Member Reviews

** NOTE: This review has not been publicly posted. **

Thank you to NetGalley, Addison & Highsmith Publishers & J.M. Durham for the eARC of this book ahead of its August 13, 2024 release.

Writing this review is not easy for me, especially considering it is a debut novel and the synopsis seemed quite promising. I genuinely believe that the premise has potential, and with some revisions to the story, it could become truly remarkable. It is important to mention that I feel the challenges I encountered in this book could be addressed effectively with further developmental editing.

This review will concentrate on the first 40% of *Silla’s Awakening*.

Throughout the story, I found that much of the narrative felt more like a summary rather than an engaging experience through the characters' perspectives. This made it challenging to connect with them on a deeper level. There were instances of extensive exposition, with details that didn't seem necessary, such as exact distances, times, and horse speeds. Rather than enhancing the experience, they highlighted a lack of intimate connection with the characters and their worlds.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the main characters:
- Silla – Our title character As the title character, at the 40% mark, our understanding of her is minimal. She has no thoughts or feelings about the death of her father, bonding to a person she barely knows for a reason no one has told her, a huge, pre-destined life change, possessing unknown magic, living her entire life under a curse, or being sent off on a journey across country to collect pieces of magical armor. We gain little insight into her background or motivations, with the only emotion portrayed being jealousy and distrust toward Kita. Interestingly, we learn more about the lives and political affairs of secondary characters than we do about Silla herself.
- Omega – Likely our most relatable character, despite being held captive and tortured in the name of magical testing his entire life, has more emotional awareness, albeit limited, than the "normal" protagonist. While his bond with Silla is reasonable due to his indebtedness to her father, we still lack a comprehensive understanding of who Omega is beyond his circumstances.
- Rose – Rose is introduced conveniently awaiting the arrival of Silla and her companions at a tavern, fully prepared for their adventure. She seems to possess more information about Silla than either Silla or the audience, suggesting that Silla's father confided in someone about the situation (Why this wasn’t his daughter remains a convenient mystery). However, like many characters in this narrative, we learn very little about Rose.
- Kita – It is puzzling that we know extensive details about Kita's family compared to the other characters. The fact that a princess can embark on a lengthy journey amid significant turmoil in her kingdom raises questions. Additionally, her interactions with Omega immediately following a traumatic event seem implausible. This is the one time we have Silla reacting in a normal way – distrust. But then to tip the scales back to the unnatural, we have Rose telling her that she should trust this stranger more easily.
- Beatrice – The sister of the king owning, let alone working in, a tavern raises credibility issues within the story. While this connection offers a means for Kita to engage with the group, other scenarios could facilitate this meeting without straining believability, particularly considering the political intricacies surrounding the royal family.

I also find the developing love triangle concerning. Omega was literally raised in captivity & has only been free a year. That year included staying at Silla’s father’s house and sleeping in the woods. This a man completely unused to being a part of society- noting that he doesn’t even understand the concept of money early in the story. Furthermore, he makes it very clear that he can’t decipher his own emotions. Any romantic tension established at this juncture raises ethical concerns regarding consent.

Ultimately, this book reads as though Durham is narrating his vision for a story rather than delivering the narrative itself. I found myself struggling with the multitude of characters, extraneous details, and the lack of in-depth exploration of those we are meant to connect with, which ultimately impacted my ability to continue enjoying the story.

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An extraordinary journey into a world of magic with excellent world-building. With unforgettable characters and a story that keeps you on the edge of your seat, this book is a must-read for dark fantasy lovers. It’s a tale that promises to spark your imagination and leave you eagerly awaiting the next volume.

Silla’s Awakening, the first installment in the Chronicle of a Cursed Goddess series, is a spellbinding introduction to a world where magic, lore, and the timeless battle between good and evil intertwine with depth and detail. Fans of epic fantasy series such as The Witcher or The Wretched of Muirwood will find themselves enthralled by this tale of destiny, adventure, and the mystical forces that shape its heroes.

The story centers around Silla, a young woman destined for greatness and burdened with the powerful gift—or curse—of creation magic. As the reincarnation of the Goddess of Creation, Hespa, Silla’s journey is one of hope and despair, life and death, all interwoven with the ancient magic she wields. Every five hundred years, a girl is born with this unique power, and Silla’s path to discovering her true self and her place in this grand scheme is both heart-wrenching and inspiring.

Accompanying Silla is Omega, a mysterious character saved by Silla’s father. Omega has sworn to protect her, his enigmatic past and motives adding extra dimension to the story. His character is rich with potential and dark allure.

Silla’s Awakening has all the elements of a high-stakes adventure, making it the perfect read for adults who love magic and complex characters. The book’s rich world and its interplay of magic and myth set the stage for an epic saga.

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