time together despite the distance and problems that keep coming between them They quickly begin to see if this connection they felt will allow them to embark on a lasting relationship.

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I loved this! Short, sweet and full of swoon! I was obsessed with Charlie and Maya’s story in Big Fan by Alexandra Romanoff.

Full of politics, celeb normal person, and a childhood boy band crush the tropes just kept coming and they were so well done, nothing felt forced. They made me giddy!!! My only complaint is that I wish this were longer!

As a new imprint, I’m very excited to read what 831 Stories does next and can’t wait to read more from Alexandra!

Thank you to NetGalley and 831 Stories for an advanced copy of this book!

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I always feel like I can never fully connect with characters in novellas or shorter books and I was wildly surprised to find that I was full-in on Charlie and Maya's relationship. I wouldn't classify this as a rockstar romance, so don't let that history keep you from reading!

The DC descriptions were beautiful and made me want to go back, and there is always something so enjoyable about reading two characters who are mature - it makes it so much sexier! Because it was short, there was defintiely not as much sexual tension as there could have been. It is heavy with modern-day references that ground it in a specific period of time and it walks the line of being too much.

Overall, this was a great read and I look forward to more from 831 Stories. Releases September 10th.

Thank you very much to 831 Stories and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a copy.

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this reignited my middle school obsession with one direction fanfic but make it for adults?? such an incredible novella, i can't wait to see what other books 831 publishes!

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Oops! I fear I had fun. This book is short and sweet while still being incredibly thoughtful and remarkably well paced for a novella. I love Charlie and Maya what a brill little couple. I recommend to anyone looking to scratch that Idea of You itch (duh) or has fallen asleep under a poster of a boy band hoping it manifests in some light tongue down the line.

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I absolutely loved this book. I’ve been a big fan of Romanoff’s YA for a long time, and her debut romance does not disappoint ;)

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I first heard about this book from @badonpaperpodcast and immediately requested it on NetGalley.

Big Fan has my favorite trope - celebrity romance. Who doesn’t have a celebrity or two they would date? This is a short book at 176 pages but was such a good read.

I loved the connection between Maya and Charlie. There was some spice but it was so much more as we watched the choices Maya and Charlie made for themselves and how it affected their relationship.

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This was an absolute delight! Like other reviewers, I wanted it to be longer.

I'm so thrilled for Claire and Erica and what 831 Stories has in the pipeline for us!

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This book was a very quick read, which was really too bad! I loved it and wish it would’ve been longer! Politics meets boy bands in this adorable rom com! I hope this author writes more!

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Thank you so much to 831 Stories for an advance copy of this!!

This book will be published on September 10th.

"How obvious is it?"
"Oh, you're both total goners."

I first heard of this book while listening to a podcast and I immediately knew it would be for me. And lord did it deliver.
This is a novella and as much as I thought this was the perfect length, I selfishly can't help but wonder how the author would have stretched this into a full length book. But because it was a novella, the pacing was quick and I constantly just wanted to keep reading.

I absolutely loved both Maya and Charlie. Maya is this force in the political world as a strategist and has this opportunity to meet her childhood crush Charlie Blake who wants her to use her talent on his musical comeback. I had to laugh at Maya with her internal monologue when it came to talking and the initial meeting with Charlie. "I used to think my life would really start the day Charlie Blake knew my name." It just felt relatable. Even now being almost 40, I think I would become a puddle if any of my boy band crushes would reach out to me. Heck even if they look my way during a concert. I just really loved how their relationship grew from this professional meeting to slowly they couldn't stop chatting and being around one another. Their chemistry was so strong and Charlie was so enamoured by Maya. He was smitten from the very beginning.

I just enjoyed this book from start to end. The whole wedding scene was my absolute favorite between Maya and Kate to Maya and Charlie. I am still thinking about the two and hope they are happy together traveling the world!

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A witty and darkly humorous take on a woman scorned at the pinnacle of her career, *Big Fan* captures the essence of feminist triumph mixed with sharp, politically correct jabs. Maya, the protagonist, quickly emerges as a fictional champion worth rooting for. The story fulfills every millennial’s fantasy of reconnecting with a childhood boy band crush.

Ideal for readers seeking something inspiring, light-hearted, emotional, and funny, *Big Fan* is fast-paced, character-driven, and features a diverse cast.

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Thank you 831 Stories for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

This story was amazing. I fell a little in love with Maya. Her spirit and drive to succeed, her trying to continue her path in a way that improves the world. Her love for a boys band from her teenager years. Her struggles to let herself have something that can be wonderful but it’s so scary at the same time. It’s good to see such different facets of a women in a character.

This is a story that doesn’t overpromise, but definitely delivers on it’s premise. It honestly left me wanting more. I wanted to see more of Kate and her relationship with Maya. I wanted to know more about the band members and I definitely wanted more of Maya and Charlie. Hell, even the political details were interesting which is something that I never thought that I would want more of.

A quote that a loved: “If there’s one thing I’ve learned, in my many, many long years, says Charlie. It’s that the world rarely ends when you think it will.”

This book left me wanting more and I will definitely pick more books from this author in the future. Definitely recommend for the ones looking for not only a love story, but a story of a woman regaining her belief in herself.

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was so cute and an easy read - put it down and then had to finish before going to bed
missing some development - like it was very much just their timeline and relationship/ almost felt unfinished
but loved what was there

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Thank you Alexandra Romanoff for writing a romance book that A) I enjoyed and B) had mature, experienced characters. So often the leads in this genre are 20 year olds falling in love with their hometown crush.

In Big Fan, Maya is a 30 something political strategist going through a sex scandal involving her ex-husband. Her life needs a refresh so she's starting over, even at her age. Then...she receives an email asking to help stage a comeback for Charlie, the former lead singer of Mischief. One problem, Charlie was Maya's major crush in her teenage years. As it turns out, Maya finds that she still likes Charlie and the way he views the world.

I don't know, I just like this story. This is like if Joey McIntyre came and asked me to take over managing his career. A dream....absolutely. It's a nice fantasy to dream about.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I'm a big fan of Big Fan by Alexandra Romanoff. It's a mix of the TV show The West Wing and Robinne Lee's The Idea of You (without the age difference)..

While I'm not in the USA, I do work in politics and enjoy stories that weave in elements of this work, even if quite sensationalised. Romanoff did a good job of having politics be part of the story while allowing the romance portion be at the forefront.

My only complaint is that the story was too short (e-ARC was 132 pages). There were gaps in the story and it felt rushed. There were missed opportunities for the writer to really develop the characters and add to the storyline. Would I still recommend it? Absolutely!

A special thank you to NetGalley and 831 Stories for providing me with an e-ARC of this book.

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I enjoyed the politics and I enjoyed the boy band aspect. Great concept, I just wish the romance was a little more convincing. I also would have loved a flashback of the main character running the fan club, it would have provided more depth and backstory to the romance.

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“Who needs the truth when you have the comments section?”

Synopsis: Maya McPherson is a political strategist in D.C. whose high-profile ex-husband had an affair. Charlie Blake is a former boy band (Mischief) member, now a fashion designer, and he’s making a comeback as a solo artist and wants Maya’s help. Maya ran a Mischief fan club back in the 2000s, and she’s asking Charlie to publicly support her candidate’s run for governor in exchange.

What I liked: While the novel is short, it doesn’t really feel that way; the story is appropriately paced without feeling rushed. The dialogue is written how people speak in real life, which makes the story feel more believable. It felt like I was in the scene with the characters. There were also modern references to TikTok, Deuxmoi, Jimmy Fallon, etc.

What I disliked: Nothing to note.

This book is for you if… you want a short fan-fic à la “The Idea of You” but for “Succession” fans.

Thank you to #NetGalley for an advanced reader copy of #BigFan.

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