Member Reviews

As someone who has had nightmare neighbours, I can say now they were a dream compared to the neighbours depicted in this book.
I was drawn in immediately - knowing that the picture perfect dream wasn't going to last long. What came were characters who made me angry, upset, very uncomfortable and made my skin crawl.

Then to realise that even at home there were secrets and nightmares. It really made me feel for Megan's character.

You could feel the danger and threats intensifying and it really felt like she was backed into a corner.

But the ending... it escalated so quickly. It was a complete shock to the system, I feel slightly sick and I probably shouldn't have finished the book right before bed...

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The Wrong Neighbor by Caleb Crowe

My rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This book grabbed my attention because of the cover and the title.
The fact that it’s a psychological thriller sealed the deal for me!

This book is a fast-paced read that I would have finished in a day, but because I have kids and a never-ending to-do list, it took me a bit longer than I would have liked. But it did not disappoint!

The author of this book ensured that, as readers, we are given detailed character insights and left each chapter wondering what happens next. And let me tell you, the neighbors “Ron & Jackie” are definitely the type of neighbors you DON’T want living next to you!

The ENDING 😳 shocked me. It’s safe to say I was not expecting that. I have an active imagination, but it failed me this time around.

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This was a totally new author to me but right up my street

What a fantastic read I flew through this book

Thank you for the opportunity to review

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The Wrong Neighbour by Caleb Crowe will definitely tickle the nerves and make you angry! The unfairness and manipulation are the main highlights and you must breathe deeply to get through it.
Even though the ending was a bit too far stretched I loved it!

When Megan and Nick were ready for the new start they didn't know this was the start of the nightmare! If something can go wrong it will and soon Megan realises that there is no one she can trust and she must do what it takes to protect her baby.

Great thriller that will keep your nerves stretched and blood pressure high!

Thank you, NetGalley and Inkubator Books for this copy!

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📖Book Review📖

Tension! Drama!
⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 (3.5) gave it 4 for the website since I rated it down due to my own triggers

If you think you have bad neighbors then read this book. These neighbors are the definition of horrible neighbors.

Read this if you like:
* First Person Narrative
* Short Chapters

I enjoyed the book but wish I knew the triggers before agreeing to read. The summary says dangerous dogs that bark and howl all night. I guess I should have assumed there would be descriptions of graphic dog fights. As a dog rescuer of bully breeds this hit home a little too much for me.

Thank you to #NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC
#arcreader #arcreview #bookstagram

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Wow, what a twist at the end. This book kept me interested and guessing...I never would have guessed the ending by the way the book starts. I love it!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
What a roller coaster of a ride this book was! If you think you have bad neighbors then read this book. They have nothing on this couple. I finished this book in two nights because I kept wanting to see what bizarre disturbance would happen next.
There were some surprises I did not like and others that I did.
A crazy book that I thoroughly enjoyed!

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Really good book, full of suspense. I did not expect to love it so much, read it in a day, Full of suspense!

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Wow! This book was so filled with tension and suspense that I just couldn't put it down! I thought that I had some bad neighbors but this book takes the concept to a whole new level! This book was very fast paced and led to a very satisfying conclusion. This was my first book from Caleb Crowe but I'd love to read more from him!
Thank you, NetGalley, for a wonderful time with this ARC!

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Megan and Nick move into their dream house - a gorgeous home on the beach. The couple settles in quickly and is happy with their new home, that is, until their neighbours return home from a cruise. Neighbours Ron and Jackie are obnoxious, loud, and eccentric. As time goes on, Megan and Nick realize that their neighbours are truly neighbours from hell. Things quickly escalate. Megan and Nick are living a terrible nightmare and cannot escape....

The last portion of this book truly shocked me! This seemed like sort of your run of the mill thriller, but things really escalated near the end. The entire story really makes you wonder who you can trust. It is an easy read with quick chapters. The author does a great job at making the reader feel like they are living the nightmare with Megan and Nick. I felt really anxious for them!

This was my first read by Caleb Crowe and it did not disappoint!

Thank you Inkubator Books and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I was so excited to read this one. Unfortunately, it hit the mark for me. I got 45% of the way through and I was just dreading reading it every day. I found it extremely boring and could not continue. It was a DNF for me. It definitely sounds like a lifetime movie I would enjoy. But the execution just wasn't there

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Move into your dream home by the ocean, what could go wrong? Well, for Megan and Nick there's an endless list of things that go wrong. What will they do to get back their tranquility?
This book was fast paced and had short chapters, if you are sometimes an impatient reader like myself. The author did a great job of painting a picture of each character so that you could imagine them. I like the author kept you filled with little tidbits to keep you wondering who the actual villain was. I also liked the ending, although this is something you wouldn't wish on someone in real life, I think it was fitting to round out the story and give us one last twist. Overall, I enjoyed this read and it was very quick tor me.

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I read this book in a day.

I was hooked from page 1. The horrible neighbors in this book make me super glad we don’t have neighbors 🤪. Our closest neighbors are .5 miles and they’re the best! I’m just thankful we don’t live in town with neighbors that are insanely close.

The author did an amazing job at creating characters that were easy to hate! Truly awful! The twists in this one were unexpected and very surprising.

Thank you, NetGalley for letting me read this one before it releases!

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At first, The Wrong Neighbour seemed like an enticing read that I couldn't put down. The premise was interesting and I felt I would breeze through this book. But then the animal abuse started, something that I thought I could press through and I did. What I could not press through was getting facts wrong that could have easily been researched (in this case pregnancy timelines). Not only should the author have researched this, but also an editor. Yet, somehow I continued reading because I thought maybe there would be an explanation or a good ending to this book, but boy was I wrong. I hated the ending. It was rushed and sloppy. It ruined the entire book, and I don't say this lightly. I see the good reviews, and I'm glad people liked this thriller but it was not for me. At all.

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I absolutely devoured this book! It hooked me from the very beginning and I didn’t want to stop reading it. It has you constantly thinking about what’s going to happen next. There are plenty of twists and great character development. Would definitely recommend this book!

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The Wrong Neighbour is a fantastic story of how when you move house, you do not know who your neighbours will be, and the nightmare you could be subjected too.

Megan and Nick have not been together long, but meeting Gavin and Peter at a party, they are sold the dream of a house. Gavin and Peter are having to move due to Gavin's mother being unwell and need a quick sale. Megan and Nick jump at the chance of buying their dream house at a heavily reduced price.

When they move in, things are not what they seem, Gavin and Peter have lied to them. We follow Megan's story of how awful her neighbours are and the price they have paid for their Dream House is deadly.

As well as this, do you really know who you are moving in with, and the secrets they hold?

This is an absolutely fantastic story of who can you trust, and at what price.

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⭐⭐⭐ Reckless Neighbouring Stars !!

I tell yah, I think book covers see me coming and all they see is a big sucker , because I am a sucker for beautiful covers with houses !!

"We make our friends; we make our enemies; but God makes our next door neighbour."

"What I should realise at this moment, but only find out far too late, is that taking a wild jump into the unkown can be fatal when you're perched on the edge of a cliff."

Read this if you like:
* First Person Narrative
* Toxic Neighbours
* Stories set in small towns along the ocean side
* Unstable Characters
* Short Chapters

The Wrong Neighbour is a fast paced toxic thriller with a surprise ending I did NOT see coming !!

Newlyweds Megan and Nick move into their dream home , they can not believe it, seems so surreal ...until they meet their neighbours !!
Things get out of control very quickly and Nick and Megan find themselves in a situation that has them questi9ng everything about their new house.

While the couple navigates one disaster after another and life threating situations from their diabolical neighboour , the tension between them oozes into their marriage causing rocky water for the newlyweds !

Should they sell the house? Should they go to the Police ? or Should they take revenge ?

What would you do if you were being tormented by your crazy neighbours , would you seek the authority or take matters into your own hands ??

I must admit I really struggled with the narrator and had a hard time relating to Megan . I also could not believe the ending , it did not fit and seemed so out of character , so it completely shocked me and left me feeling nauseous!!

I am a bit of an outlier so please do not let my review stop you from reading this twisty read !

I think fans of Lucinda Berry will enjoy this one !!

Thank you Netgalley , Inkubator Books and Caleb Crowe for this digital ARC!

Respectfully Another Read by Angie

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Just a little bit sinister and very entertaining.

Loved the character portrayal - everyone can relate to annoying noisy neighbours but these neighbours were so much more than that - and a good twist in the end that I didn't see coming. Now I'm off to find some more titles written by this author!

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Nick and Megan, just six months into their relationship, buy their dream house at an incredibly low price. They think this is all too good to be true and that this is the start of their happily ever after, but then their neighbors return from vacation and they are literally the neighbors from hell. When sinister things begin to happen, they are desperate for a solution, but they don’t realize what their neighbors want and just how far they will go to get it.
At first this kind of sounded like an ordinary plot to me, but WOW! This book did not disappoint! First off, who isn’t terrified by the idea of nightmare neighbors? I literally had anxiety the entire way through this book. I was questioning everyone and everything, and did not expect the ending at all. I love a good ending that literally makes my mouth gape open. This book is perfect for readers that like fast paced psychological thrillers with an unexpected twist at the end!

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we're not reinventing the wheel here hjt it's a really strong domestic noir that have me everything I'd want from a thriller. Ots a bit dark and very descriptive.... sometimes a bit too descriptive but you can always skip a few sentences if it makes you feel some kind of way. Kept me engaged through out, a slow start but it soon picks up

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