Member Reviews

4/5 stars
I had to check when this book is being released because it read so familiar (but that could absolutely just be me!)
But regardless, I enjoyed reading this. A good story with a nice turn of an ending.

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The Wrong Neighbour - this was a great thriller centred around the neighbours from hell. It did start a bit slow and I was wondering where it was going to go. A few chapters in, it really picked up and I could not put it down. The events kept building, Ron got worse and worse - and just when you thought things had settled, something even bigger would come up. The really were terrible neighbours who seemed to have their fingers in pies all over town.

I enjoyed the side story of Nick's own secrets, and the chapter titles were a nice touch.

The ending was a shock, but wrapped the book up nicely. I really did not see it coming. A few twists, some excitement and a bit of gore made for a really great read. A solid 4 stars from me.

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I could not put this book down. I was trying to come up with a solution for Nick and Megan but what a mess they were in! I enjoyed this book and the twist and turns I never saw coming!
The ending was a complete shock!

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Megan and Nick moves into their dream house. The only problem is that it comes with neighbors who encroach on their property, their safety, and their sanity. Each new building project the neighbors embark on creates more stress for the couple, and confrontations grow more dangerous. Meanwhile Megan begins to discover that she does not know Nick at all, and that he has told her several lies. She begins to feel unsafe from the neighbors and unsafe from him. Will she find a way to keep the house, her unborn baby, and her life?

The premise of the book is great, but the neighbors' behavior is just beyond the realm of believability. The outcome was totally unexpected and even less believable. Even so, this book is worth a read and it will keep readers' attention to the end... and make them glad for whatever neighbors they may have!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I always enjoy a good thriller, and this one didn't disappoint. From the very first page, the story intrigued me. Usually, I can predict the plot twists in thrillers, but this book genuinely surprised me. The pacing was just right, making it difficult to put the book down. It was also a fast read, which made it even more enjoyable. Overall, it was an really good read that I would highly recommend.

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Sorry but this book was not for me,the premise was enticing and I thought I would enjoy it but some of the descriptions were more than I had anticipated,apologies as was a DNF

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Thank you NetGalley and Inkubator Books for the eARC.
Megan and Nick have bought their dream house, which soon becomes the house of their nightmares.
Their neighbors are unbelievable ... so bad they are thinking of sellng up and leaving.
It's a good book, but I felt uncomfortable throughout, not just about the evil behavior of the neighbors, but also about the animals ... those poor dogs and rabbits. The ending is a shocker, but it satisfied me in an odd way!

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The premise to The Neighbors from Hell is intriguing but I cant finish this book. The prologue is distressing but I continued for a few chapters. Animal abuse is a tough subject to deal with, both as a reader and a writer. 1 star.

Thank you to NetGalley, Inkubator Books and Caleb Crowe for this ARC.

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Thank you Net Galley & Inkubator Books for the ARC!

This book did a wonderful job at making you feel just as uncomfortable and frustrated as Nick & Megan felt dealing with these neighbors. I felt like I knew who all 4 of these characters were, but what I did not anticipate was the ending. I found the ending to be a bit far fetched, but was happy it wrapped up all aspects of the story.

Overall I enjoyed reading this and feeling the never ending blows Megan and Nick faced. Looking forward to picking up another Caleb Crowe book.

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The wrong neighbor by Caleb Crowe is about Megan and her boyfriend Nick, Who while at Megans best friends house meets Gabe and his partner Peter they tell them about the fabulous home they’re selling due to Gabes mom having cancer and they absolutely would sell it at a buyers market price. They can’t stop talking about it and decide to go and see it as soon as Megan walks in to the seaside home she is in love everything is super contemporary and so they decide to buy it. It seems like every wish in Meigs life is coming true she met Nick in a whirlwind romance and left her stable husband Niles for him they only have one neighbor and can barely see their home while standing in their house so a couple of weeks later when Meg wakes up in the middle of the night to loud music an even louder voices she doesn’t know what’s going on but when she goes in spies on the neighbor she learns three things these people are loud, wild and definitely not her cup of tea, but being woken up in the middle of the night will soon become a luxury their isolated dream home has become a nightmare as the neighbors encroach more and more on the land building a Jacuzzi in their garden it seems no matter what the neighbors Ron and his wife do they always seem to come out looking like the victim one weekend when Megan‘s best friend Pippa and her husband come to visit, a silly drunken prank turns into a devastating accident for Pippas husband Dermittt and in the end Nick will be blamed despite it being absolutely Ron’s fault. It doesn’t help that Ron has four vicious dogs that he trains with live bait and he hangs around an ax like a local gangster. Not to mention he’s friends with the police and it seems no matter what legal recourse Meg and Nick try to take they always run up on a brick wall this is causing tension between Meg and Nick and the fact she’s caught him and multiple lies isn’t helping at all when everything is said and done people will be dead in life as they know it will never be the same again. Be careful who you push into a corner because no one is who they seem and a mama bear is someone no one wants to mess with. I want to say I only heard about this book when I saw a negative post calling it’s splatter punk on Facebook and saying there was animal abuse and so I went to see what the book was about and noticed it was published by incubator books and I was shocked… I have never read a splatter punk book by them before and so couldn’t wait to read it. Needless to say this is not at all splatter punk nor is bear animal abuse they do have violent parts of the book but they are only insinuated and have no detailed violence nor is there any type of animal abuse. I don’t know why I felt so compelled to add that in my review but I really do love books by incubator and felt a fierce need to defend them… (I really need a life!) now having said that if you love a great thriller that’s a well put together you definitely should read this book I read a lot of books by incubator but I’ve never heard of Caleb Crowe and was surprised to find out I have a book by him already that I am definitely going to read after reading this one. There is no eye rolling involved I did quickly get over all the quotes from influencer Tiffany but in the end so did she LOL! This really is a brilliant book I was shocked to see how much I enjoyed it and think every thriller playing would love it. I want to thank incubator books for my free art copy via NetGalley please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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Megan and Nick move into what they think is their dream home. Then their neighbours return from a holiday, and they have non stop noise, builders, music, barking dogs who are trained to attack.

The neighbours seem friendly, until they aren't. All Megan wants to do is return to Manchester, but it is impossible. They have sunk their money into the house, and they can't sell it.

Wow. I could not put this book down. I was trying to come up with a solution for Nick and Megan. Every way they turned, there was another negative development.
The ending was an absolute shock!

5/5 stars from me.

Thanks to Netgalley and Inkubator Books for the opportunity to read this book.

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Well, this one took a turn I was not expecting! There are some dark, gross descriptions and events in this book so it’s a bit of a tough read at times. About three quarters of the way through, I thought it was quite a predictable story but then it really went off piste and the thrills ramped right up. The protagonist seems naive and a bit of a pushover so it is interesting to see where her story ends up.

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Wow!! I sure wouldn’t want neighbors like this!! lol good book!! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one! This book had suspense, intrigue, revenge, murder, mystery, gas lighting, and a few crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and had me glued to my kindle! I definitely recommend reading this book! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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What a Terrible book. Animal abuse is never ok. I DNF this one.

It’s like a vile horror book.

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Shocked jaw got the floor, a few times I put the book down and I was so Bob smaxkws . Glad it wasn't predictable

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