Member Reviews

Right off the bat, I must admit I was disappointed to find this is in third person narrative. However, I was way more than pleasantly surprised by a few chapters in. I think this may be one of the only third person POV books I’ve read before that I’ve enjoyed. I found the writing style engaging and wasn’t at all missing that first person narrative. I didn’t feel like I was missing out.

Reality dating show - can I just say yes x100? I love stuff like this and have a guilty pleasure for watching them. So with that in mind, of course this book jumped out at me and I was so excited to read it. I will mention though this was like an extremely tame spin off of Are You The One. The contestants complete testing which is analyzed by relationship experts and they need to determine if their partner is The One. At the end of the 4 weeks they will decide whether to get married.

I liked the premise for this story, and were set up BEAUTIFULLY for a love triangle. Little conflict here, some confusing feelings there, what are we going to do? I was so ready. I liked how Duncan effectively leaves Molly “on the hook” (not a spoiler, happens in first couple chapters) with the opportunity to go back to her. And on the flip side, I liked experiencing the reunion with Ben. I think that reaction shocked us all but you go girl! My problem then became the lack of entertainment factor (for lack of a better term) beyond that point. There are so many comments by the host or producers of the show, “we have a tv show to make”. But when you think of reality tv, especially a dating show, you think unpredictable, messy, exciting, suspenseful, twisted editing, arguments. There were none of those things. The characters even go as far as talking about how the viewers can switch things up, and how even if the threshold for number of votes to change things isn’t hit, the show can change the people around on a whim. But none of this happened? There was 0 drama with respect to the show. I don’t even want to call it reality dating tv. It felt more like a documentary on can you fall for the person you match with on paper in 4 weeks time.

After say 40% or so, this all started to feel rather one note. The conversations were all the same. The dates were all the same. The issues were all the same. Everything was rehashed over, and over, and over, AND OVER. The same conversation over and over was getting rather frustrating. But these two were not accepting/growing/moving on, and by 60% I was so over it. Every time Ben says something, Molly throws it in his face that he broke up with her before and how can she trust he won’t now. And every time Molly (or anyone for that matter) says something to Ben, he sighs. Big sighs, little sighs, long sighs, we get it. He’s exhausted by everyone’s existence. But I guess when he doesn’t talk, or say things of value, the silence needs to be filled somehow. Guys there were 46 sighs in this book. FORTY. SIX. SIGHS.

Maybe it’s just me, but I really would have liked some drama to spice this up a little bit. It didn’t feel like there was growth or development for these characters, and there was not much accountability being taken (actually not talking about Ben here, but Molly and Duncan). I think that could have helped to break up the monotony, and seeing how they handle conflict may have 1. Gotten these two closer, faster, and 2. Made the relationship deeper.

This book may have also benefitted from some past vs present chapters, so the reader can see the relationship with Molly and Ben develop, instead of being told it was the best 2 months of their lives when they first dated.

I don’t know. An interesting take on this scenario. It was fairly lighthearted given the hang ups these characters had. The writing was good, I just think some of the plot/scene development could have gone deeper.

*An ARC was received in exchange for an honest review.

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Dating shows are my jam and so when I read the synopsis I had to read this story because it’s dating shows with a twist!

I loved that Molly and Ben had history and that you got to see them work through that history together. Relationships are not easy and both had some tough choices to make. This story was written as if you were right there with the contestants. There’s not over the top mean girl drama but enough drama to keep the yea pipping hot!

This is my first book by the author and she has such a fun writing style and I loved that the story was focused on the rekindling of the romance and nothing else!

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Thank you NetGalley, HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter, and Kathryn Freeman for the early access copy of Thank You, Next.

Thank You, Next follows the story of Molly and Ben. When Molly’s boyfriend Duncan breaks things off to build his fitness brand by going on a match making reality tv show called The One, Molly gets it. Molly is used to being left. This break-up was temporary so he can build his brand. What’s the worst that could happen? Suddenly, The One approaches Molly to join as a dramatic twist, Molly thinks this might be the chance to get her happily ever after with Duncan after all. That is until Molly sees Ben, the man who broke her heart three years before. The man who struggles with communication, who is misunderstood, who is terrified of repeating his mistakes. Molly and Ben are a fireworks on a page.

This dual point-of-view, enemies-to-lovers, love triangle, second chance, spicy romance is one you can’t put down. Reading this story felt like watching the best reality show, while also getting the inside perspective of the love connection.

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Wow, I really really enjoyed this, it’s such a different take in a romance. I absolutely adored Molly and was so happy with the way she finally felt comfortable with her self and brave it was such an amazing journey of self Discovery for her I felt so proud.
I loved Ben but I was expecting him to break my heart but he really didn’t I don’t think I could of been happier I read this in just one sitting it’s a fun easy read with an amazing plot which I enjoyed. Definitely worth a read a perfect summer book

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Title: Thank You, Next by Kathryn Freeman

Release Date: June, 30th, 2024


Molly Harris, a woman familiar with rejection, faces her latest heartbreak when her gym-obsessed boyfriend, Duncan, leaves her to join the reality dating show The One.

Determined not to lose him, Molly follows Duncan onto the show, hoping to prove they're meant to be. However, her plans are upended when her ex, Ben Knight, the ultimate heartbreaker who made her feel deeply before Duncan came along, also joins the cast. Over the next four weeks,

Molly must navigate the complexities of her past and present relationships to decide who she will ultimately meet at the altar: Duncan, who made her feel loved, or Ben, who truly made her feel.

"Thank You, Next" is a delightful, lighthearted modern romance that perfectly balances drama and spice. Molly and Ben come with plenty of baggage, but their undeniable chemistry makes them a couple you'll eagerly cheer for. The unexpected drama brought by Duncan keeps the plot fresh and unpredictable, ensuring an engaging read from start to finish.

The tension between the past and present loves adds depth to the story, making it more than just a typical romantic comedy.

Molly's journey of self-discovery and her quest for true love is both relatable and heartwarming. Kathryn Freeman's writing style is engaging, with witty dialogue and well-developed characters.

I'd recommend this book to anyone who enjoys lighthearted modern romances with a healthy dose of spice. It's perfect for readers looking for a fun, engaging read that will keep them guessing until the very end.

Thank you to The Publisher HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter | One More Chapter ,The Author Kathryn Freeman & NetGalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank You, Next by Kathryn Freeman
Release Date: 30 June 2024

Molly Harris is no stranger to abandonment. Whether it's her parents or her romantic partners, rejection seems to follow her like a shadow. Her most recent boyfriend, fitness enthusiast Duncan, decides to ditch her for a shot at finding love on the reality dating show "The One." This unconventional show pairs up singles for four weeks of dating before culminating in a wedding ceremony.

Despite Duncan being the one who previously helped mend her broken heart, Molly is determined not to let him slip away. In a bold move, she decides to join the cast of "The One," hoping to prove that they are destined for each other and secure the happily ever after she yearns for.

However, just as filming commences, a painful reminder of her past reappears: Ben Knight, the man who once broke her heart with the classic "it's not you, it's me" excuse. He's back, casting a shadow over Molly's hopes for a fairy tale ending with Duncan.

“Thank You, Next” delivers on its intriguing premise, offering a delightful blend of humour and sweetness set against the backdrop of a reality dating show. Molly's decision to join the show in hopes of rekindling things with her ex-partner, Duncan, adds an extra layer of anticipation amidst the various couples' dynamics. Fortunately, the story unfolds with characters largely showcasing their best selves, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the romance and witness our protagonists navigating past traumas that could hinder their quest for love.

While every character exudes warmth, the inclusion of steamy moments injects a welcome freshness into the narrative, preventing it from veering into predictability. Despite their respective hang-ups, Molly and Ben's undeniable chemistry underscores their inevitable connection. Duncan's inadvertent drama adds an element of unpredictability, keeping readers engaged and guessing.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone seeking a lighthearted contemporary romance with just the right amount of spice to keep things interesting.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter | One More Chapter, and the author, Kathryn Freeman, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter for providing this book, with my honest review below.

Thank You, Next delivered on its interesting premise with a funny and cute romance taking place during a reality show. While Molly and Ben have dated before the show it ends badly and to both their surprises they’re matched up on a dating show where couples meet up at the end of an aisle after four weeks to say ‘I Do’… or not. Molly actually comes on the show to match up with her ex, Duncan, so I was looking forward to what would happen amongst all the couples. Luckily (or unluckily depending on your tastes) this story has everyone acting as mostly their best selves allowing readers to focus on the romance and our main characters working through past trauma that could pose a challenge to finding love.

Truly every character was a sweetheart but the steamy elements kept this book from becoming stale without drama. Molly and Ben have a lot of hang ups but were clearly meant to be together. I enjoyed the drama that Duncan unintentionally would bring, it kept me guessing just a little. I’d recommend this to anyone who enjoys lighthearted modern romances with a healthy dose of spice.

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Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter for the arc

This was such fun to read. The loved the thought of the concept and throughly enjoyed the execution. It was funny, sweet and spicy... The perfect combination. The reality-TV concept was a cool twist!

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